Chapter 1

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-Riley's POV-

I stood behind my master in the queue for the ball that was for a vampire dutchess. My master seemed very nervous amongst his peers. Though he always was at these gatherings. I was nervous too I winced at every vampire that flashed me a smile with their fangs knowing that they wanted to drink from me. The thought had me shuddering as I remembered the tearing of teeth into my flesh and the hot flood of painful toxins from dozens of different vampires.  

"Next" The doorman called, to which I stumbled as my master pulled on the chain attached to my collar. 

"Baron Nigel Smith accompanied by my blood slave Riley" My master spoke and the doorman looked him up and down before looking at me and grinning with a predatory look in his eyes. 

"The Dutchess Belle Winters welcomes Baron Nigel Smith and his guest" The doorman greeted crossing my master's name off before he stood aside and we were granted entry into the Dutchesses mansion. 

I kept up with my master this time so as not to be dragged around or fall on my face. I stole glances at the house as we walked to the ballroom. The house was full of muted colours and on the walls hung many pieces of priceless art. My master tutted at all the finary knowing his manor would never measure up to this grandeur.  When we got to the ballroom my master removed my chain and looked me dead in the eyes. 

"Go eat before I am to present you in front of the Dutchess, and behave," My master told me with a warning. 

"Yes, Master" I responded and then he left me giving one last stern look before I was left to my own devices. 

I quickly stuck to the walls in the shadows of the candlelit room as I made my way to the food table that had been set up for us Bloodslaves. As I arrived I was sneered at by the blood slaves of higher class vampires. They were always treated better than I was. Always had better clothes, were always better fed and were blood slaves because they enjoyed it not because they were sold into the trade. It's like they had some sick pedigree because they thought their masters thought of them as special. But I knew better the only use we were was our blood and once our masters got sick of us we'd be tossed to the next raging blood-crazed vampire. 

Paying no attention to their scorn filled looks I gathered myself a meagre meal of meat and veggies to line my stomach before finishing it off with the drink that was offered to all blood slaves. It was supposed to help thicken our blood and to help us produce more after being bitten. I then spent the rest of my time sticking to the wall but I knew my master could find me due to the magic in the slave collar when he needed me. 

Not soon had I thought of that he appeared in front of me and he reeked of anger and shame. 

"Come along, the Dutchess will see me now" My master ordered as he reached my chain and harshly tugged. 

"Yes Sir" I got out a meek response as I fell into step behind him. 

As I was pulled out of the shadows all eyes snapped to me and I could feel each and every stare like a brand into my skin. As if they could all see right into my soul. I shook all of their looks off though when I was put in front of the Dutchess. My breath got caught in my throat. 

She was utterly gorgeous with long plated brown locks, hazel eyes and the slim figure that most vampires possessed. But what caught my attention more was that she was deadly the gleam in her eyes. It was of someone looking at a meal and not a person. And no one dared to stop her as she was the most powerful being in the present company. 

"Baron Smith, I have not seen you in a while, what is it that you trouble me with your presence" The Dutchess demanded looking utterly appalled at my master's appearance within her home. 

"Now Dutchess don't be like that, I have even brought my favourite Blood slave for you to sample. We have had dealings before haven't we Belle" My master spoke and I flinched when he used the Dutchesses name and not her title. 

"That was a long time ago Nigel now leave the boy and be gone with you, you may retrieve him after the party has finished" The Dutchess commanded and with a wave of her hand several of her guards pushed my master away and I was brought in front of her. 

I looked anywhere but her eyes as that would be to challenge this powerful woman who scared the bejesus out of me. But her mere presence had me enraptured in a way I was uncomfortable with. 

"Look at me" The Dutchess hissed as she grabbed my chin roughly to make me look her in the eyes. 

"Yes, Dutchess" I whimpered as I didn't see malice in her eyes only the gleeful eyes of someone about to give a gentle feeding. 

"Good boy, now this won't hurt a bit," She said before she grabbed my collar and mouthed on my neck coating it with numbing enzymes before she pierced my flesh. 

I felt no pain as she drank her fill the moan that filled the room from her had several of the vampires in the room excited. I could smell it even if my shift was too far in my mind for me to reach. And after she had finished she licked over the wound she had created healing it and not letting it scar. 

"Why did you be so gentle" I choked out a sob as tears gathered in my eyes. 

Gentle feedings always had more of an impact than rough treatment because it lulled me into a false sense that someone cared. 

"Because the rest won't" She smirked and before I even had a chance to register what was happening she threw me onto the ballroom floor. 

"He is fair game tonight," the Dutchess said before she sat back down on her thrown licking the blood off her bottom lip that had pooled there. 

The next thing I knew I was grabbed by several different vampires their claws ripping my clothes and their teeth tearing into my flesh. No one was gentle as toxin after toxin was used and I could do nothing but cry, scream and whimper in pain as they ate. My neck, wrists and thighs were popular spots and each bite caused more pain. 

When it was all over I was left sweating and weeping on the ballroom floor spasming from the number of toxins that had entered my system as well as the amount of blood I had lost. I could feel all my fresh wounds trying to heal but with no luck with vampire poison. New scars to add to my collection. I just laid on the floor crying my tears rolling down onto the floor as they just wouldn't stop. 

"Good boy, Riley. I have gotten a business partnership with the Dutchess thanks to you" My master spoke as he picked me up and carried me away. 

Though he was angry and I knew as soon as I had recovered he would beat into me who my master was. It was always like that after someone else fed from me. I just cried harder. The pain in my body was nothing compared to the pain in my heart. 

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