This is a request! [•U•]
From @1-800-BEEBITCH
Thx you for the very first request!^^♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆
The drawing isn't mine so credit to them,I can't find them anymore but credit to them
Little tubbo
Caregiver puffy
Oh yea! Uh...Tubbo accidentally eats berries that are poisonous and regresses out of fear that he's gonna die and Puffy gives him medicine and stuff? Sorry I'm not good at prompts TwT
Small-> Tubbo
Caregiver-> Puffy
P.O.V.S-> Nobodies
Tubbo Nickname-> Baby,Little One,Bee
Puffy Nickname-> Mama♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆
Nobody's P.O.V.S
It was a usually day.
Tubbo Was Regressed Puffy Was Sitting Outside In The Garden With Him,While He Was Runing Around And Playing!
Tubbo Saw Some Berries,He Took One And Ate It.
Puffy Saw It And Walked Fast Towards The Other.
"Baby don't eat that that poisonous!"
She Said.
Tubbo Snapped His Head Towards Her And His Eyes Started Tearing Up.
Puffy Slowly But Fastly Took Tubbo In Her Arm And Walked Very Fast To The Bathroom To Give Him Medecins.
"Mama.... I GOMMA GO BU BYE!?"
[Mama.... I GONNA GO BU BYE!?]He Said Yelling But More Like Talking,
"No I Won't Let That Appen Okay?"
He Responded.
Puffy Gave Him A Sippy Full 'Water'
But It Was Medecins,We All Now Childs Don't Like Medecins.He Took The Sippy And Sarted Drinking He Finished And Asked.
"Mama Wy It Tast Werd?"
[Mama Why It Taste Weird?]"I Do Not Now Baby..."
She Said And Obviously She New But Didn't Wanna Make Tubbo Sad Again.
She Took Tubbo In Her Arms And Walked TowardsHis Room,Placing Him In His Bed.
"Well Get Sleep Okay?"
And He Went OF To Bed.
♡~ 323 words ~♡
Thx you for reading and if you have anymore request go on!btw for the request if you have no idea for the prompt your bot obliged to give one.
I'm sorry,this was short!^^♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆
~Age Regression Mcyt~
De Todothis is just a one-shot of just any Mcyt character having age regression so yea pls bo hate if some plp are uncomfortable with some chapter I may take the chapter down,as I do not like making plp uncomfortable.so pls tell ♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆ The view to...