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It's been 1 months and taehyung was getting frustrated because his plan was backfiring him. He wanted to hurt jungkook but in return seeing jungkook ignoring him , he was feeling frustrated,
Taehyung: why are you ignoring me , don't you feel jealousy seeing me with her , don't you feel hurt why are you not reacting why
Yami: because he will get hurt if he love you but he doesn't so he don't feel any pain
Taehyung: what are you saying
Yami: you know I asked him if he still love you he said no he doesn't Love you then I asked him if he hates you he said no just think taehyung there is no place for you in his heart he doesn't love you and doesn't hate you that means there is no place for you in his life, you lost taehyung you,lost him
You lost jungkook , his love
Taehyung: shut up
Yami: you can't stop me from saying the truth. He don't love you anymore, you are alone taehyung , you lost the person who truly loved you
Yami left the room living taehyung on his thoughts
Taehyung: no he never loved me , he didn't, otherwise he would have never cheated on me
Jin: taehyung
Taehyung: jin hyung I am not doing anything bad right , he cheated on me , he didn't loved me
Jin: no taehyung he loved you , he loved you more then anything he loved us but we didn't trusted him , we belived in other people living jungkook we made mistake taehyung
Taehyung: what are you saying hyung
Jin: taehyung find the truth taehyung I can't see my brother being cheater infront of world. He didn't cheat on you please find the truth, I know the truth but I promised jungkook I can't tell you .
Taehyung: I
His phone rang he received the call
Taehyung: hello
??: If you want to find the truth come to xyz resturant
Taehyung: who are you
??: Please come what I am going to say is truth , it's truth about jungkook, please reach xyz resturant,
Taehyung: ok
Jin: what happened
Taehyung: don't know hyung but she said she knows what happened years ago
Jin: then go and meet her
Taehyung: hyung her voice was familiar
Taehyung: her voice remind me of Iva
Hearing iva name jin stared at him
Jin: how
Taehyung: hyung you also come with me
Jin:yes let's go


Iva: thanks jai
Jai: it's fine iva I can do anything for person I love
Iva stared at him and smilled
Iva: stop making me blush
Jai: I didn't do anything
Iva: yeah you didn't
?: Iva
Iva turned and she was frozen seeing the person and her eyes became teary
Iva: hyung
She ran towards the person and hugged him
Iva: hyung
?: Iva you I
Iva: yes hyung I am alive nothing happened to me
Jai: Mr.kim I think we should sit abd talk let them talk for minute
Taehyung: yeah
Taehyung and jai occupied the seat where as jin was crying hugging his sister
Jin: how we didn't find you
Iva: I will explain everything before that I have to talk to taehyung

After 15 Minutes they were sitting facing
Iva: I am iva
Taehyung: I know that
Iva:so I wanted to say that . It was lie
Taehyung: what lie
Iva: jungkook didn't cheated on you
He was framed, he loved you, that day his drink was spiked .
Taehyung: who done that
Iva: it was zaan
Taehyung: zaan
Iva: mm he was the one who planed all things.
Taehyung: why
Taehyung's voice was breaking because of anger he was getting
Iva: he wants jungkook
Taehyung anger raised hearing this
Iva: he used to study at same University were jungkook used to study. He saw jungkook and  fell for him he was going to propose jungkook when he came to know that you and jungkook are dating he couldn't take that, he became restless hearing it he planned kill you but it didn't go as it planned so tried to hurt jungkook , when mom, dad and I were going for wedding he planned the accident and it happened in that accident mom and dad died , I was unconsious.
Jai: after seeing iva unconcious he planned to use her to get jungkook. He  lied infront of iva and made her believe that her family was dead and took her away from here after two years when he was attending the party he again noticed jungkook, in these years he used iva I think you people know what I am saying
Jin: that bastrard
Jai: he showed her fake love , care which made iva belive whatever he said . The day he noticed jungkook,  again thought of making jungkook his grown inside him he so he made plan
He fake called jungkook and made him visit kai both of them were unaware of his intention he knew that you feel jealousy whenever kai is with jungkook so he drugged them and planned to frame them for cheating. You know that day if kai was not there he would have forced jungkook and in the state like that jungkook could have not had any strength to push him away kai helped jungkook but because if drug they become unconsious and you know what happened after that
Taehyung was verge of breaking down .
Taehyung: hyung I
Iva: don't cry there is too much to say
Iva: after jungkook came out from the the house he was kidnapped by zaans men were they took him to some kind of auction were zaan took him , jungkook begged him to leave after finding jungkook was pregnant with your baby he was angry he was going to kill
Jai: but I stopped him , he agreed to let jungkook go but before going he made jungkook signed the contract which means after 5 years jungkook will come back to him and jungkook sighed it . After that haneul was Born ,  he waited for 5 years but in between he made wrong certificate and made doctor to say that jungkook as brain tumor and he as only 6 months left which made jungkook cry you know jungkook was hurt , he wanted his daughter to be free , then you came which ruined zaan plan , he wanted to send jungkook to newyork for treatment and he wanted to show him that he was good person but his plan ruined because of you . ( I dont know what I wrote please deal with it my mind is messed up I am not in my correct self )
Jin: guys it's too much for us
Taehyung: he wanted jungkook, he wanted jungkook my jungkook hyung I will kill him, he made me hurt my jungkook hyung I hurted him , because he doesn't love me anymore hyung I
Jin: taehyung it's not time for blaming
We have to make zaan Regret hurting jungkook
Iva: yeah
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
Your author

It going to be end
I am sorry I can't write further as I am lost of ideas sorry guys. And there is neet exam on June so I should prepare for it that's why I am rushing I think you people will understand .
Again sorry .
I will update other stories whenever I get time.
Yeah it's going to be end soon.

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