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Ollie was thinking. As she often was caught doing, coming up with plans and ideas and the perfect way to execute them. This time, it was the best way to leave college and avoid all the people that hang around the outside of the building. Today her sensory issues were acting up and the smell of people was just a little too much to process. 

So, when the class ended she was off in a shot running down the back stairs and out through the fire escape and into the staff car park. Breathing in a sigh of relief at the fresh air, the girl looked up to the pale blue sky above her. 

Then, small familiar sharp pains ran through her body, starting from the toes right up to her nose.  A 'pins and needle' feeling of the sorts and a bit motion sick. Paws quickly former where her hands and feet once were and her hearing became considerably better than it already was, her nose could sense a hundred different things all at once like the people still inside the college unbeknownst of what was happening just a few meters away from them, or the electricity pole that a dog urinated on only a few hours before. Ollie opened her eyes again and saw everything the same only two feet off of the gritty tarmac now. Scurrying across the car park she was standing in she weaved her way out through the gates and onto the pavement, clambering up the brick wall and on to the railway bridge. Racing alongside the worn tracks just like she'd done a thousand times before. 

The old rickety gate creaked and groaned as the small animal wriggled her way under until she was in the meadow she called home. in the middle of the semibreaves and the wildflowers, stood a gnarly oak tree, who's branches creeped out over several meters in length. thousands of little acorns were starting to grow all over the vast tree starting to grow over the various different reflective objects strung into the strong branches. Some say this tree is over 800 years old, others will say that this tree is where the legendary King Arthur would regularly sit under when he needed peace. But Currently only resides a young red fox, a cat and a magpie.

this isnt finished im just excited and tired

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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