A Special Day

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Michael POV

It's now 1991 me and prince are getting married tomorrow he was so excited this is a new journey for the both of us

Prince POV

Tomorrow is a very special day I'll be marrying the man I love so much we came a long way into our relationship we had our fights ups and downs but it was all worth it

Family and friends came to congratulate on the big day tomorrow they couldn't believe they were getting married ...all the fighting disagreements and arguments really Paid off and now they are getting married

Next Day


Prince POV

I was so excited today is the day of the wedding I was so overjoyed I couldn't wait to call Michael my husband

Michael POV

Everything was perfect and beautiful today is the day of our wedding this was an emotional day for prince I can already tell about his excitement

The music began to play prince was walking down the aisle everything was so beautiful but seeing Michael in his suite made it even more special

They faced the pastor and repeated what he said pictures were being taken by the photographer

Once they put the rings on they were pronounced married everyone cheered as they shared a kiss it was truly a special moment

A Few Hours Later

Michael POV

Everyone was having a good time at our wedding it was perfect I'm glade that everything is having fun me and prince are now married

Prince and Michael already had their first dance as a married couple the night was still young for the happy couple

An Hour Latee

Michael POV

I have some great news to tell prince I brought us a house in Atlanta and I couldn't wait to tell him ...I knew he was looking for me

Prince POV

I was looking for Michael and couldn't find him anywhere

Michael: yes

Prince: are you ok everyone is looking for you ...the party is over

Michael: ok I'll be there n a minute but I have some great news

Prince: ok what is it

Michael: I bought us a home in Atlantic

Prince was so happy and excited they were moving to Atlanta Georgia in their new home

Michael: we are leaving tomorrow

Prince: alright

They came on stage to thank everyone for coming and celebrating the special day

Michael: tomorrow night we will be having a house warming party in Atlanta our new home and we would like for all of you to come

After everyone left they packed up and got ready to go to Atlanta tomorrow

Next Day

Michael POV

Well we are on my private jet heading to Atlanta our new home that we will be sharing together prince was all kinds of excited

Prince POV

I was so excited we are heading to Atlanta our new home that we will be sharing together as a married couple

The jet took off as they were heading to Atlanta everyone waved goodbye to them as they were leaving out ...it was sad to see them go but they knew they would be happy and ok

Prince was Michael protector and always have been protected of him since the beginning of their relationship

Atlanta Georgia

Prince POV

We finally made it here I was excited to see our new home

Michael POV

We made it here prince was so jumpy and excited to see the new house off we go

They got into the car and headed to the location everything was so beautiful


Michael POV

We walked inside the house and everything was beautiful we toured the house it was perfect

Michael: your going to love the bedroom ...you go ahead and head up I'll get the rest of our things

Prince: ok ...where is the bedroom

Michael: upstairs on the left ...two black double doors

He came upstairs and came to the bedroom is was so beautiful and they had an amazing view

Michael came upstairs with their suitcases he knew prince was enjoying the view

Michael: you enjoying the view

Prince: yes it's beautiful

Michael: I know ....well let's unpack and call it a day

They did just that and also did some cleaning up around the house sanitizing everything then they called it a day

Prince: goodnight

Michael: goodnight

They turned the light off and went to sleep after a long day of flying to Atlanta

Next Day

Prince POV

Everything was so beautiful around us I was in love already our beautiful home I can't believe this is my life now but I was so happy for it all married to the man I love and now we are in our new home

Michael POV

Ahhh that new city smell I love it prince fell in love with the house this our home and new start for us 

Prince came to join Michael in the yard they sat down and enjoyed the beautiful sunset

Prince: I love it here already

Michael: I know change is good

Prince: yes it is

Michael: well we should go inside and get ready for the party soon

Prince: ok

They came and got everything for everyone to celebrate their new home

Everyone was getting ready to land in Atlanta for the party they were excited to see the new

They got everything and planned it on the counter and diner table everything looked great

An hour later

Michael POV

Everyone was having a good time here at the party full of laughter family was important

Prince POV

It was such joy seeing everyone they loved the food we made for them I'm glade everyone is enjoying themselves tonight is one to remember

Michael: Picture time everyone

Everyone got together and took a family picture ...it was truly a special moment prince and Michael were so happy

Everyone smiled in the picture and it was definitely a special night for every especially Michael he loved his family dearly

After a good few hours they thanked everyone for coming cleaned up and went to bed

Next chapter is coming

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