Please Don't Leave Me

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Michael POV

After 11yrs of marriage Prince has never cheated on me I was hurt more than ever the pain seriously hurts and needs to go away without saying anything I left and put my ring on the counter I feel like I can't trust anyone anymore I know it was probably just a rumor about Prince cheating on me if he comes back crying to me then I know he didn't cheat on me and he doesn't then I know where our marriage stand

Michael was out the door he was going to see what happens when Prince see the note about him leaving

Prince POV

I made it home from an interview I called out Michael name and didn't see him ...then I saw a note oh no this can't be happening I literally was in tears and ran out the door

Michael knew that Prince would come after him After reading the note

Prince looked everywhere for Michael and couldn't find him but then he thought of the one place that Michael could be so he went there

Michael was deep in thought and he got naked with his boxers on ....he got underneath the water

An Hour Later

Prince POV

I made it to the location and I noticed Michael clothes ...where he is ...I walked closer and saw him under the water I called his name and got nothing then I got ready...oh no

Michael POV

My breathing have stopped it's been an hour already laying in the water until I heard Prince voice

Prince jumped in the water and swimmed under the water he saw Michael lifeless body

Prince took him out of the water and tried to wake him up

Prince: wake Michael ...please wake baby wake please don't leave me

His body was cold and the only thing he had on was his underwear ...Prince cried ...but found a telephone and called 911

Prince: Please stay with me( cried on him as the ambulance were on their way

The ambulance pulled up and put him in the van Prince got his clothes and got on his motorcycle to meet Michael at the hospital

A few minutes later

Prince POV

Michael was doing fine I don't know what happened or why he tried to do it but he was ok

Michael thought it would be better to not be alive but he knew he couldn't die because vampires never do

Prince slept next to him as he slowly was falling asleep

Michael Mind

Me and Prince need to talk I don't know how long it will be I loved him dearly but it hurts a lot why does love have to hurt so bad when you love someone

A few days later

Michael POV

I was at home after leaving the hospital me and Prince just talked

Prince POV

Michael left the hospital a few days ago and now we are talking

Michael: I think we need a break

Prince: why ...I told you it wasn't true

Michael: yes but you still slept with her after she got you drunk

Prince: I said I was sorry

Michael: Sometimes sorry isn't good enough...I'm sorry but we need a break i glee this in for to long and I'm tired of holding it in

Prince: I didn't want to do it and you know ....I didn't mean to hurt you

Michael: I know you didn't but you did...goodbye Prince

Michael walked out the door and he put his ring in the mailbox 11yrs together they weren't divorcing they just needed a break

Prince cried a million tears this was happening and it surely hurt like hell he knew how Michael felt and it didn't feel nice at all

Michael came to clear his mind he didn't know what to think all he felt was pain and heartache he didn't know if he could take anymore that's why he did what he did at the lake he isn't wanted the pain to away

Michael POV

I was Deep in thought clearing my head I don't think I can take this anymore I'm tired of the pain and the hurting that's why I did what I did at the lake ...but mostly to wash away the pain but it never seems to go away it stays with you
Love is so hard and hurtful at the same time when I first met Prince I wasn't interested in him but he was committed to take me out and we had a good time ...we just need a break I need a break from everyone honestly but I just need my space away and time alone I knew Prince was crying

Many thoughts came to his head as he was walking away from everything Michael never gave up even if he was hurting and In pain but sometimes just you and your thoughts is all you need at the moment

People around Prince and Michael knew that a divorce was coming for the way things were going they were so happy and in love and now it's like things have changed over the years Prince didn't want to lose Michael and it was the same for Michael
But sometimes things happen that can end a marriage ...Sheila was going to try and keep the marriage going no matter what it takes but is it to late

Prince came to bed missing Michael warmth already and his scent of cologne things have changed in their marriage and they never thought it would end up or come to this after 11yrs of marriage ....shortly after Prince have fallen asleep while deep in thought about the last 11yrs of his life with Michael

Michael needed to make a decision on what will come next into his life he had no idea at all and he honestly was just tired and depressed but he had fans all over the world that loved him dearly til the very end

And nothing was going to stop them for loving him or his music

Next chapter is coming

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