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Nat's POV

The room was cool and dark when I finally peeled my eyes open. I knew I'd been drifting in and out of sleep for hours, maybe days. Every time I woke Wanda was there food in hand tell me I need some actual balance in my diet. At some point she moved me from the couch to the room I'd been using. The smell of fresh sheets was the first thing i noticed when my senses began to return. I still ached like I'd been hit by a bus but my skin no longer felt like it was about to burn off. Wincing I checked the fresh dressing Wanda must have put on me while I slept, so maybe I could of looked after that a little better. I just hadn't been in a good place at the time. Mid break up and on the run from my chosen family didn't leave me in the best head space.

I padded silently down the stairs, I was hungry but it was definitely the middle of the night and I didn't want to wake Wanda after she'd spent who knows how long looking after me. You can imagine my surprise when I found her sat in the kitchen scribbling on a scrap of paper.
"Oh you're up?" She quickly stuff whatever she was writing into her jumper pocket. "Food?"
She was already up and gathering ingredients before I could answer.
"You know I can cook?" I said making no effort to prove it, instead I slid onto a kitchen stool and watched her move gracefully around the kitchen.
"I know but you're kinda terrible at it Nat"
I pouted, she wasn't wrong but still!

"What are you doing up so late Maximoff?" I pulled the loose bits of paper towards myself trying to see if there were any clues as to what she'd written.
"I was just writing you a note, I need to head out in the morning. Didn't want you to run off while I was gone, you're a pain to find." She turned back the pot she was stirring. A weird feeling surged through me and I was glad she couldn't see my face.
"Meeting Vision?" The words came out calmer than I was feeling. I don't know why he sprang to mind so quickly, it's not like he was a bad guy just a bit of a goody two shoes for my liking.
She slowly placed the wooden spoon down and turned to face me, I couldn't get a read on her as she tilted her head to one side carefully choosing her word before she spoke.
"No....I need to get supplies and check in with Barton. He's been worried about you too Nat you really went awol after Tony-"
"Don't" I didn't want her to say the words out loud, I wasn't ready to believe it was real. A little part of me was still bargaining with the universe on that one, I've prayed and pleaded with whatever great power is out there that I could make time go back. She nodded quietly and turned back to cooking, I let my feed guide me towards the alcohol I had stashed a way, the first real smile I'd felt in months spread across my face when I realised she'd restocked the stash.
"Trying to get me drunk huh Maximoff?" I said grabbing a bottle of wine from the shelf.

Wanda POV

My heart sank as I saw her face fall at the mention of Tony's name. I shouldn't have said it, the sadness in her eyes nearly made me cry. I couldn't even begin to imagine how alone she'd been. Mistakes were made all those months ago and there's nothing any of us could do to reverse it now.
"Trying to get me drunk huh Maximoff?" She was pulling out wine and glasses by the time I looked back up from the simmering pan. She looked lighter for a split second, the weight of the world lifted by some surprise wine. I glanced at my watch it was midnight, not really an ideal time to start drinking but if it got her her being the Nat I knew again I couldn't complain.
"I didn't expect you to crack it open the second you recovered" I pulled my hair up into a messy bun as the smell of spices began filling the air.

At first Nat seemed to curl herself up smaller than normal, hugging her wine glass to her chest in the corner of the sofa. I couldn't find the words I wanted or needed to comfort her, I'm not sure there are any at a time like this. I lent forward to top her glass up again, the smell of her shampoo fill my senses. I couldn't believe I couldn't find the words to reassure her and yet here I was finding comfort in her familiar smell. The wine kept flowing and slowly she came out of the corner she'd put herself in, her grip on her wine glass seemed to loosen up.
"I've missed this" the words slipped from my tongue before I realised what I was saying. She looked up from the wine she was staring into and nodded quietly. The silence took over again after that, it wasn't bad thought it was nice to just be with her.

A few more glasses of wine later and we seemed to meet in the middle of the sofa, I didn't notice how close she'd gotten or I'd gotten? Until her shoulder brushed against mine as she reached for a bowl of chips I'd put out not too long ago.
"Where did you go Nat?"
"Oh you know here and there, people to find. Nothing that exciting" She didn't meet my eyes.
"No, I mean where did you go Nat? You're not the same Nat I once knew" the wine made me bold but I was glad I'd managed not to call her broken at least. More silence and a shrug, a mumble.

Nat's POV

Her words stung, she was right of course. Things had changed, I had changed but still or sucked to hear it said out loud. I stared at my empty glass and decided I'd had enough wine for one night. I was about to make an excuse about being tired when I felt her cooler fingers brush against my cheek. So soft and gentle she turned my face towards her.
"Come back Nat, don't be so stubborn" she whispered the words and in the next instant her lips whispered against mine. As soon as they were there they were gone and then so was she. She took herself to bed as I sat staring after her with my fingers touching my lips.

Okay so I'm really excited to write this story so I hope you like it

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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