Liberation Day

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[Author's Notes]

Why hello there, people of Wattpad and of The Bad Guys fandom... It's been a while, hasn't it?

Quite like many of you, I've recently finished watching the movie (and maybe rewatching it a few times to get all of the fine details and to hyperfixate over everything) and have been captivated by Dreamworks' latest masterpiece! I will say one thing though... Quite a few of you are fans of Personal and Professional and I wrote that ages ago- anyways...

As I'm sure you're all aware, Mr Wolf (I'm going to call him Moe or just "Wolf" from the animated series for convenience) and Diane Foxington (who I'll just name Diane or merely "Foxington" to save more time) share quite the dynamic between one another... From love at seemingly first sight when Mr Wolf was arrested to their strife with the crew seemingly going "good" to the unexpected twist that Snake pulled on everybody all whilst Diane rescued them from imprisonment... Okay, I could go on but I don't want to take up your time- point is, those two are absolute diamonds in the rough as well as belong to each other and I look forward to telling a story between them.

Which brings us to today, the day in which Wolf was released alongside his buddies, picked up by Foxington and seemingly rode into the sunrise to indicate the dawning of a new life... But I wonder if Moe would always remain the goody two shoes that he was in prison all whilst recalling what was on his love letters to and from Foxington; especially with their relationship developing behind bars alongside them finally having a moment to themselves.

This brings us to today, and I apologise for rambling for so long but man- I AM SUPER EXCITED TO WRITE THESE TWO TOGETHER! Although as the notes entailed... It's not all going to be romance and fluff... Diane has a unique plan in mind for welcoming Moe back into the free life yet she shall encourage him to commit a different type of crime under the guise of the shadows and buried beneath her suburban nest.

That's enough teasing. Without further ado... And it feels super good to say this- NAIDVAR PROUDLY PRESENTS TO YOU:

-Liberation Day-

On a crisp spring's evening accompanied by the rushing wind alongside sunset clinging to the horizon, the inhabitants of Los Angeles are merely minding their business within their homes. Some may choose to play videogames, others may be doing some gardening or taking out the trash as a chore. Yet, I doubt they would've expected the public nuisance currently rumbling on the roads far away.

As the roaring of none other than Mr Wolf's fierce car engine, tuned by Diane throughout the months of him being locked up in the confines of a prison cell are ripping across the skies and shattering the ear drums of humans alike, both of them indulge themselves with their sunglasses wrapped around their ears after a busy day of introducing the others to their newfound professions.

However, Diane had remained silent about one specific individual and that would be none other than Moe himself, who had been spending his time merely playing the role of serving as a taxi for his friends without being introduced to what his so-called profession would be by the former Crimson Paw. Of course, Wolf was curious about the profession Foxington had on his mind but as people looked up from their activities for the first time all the while the intro to "Sweet Victory" played in the background, the ex-convict was more interested in showboating for the first time in a year.

With this seemingly enchanting song alongside an audience mounting as their curiosity broke them down and lured them out into the rolling thunder that was associated with Mr Wolf's iconic vehicle with its glossy black paint job accompanied by a yellow stripe which was added by none other than Foxington to give herself some sort of edge whilst driving in the darkness, Wolf and Foxington excitedly anticipated singing along to the song.

"Hey! You fixed the radio! We've always had to use Webb's phone because of how bad the signal was beforehand... The only thing we've used that antenna for involves-" Mr Wolf was cut off by none other than his vixen companion as she reached for the volume dial, turning it up whilst Wolf continued to rip down this suburban road.

"Webb's using it to jam the nearby radio signals for the police, I know~" Diane sassed back Wolf, who was still wearing his iconic white suit accompanied by his fedora with its black stripe all whilst it somehow clung to his head. "Now, my recently freed crook... I say we've got an opportunity for a sing along session~" Foxington cooed all whilst warmly smiling, adjusting the navy blue suit and purple tie that she had been wearing the whole day whilst working as the governor of California.

"Really? Singing? You know I've more or less been a listener, right?" Mr Wolf rolled his eyes whilst maintaining his gaze on the tarmac making up the road in front of him whilst people cheered thanks to his arrival. "What are we, a married couple who have lost their sense of amusement?" He further deadpanned.

"I wouldn't say married but as for being a couple? I'm sure those love letters confiscated by the guards that I thankfully got to read thanks to being the governor says it all now, doesn't it?" Diane's sly smirk accompanied by her wink through the rear view mirror directed at Moe prompted a blush to flood his muzzle. "Now..." Foxington cleared her throat whilst the melody for "Sweet Victory" finished playing, transitioning into the lyrical stage. "The winner takes all... It's the thrill of one more kill, the last one to fall... Will never sacrifice their will!" Diane slapped her paws against the car alongside the drum melody whilst inspiring Moe to follow along.

"Don't ever look back on the world closing in, be on the attack with your wings in the wind... Oh, the games will begin!" Moe briefly peered over towards Foxington all the while both of their eyes lit up due to the gleaming sunlight reflecting through their sunglasses before they leaned towards one another all the while Wolf remained fixated on driving.

"And it's sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah! And it's ours for the taking, it's ours for the fight!" Wolf and Diane glanced in one another's direction whilst singing together as Moe was making his way closer to her suburban home in disguise. "In the sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah! And the one who's last to fall... The winner takes all!" As the pair were preparing to sing the next verse, Wolf began a tremendously impressive drift that ended up with the pair of them halting on the curb next to Diane's suburban nest as Wolf shut down the engine.

"Oh, thank the explosion of the butt-rock that this is over~" Wolf facepalmed before leaning back into his seat, flicking up his sunglasses to look his newfound love interest in the eyes. "You're really trying to make me work that extra bit for my freedom now, aren't you, Foxington?"

"Awh! But we were having a moment together! The first moment in a year! - It's only appropriate that we sing to our victory now, hm?" Diane quipped as she leaned into Moe's seat with a curious expression lining her face. "How does this make you feel, Moe? You're finally free for the first time in a year thanks to being a good boy in prison and acting well behaved; what's going through your mind?" Foxington inquired all the while Moe briefly took a moment to ponder.

"I won't lie to you... I imagined I'd be in there for a little longer for all of the things I did. We're talking about grand larceny, grand theft auto, extortion, tax fraud and evasion, inciting fear, public disturbances... Conspiring against government figures, although you'll never learn why that's on my resume," Wolf grinned all the while he unbuckled his seatbelt and turned to Diane, the sun obscured by a nearby palm tree as people slowly walked inside of their houses and not another car could be seen in sight. "I know getting used to regular life will be... Difficult, knowing my criminal history. On the contrary, may I remind you that you're the Crimson Paw and how you managed to become the governor? I'm sure if you're able to become the governor after breaking away from a life of crime then I'm sure I'll be able to do something similar," Wolf briefly peered to the other side of the car, taking in a fresh breath of air as he did so.

"Ah, so what you're trying to say is this naughty boy is going to need some time to adjust to his life as a good boy, despite pledging that it would be easy for him... Heh, would you look at that, the leader of the former Bad Guys has a little trouble with the thought of going good even though that was his plan," Diane noticed Wolf's slight blushing thanks to her rather sneaky wordplay as she took his paw with her own, raised it up with a smile on her face before further reassuring him. "I knew as the leader of such a crew, you'd struggle more than most settling back in but you should know that I'm here if you do need any consulting; besides, I had to do a lot of work today because I decided to take the week off to reunite with my one and only good boy!" Wolf raised his eyebrow in response.

"You did? Are you planning on finding me a job during that time or-" Diane hushed him by placing her paw around his muzzle.

"One responsibility at a time, mister... Now, come on! You look like someone who just spent his time escorting his friends to their new jobs after that drive from prison!" Diane leapt out the top of the car, backflipped over Moe and landed directly next to his door, politely opening it up as an act of kindness. "I bet you must be a little hungry, am I correct?" Diane peered back as Moe gently closed the door to his car whilst wrapping the keys between his paws.

"I've been waiting for you to ask that all day as I've been begging for something to eat," All whilst Wolf replied with honesty, Diane shifted her attention forward as she walked along the relatively short grey path leading into her suburban lair as her mind raced with potential meal ideas.

"Oh, I'll give you something to eat, alright..." She whispered under her breath as she kicked a pebble aside and placed the keys to her humble abode inside of the door lock before inevitably twisting to unlock her home.

"What was that?" Moe replied rather sharply, swearing the wind had whispered something extra spicy into his ears all the while Diane froze up with her tail going stiff as she pushed her door open.

"Nothing important, just wondering what to make for dinner considering I have a kitchen down in my lair that I actually use to create some nice food," Unbeknownst to Wolf, Diane was lying through her teeth at this moment for the meal Wolf would go on to receive would make more than his tail wag and his muzzle swell with drool. "Now, if you'd bear with me and wait by the elevator as I go down there and begin cooking, I'll see you in five considering everything is flame-grilled and I know you have an appetite for that~" As Diane flicked on one of the lights inside of her real kitchen, inputted the code to her microwave which unlocked the pathway into her lair all the while it greeted her, Wolf amused himself by exploring a little bit as Diane made her way downstairs.

"Unless you live in your basement, I'm quite intrigued by what sort of possessions you keep on the surface, my sweet vixen..." Moe soon found himself disobeying Foxington's basic order, taking a stroll around her suburban bungalow. "Hmm... I see, a fox and a wolf aren't so different when it comes to decoys," Wolf tried to power on the TV only to find out everything was made with an extremely cheap plastic which looked like high quality material from afar. "I wonder what else is fake up here," Soon, Moe found himself pulling on red, blue and gold books which corresponded with levers which enabled different things to pop out of the walls and the floors.

He had unintentionally discovered the fact that Diane keeps everything hidden in plain sight, yet she wasn't the best at hiding everything. As Wolf pulled on another book which unveiled a small coffee table followed by a few red couches which made up the living room, seemingly two parts to the puzzle as it had replaced the hardboard fake which was the sofa before it... His eyes fell on a love letter of sorts which was seemingly incomplete or was rapidly smudged, indicating an interruption.

All the while his curious mind raced as to what the true nature of his letter could be or why certain parts were smudged was a mystery to him. Unfortunately for him, he had only further proven his obliviousness as Foxington was spying on him with the built in surveillance system fitted in her house as she rubbed her paws together all the while she stared at the screen of her control panel, weapons illuminated by yellow lights surrounding her as this bunker encapsulated her tactical prowess.

"Alright, you bad boy... I guess you can't seemingly go five minutes without poking your nose in someone else's business or satisfying your appetite for finding answers, hm?" Diane mumbled to herself as she flicked away the screen lighting up the board she was controlling, loosening up her tie and inevitably throwing it to the floor. "I guess you would be curious about the whereabouts and the doings of your favourite vixen if we factor in all of the lovenotes... Ah, where is it?" Foxington looked through the digitised archives of his love notes before landing on a particularly raunchy one as she read it out loud.

"I'd love for you to treat me like a bad boy whilst giving me the pleasure of being your good boy. I'd submit to your grip if you could outsmart me, and knowing how you somehow managed to sneak in quite a lovely picture of you naked into this letter as well as the aftermath of your boredom... I promise you that you'll discover what it means to be tamed, even if you're the one treating me like your naughty pup... Hopefully you can handle the might of an untamed wolf and his intention to maul that pathetic pussy of yours, vixen~"

"Oooh!~ Whew! I get a different sort of tingle reading that back every single time!" Diane's tail excitedly shimmered all the while she felt her nipples transition from being soft to being hard as she swore something dripped into her nylon panties. "I best get to making sure that my puppy and his meal is ready now, shouldn't I?" Although not keen on stripping, Diane loosened up her blazer and popped off one of the buttons all the while several of her buttons to her undershirt were loosened up and she extracted the pink mixed with white love hearts bra she was wearing in honour of her partner in crime as her belt slid off from around her trousers; making it easy for her to tease her favourite canine if necessary.

"Control panel, initiate the Popped Cherry Protocol," Diane's malicious grin mixed with her tensing up her tail alongside rubbing her paws put her on the spectrum of being borderline insane yet that insanity would only be triggered by one person and one person only. "AM I SURE? I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOR A WHOLE YEAR! YES!" She slammed her paw against the button whilst losing her patience a slight amount as the room around her seemingly morphed into something new.

She marvelled at her creative ingenuity as her weaponry folded inwards and the shelves housing those weapons twisted inwards, flipping to reveal a cherry-red colour scheme that lit up the entire hallway alongside many weapons for her to use in her attempt to tame her puppy or for him to rebel against her and try his utmost to replicate her rebellious action. The floor beneath her was suddenly turned from stone to carpet as the walls went from being melancholically grey to wielding a wallpaper which was crimson red with the exception of some white love hearts running up and down them.

Finally, Diane watched in awe as her own control panel ended up under the ground as the ceiling above opened up all the while the back wall revealed a special machine made from quartz, sapphire and jade which was designed to appease Mr Wolf if he were to ever prompt her into moaning during his little escapade considering Diane's thrill for remaining composed even during some of the roughest tests to her patience.

Yet, speaking of Moe, he was caught completely off guard as he was suddenly sucked down from the floor and began falling down into the Crimson Paw's lair. As the ceiling closed up above him and he started to panic before thudding against the floor, he shook his head, instantly gulped and a blush invaded his face.

Before him sat a room filled with his own fantasies... He could hear the machine behind him rumbling as if it were eager to give him his first of many treats for making Diane smile. His eyes were captivated by the immense scenery presented before him as nothing more than a black silhouette making up Foxington's form took a leash alongside a collar from her shelf of wonders and emerged from the shadows whilst licking her muzzle, her jade orbs piercing the laughable guard that Wolf had put up in response to preparing for everything except this.

"Apologies, sweetheart... A fox and a wolf share a lot in common when it comes to lying and we all know you used to be good at that. However, there is a meal waiting for you if you're able to amuse me enough; knowing how wild I've been going for you this entire year you've been imprisoned... I've always been eager to see if being imprisoned has made you rusty or if it's added to your criminal urges," Foxington was on the verge of seducing Moe from the get go when his face turned another shade of crimson that even she would be envious of all the while Diane continued to wind him up. "I remember my favourite love letter from you... How you'd make me submit if I wasn't able to outsmart you, how you'd tame this disobedient pussy of mine whilst mating like a wolf and making a pack with me; I will say, Wolfy... You're quite creative, but can you handle yourself without a plan?" Diane strutted closer to Wolf, who was struggling to keep his composure together for he was feeling his animalistic urges inflating beneath his trousers.

"W-Whoa... If I was expecting this for dinner then maybe I wouldn't have snacked so much whilst at the mall," Wolf tried his utmost to uphold whatever confidence alongside composure he had remaining after being stunned in such an awe-striking manner. "Mmm~ you're such a sly fox, you know that? Winding me up with the proposition of dinner only to deliver me a buffet," Wolf began to let off a slight wag all the while Diane placed her paws around his shoulders, wrapped her collar around his neck before leashing him up. "O-Oh m-my-"

"What's wrong, Mr Smooth Criminal? Suddenly can't handle the fact that the big bad fox happens to be the secondary villain inside of most of these criminal stories..? Oh, whilst you're busy glorifying yourself with your acts of evil, this vixen has been perfecting her act under the guise of the shadows~" Diane loosened up Mr Wolf's black tie all the while her orange fur was lit up by the crimson lights surrounding her as she slammed it against a button on the wall which happened to unveil a candle directly beneath her position. "You see this candle, Moe? This candle represents how much I've been dying to see how your criminal ways hold up in the bedroom and also represents your urges, your frustrations and how bad you can be in the moment. I'm going to place this candle on..." Diane loosened up both of her shoes to reveal none other than her back paws as she launched both into two separate buttons on the back wall. "This table and by the end of our session down here together..? Ooh~ I want that candle to be extinguished thanks to the passion in the air alone, got it?~" Diane soon placed her paws around a suddenly flustered Moe's shoulders as he peered at the dancing flame atop the candle before glancing back at Diane's loosened up suit and the fact she now had the handle to the leash around his neck wrapped around her wrist.

"Ah~ treating me to a special view, are we now, foxy? A premiere designed for your wondrous wolf showing how little your criminal side evaporated in spite of your pursuit for the role of being a governor... I bet you must be frustrated after dealing with your boyfriend being locked up inside of prison for a year due to his sacrifice yet I bet you're also wishing to reward me for such... Noble acts~" Wolf wrapped his hands around Diane's hips for the first time as she was admittedly caught a little off guard, this act would force her onto Wolf's lap from his casual position on the sofa; prompting her to rub up against his bulge and softly moan which subsequently caused the machine in the background to fire off a treat for wolf to catch. "Ooh~ Bet you weren't expecting to lose your composure that quickly, even briefly, huh?" Foxington wrapped one of her paws around Wolf's blazer buttons and softly unwravelled them, later firing the blazer behind the sofa to reveal nothing more than his slick undershirt.

"What you just saw was a moment of weakness... What can I say, I've missed having you in my presence and if you really want me to answer your questions, pup..." Diane tightened up her grip on the leash as she leaned forward, thrust against Moe's bulge all whilst a sensual expression lined her face. "I'm treating you to a V.I.P seat of seeing your governor naked and fulfil some of your desires... My criminal side hasn't evaporated and has inspired me. I wanted to have sex with you the night that you were locked up as my feelings hit me and I admittedly had a bit of a breakdown and... That brilliant bulge of yours suggests that you're searching for a reward for your greatness... Perhaps robbing banks and petty theft wasn't cutting it for you, hm?" Diane quipped as she continued to unfurl Wolf's buttons from his silky undershirt, which is when she was introduced to his slightly larger paws ripping off her undershirt to expose her mighty, bouncy and breathtaking breasts for him to admire.

"Maybe I have been hunting for a re- HOLY-" Wolf blinked and was instantly caught by surprise by the immense beauty of Foxington's beautiful yet modest breasts, prompting his jaw to drop and for him to slobber over himself in response to her awesomeness. "If I knew they'd look this awesome in person versus a photograph taken with a camera from the 1980's, perhaps I would've considered trying my utmost to weasel my way out of jail, kit~" Wolf would go on to deliver a mild slap to Foxington's modest cleavage, frisking his paw along her fur before grabbing hold of her waist. "You're seriously freezing up a second time? I thought I was the one getting the reward, not you being rewarded for your patience; think about what I've had to go through!" Moe sarcastically stated before winking at his vixen partner.

"O-Oh g-great heavens- I-I was not expecting t-to be called kit o-on this evening- W-Well... Ahem..." Diane attempted to collect whatever was left of her composure as one of the pillars embedded within the walls silently folded out to replace the crimson lighting with a candle on a strawberry-scented wax stick. "I'd say it's time for me to give you a lot more than just a tease... Isn't that so, my good boy?" With Moe practically frothing at the mouth for her, Diane took the liberty of liberating Moe of his shirt as well as sliding down his slacks and extracting his shoes to reveal nothing more than a purple pair of boxers with the ace of spades printed in white spread across them which subsequently happened to be hiding his tremendously rebellious member from her view.

Diane marvelled in the view of the grey wolf in his almost-naked form other than for the obvious boxers blocking her view of the goods as she bit her lip in response to seeing the white belly fur mixed in with grey streaks that made up his nude form alongside the charcoal grey mixing in with the bridge between light and darkness which completed his fur.

"You know, for someone who's had their fair share of confidence issues with their fur... I'd say there's nothing to be ashamed of; then again, you were a wolf in sheep's clothing at some point so I can see where some of your humiliation comes from," Diane gazed into the amber expanse in which Wolf's brown pupils were situated as she finally encouraged him to do something. "Well, you've seen my breasts and what they have to offer... How about instead of slapping them and swinging at them like you've just found a new toy to pounce on, you actually do something arousing to me?~" Diane folded up her shoulders as her white blending from orange breasts were obscured and in his last act as a devious bandit, Mr Wolf would go on to rip down Diane's slacks alongside panties to reveal her dripping wet slit alongside the juiciness it held.


Suddenly, Moe found himself being subject to having the couch fall backwards and fold into a bed all the while two restraining shackles poked from out of the wall, automatically hooked themselves to his wrists and moved them up the wall a slight bit whilst forcing him backwards; at least his head was able to rest on a rose-red pillow that she had prepared all the while the candle on the nearby table subtly slid across to their current position.

"That took a turn!" Wolf exclaimed all the while he found his own legs spreading thanks to Diane's will as she wrapped her paws around his purple boxers, clinging onto their waistband with her emerald eyes glistening as she anticipated the incoming wave of euphoria that would come once this mystery was revealed.

Eventually, Foxington succeeded in her quest and soon her partner in crime revealed all of his pent up secrets to her in the form of his throbbing member suddenly popping out from beneath his boxers as her eyes followed every single bounce it made all before it remained stationary in the air, awaiting her company. Diane couldn't help but reach through her own moistened slit for a string of clear yet sticky goodness, rubbing it onto Moe's erect tip all the while he remained in a state of shock.

With the ceiling being the only force confronting him and another candle folding out from one of the pillars to replace the weapon stands, Diane would go on to grab his leash and soon kneel over his member, teasing it with her thighs alongside her extremely soggy slit to accompany her engorged clit.

"Mmm~ I always knew you were packing a secret weapon, Moe... From the day I met you as Oliver Poodleton and you had some rather ignorant philosophy to offer which was briefly corrected by my expertise, you taught me that you could learn from your shortcomings whilst improving... I question how you're able to remain so balanced and so steadfast with this mighty thing between your legs, not to mention those bulging balls of yours," Diane listened to Moe's whimpers with intrigue all the while she bit down her tongue, raised her right eyebrow and further teased his pulsating penis between her thighs. "What's wrong, puppy? A little unprepared for this sudden lesson your faithful friend has to offer... or should I call myself your marvellous mate, huh?" Foxington rattled around the red leash attached to a white collar with black spikes around it specifically made for her puppy-in-training.

"Oooh~ U-Unprepared is one way you could put it, baby~ f-fuck- I was not expecting this when I was freed from imprisonment but hey... Being incarcerated by the Crimson Paw doesn't sound too bad, heh~" Moe was somehow able to keep his cool during this whole situation, a feat that was able to impress someone as composed as Diane in spite of his obvious need to improve. "Seriously- It felt- ooh~ felt like I learned a lot more than just how to appreciate simple art... It's almost like you were- ah~ able to clear some of the ignorance that was guiding me into a place where I filled my heart with possessions... On the plus side, it looks like I'm going to be filling you with more than just some drive for material wealth, isn't that right, Crimson Paw?" Wolf further flirted with Diane whilst intimidating her with a growl, a move that was seen as foolish as he had been admittedly watching Diane's tits jiggle the entire time and was now about to see them do more than just shake for him.

"F-fuck- h-how dare you predict my motives you s-sly and shameless puppy, I think you've earned yourself a punishment, have you not?" Diane positioned her paws around Wolf's rather toned hips thanks to him working out quite a fair bit in prison, squeezing them before she wrapped her breasts around his pulsating member. "Maybe you'll take this as a lesson to be more obedient, too... I mean, you're dealing with the Crimson Paw and you're daring to defy me?"

"Heheh~ I thought you were into a little bit of rivalry and rebelliousness... I am your meek prisoner after all, right..? It's not like I'm going to pull a Professor Marmalade and whip out some sort of secret weapon, right..? - Oh, wait~" Moe clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, winked and then used what little free will he had at this current moment against the comfortable leather of this red sofa which had been transformed into a bed to point directly towards what Diane was doing to him. "Seems like the Crimson Paw, governor Foxington or dicksucking Diane has found my secret weapon, isn't that so?" As this power struggle for mental dominance persisted, Diane found herself losing her track as she was admittedly enjoying herself a little too much with the act of softly rubbing her breasts against and later placing Wolf's wondrous weapon between her breasts whilst thrusting her body against it.

"Aah- o-oh shit-" A treat was fired directly into Moe's mouth as a reward for somehow triggering Diane into moaning, which was seen as a big enough excuse for her automatic mechanism to replace two more of the weaponised walls with a mere collection of candles which were scented strawberry... At this point, her hallway was half way filled with candles to represent her position on the sexual arousal spectrum. "Seems like you've caught me out, prisoner... I may admire my rivals but when it comes to you..? Since that dance at the Goodness Gala a year ago, I've yearned for a lot more than merely your company, Moe... I think it's time I give that title of mine that you've so graciously bestowed upon me some credibility, hm?" Yet again, Diane couldn't resist rubbing her tingling clit a slight bit, reaching down into the folds of her vibrantly pulsating pussy and lathering up Moe's shaft with more of her heat before she pressed on with wrapping her lips around his colossal cock.

"You know, I wasn't one of those boys to measure with a ruler when I was younger but if I can reach down to your throat and make tomorrow's speech about the liberation of 'The Bad Guys' and how they've been launched into a destiny filled with goodwill a difficulty for you to perform then that's all I'd ever need... Go on, Foxington... I know you've always wanted a taste of this popsicle~" Moe's remark caught Diane completely off guard as she blushed furiously, felt herself drip onto the leather sofa and soon went to stuff his member into her mouth before she could embarrass herself further; especially when it seemed as if the dull facade that was her dominance was already beginning to melt down and she hadn't even taken her new ride for a test drive yet. "Mmm~ I wonder if you've done this before, Diane... It seems as if you know your way around a canine cock and I know getting to governor from the Crimson Paw must've been challenging for you. If we factor in that record too-" Wolf was caught off guard by Diane unwrapping her muzzle from around his member upon licking it and with saliva pouring down his member, Foxington took the responsibility of slapping it before growling at Wolf.

"Or you can just accept the fact that I'm quite a talented lady in all regards, that includes pleasuring you, my one and only. I mean, as a criminal, you do learn quite a bit and I happen to be one of those girls who practised on a popsicle because men were only into me for my looks and nothing more... And when you factor in there are significantly more humans than animals in this city, you get some unfair odds of finding someone who actually attracts you~" Diane soon wrapped her paw around Moe's bodaciously bulging balls and massaged them between the beans in her paw with her slowly bringing his veiny, marvellous and talented form deeper into her microscopic muzzle.

"Ooh~ so I must be an honorary prize for you, hm? You've found someone who suits him just as much as he suits you whilst he's also here to pull off the heist of the century which involves taking your virginity... That's if you are a virgin but hey, I'll- mph~ take it either way~" Moe was beginning to enjoy himself significantly, limbering up and relaxing as best as he could considering his untraditional incarceration. "What a way to spend the first day of my life being a free man, a slutty slave who's constructed the illusion of dominance and hidden it behind incarcerating her favourite wolf so she can reward him for his newfound freedom... Oh yeah, I know what your game is, Foxington; I'm just simply too lazy to reward you for your patience as of right now considering you're doing the same for me. Then again, everything around us is always subject to change, isn't that so, governor?~" With an evil chuckle following his enlightening quip as well as a rush of wetness striking Diane's whimpering vagina, Foxington only found a way to retort in the form of stuffing his member inside of her muzzle in a frail attempt to show him who the true boss was; except she ended up further rewarding his arrogance as well as his true ingenuity.

"So eager are we now, Foxy? If there's one thing a fox and a wolf have in common other than the obvious... It's the fact that our competitiveness sometimes gets the better of us, am I not right?" Wolf further relaxed himself to the point where Diane's soft moans triggered a few treats to fall into his mouth from her special contraption built into the walls as she further felt her passion pulsating from beyond her pussy as it radiated throughout her entire body. "You know, if you weren't contractually obliged by law to give me a good time after being in prison for so long, I'd think you'd be riding me at this very moment; quite like how you've been taking my car for a joyride as of late... I've seen the mileage, Foxington... You can't out sly the man who's been playing the wondrously cunning wolf card from the very beginning," Moe gazed around the room one final time as he caught sight of Foxington's flustered face, a blush so massive it seeped through the light orange fur surrounding her muzzle and beamed directly in his face as if a ray of sunshine had seeped down into this lowly dungeon and it was at this point that two parts of the weaponry wall slipped down to reveal their dancing flames atop the crimson candles coating the corridors... Only one more stage was left for Foxington and that was to take the inevitable ride sat before her.

With all of this talk regarding Moe's car, she soon found herself melting in a sea of her own urges, wishing to drive the ride of the man who had shown her the value of possessing true skill in the field of transport from the very beginning and to rack up some mileage of her own. As Moe's throbbing member finally departed her mouth, soaked in saliva and passion from her muzzle; Foxington took a gigantic breath of fresh air to relieve herself of her humiliation and finally took a more assertive stance.

"Ahem, I think it's time I begin racking up some mileage of my own on my favourite ride, Wolfy..." Diane was practically frothing at the mouth for Wolf's treat when she wrapped her paws around his waist once more, crawled forth to loom over him and teased her dripping slit with his tense tip for the first time. "The amount of whore-power sitting between my legs... Ooh~ I should be a good governor and treat it with responsibility, shouldn't I? - Then again, when have I ever been good at that?" As Foxington rubbed her quivering clit against Wolf's marvellous member for the first time, she felt her vixen tail 'wag' ever so slightly in response to the stimulation bestowed by her canine companion.

"You went on to take Marmalade's foolish idea to make myself and my crew into 'The Good Guys' when you knew from the beginning it was a P.R stunt... Then again, you've proven yourself to be insightful with that little quote about garbage being recycled into something beautiful... And now, look at you; your masterpiece sat below your legs~" Moe let off a sweet chuckle as his lips quivered along his muzzle from how euphoric the experience of being teased by his lover felt. "Now all you have to do from here is to appreciate that beautiful product~" By some miracle, one of Moe's paws was relieved from restraint at that moment as if he had cheated the system by winking at Diane as he immediately reached forward and placed that same grey paw around her irresistible hips.

"Aah~" Diane's concentration was beginning to falter as she unleashed a drip onto Moe's member, teasing herself rapidly before raising her pelvis once more before making her final descent. "Out of all the creations of mine... This couch that turns into a bed, this entire lair reinforced with concrete, the romantic configuration as well as this mechanism rebelling against your restraint... You will always be the greatest marvel I have ever developed and you shall always be my masterpiece~" Diane watched as Moe's tail briefly shimmied and had to get one more jab at him before the inevitable ensued. "Good boy~" Foxington reached forward, patted his head and soon guided her pelvis down onto Moe's rapidly twitching tip in the hopes she would be able to bury his rocketship inside of her lair.

As Diane reached lower and lower, feeling Moe's eager tip insert inside of her juicy entrance for the first time, a tingle shot up her spine as well as through her tail far more powerful than anything good she had ever done. It felt as if she had suddenly found herself feeling less responsible for the unspeakable acts of the past and as if she had finally found her reward alongside her solstice.

Her tail let off another shimmy the moment Moe's shiver-inducing shaft slithered into her moist, precious and pulsating pussy all the while he unleashed a slight moan of gratitude. With a stray vein teasing the inner walls of her dungeon, she found herself eagerly sliding down onto him all until he was coated within her warmth, stickiness and passion all the while he was ready to give Foxington a ride way more satisfying than the car she had been driving on and off throughout the past few months.

"OOH~ F-fuck! Foxington! You're so tight! I mean, I'd expect that for having such an attitude back when we first met but-" Wolf found himself being silenced by Diane delicately shushing him all the while Foxington rescued the long-lost composure that had been ripped away from her due to Moe's glory.

"Mmm~ and you're surprisingly fulfilling even though your soul screamed of emptiness which was filled by priceless possessions... I guess you're about to fill another priceless possession of yours or am I about to mean something to you once I've finished working with your gear stick?" Diane felt a massive pulsation emanate from within her contracting cell as Wolf uncontrollably throbbed within her. "Speaking of gear sticks... I believe it's time to shift into first gear, wouldn't you say?" By leaving a kiss on Wolf's muzzle all whilst she unwrapped her paw from her mate's muzzle, instead using that paw to fondle with his chest, part of his abs and eventually down to his hips again as she lifted herself up and softly lowered herself down again, letting off a few pants as she did so.

"And speaking of the commanders of the cockpit, I think it's time you stop teasing my gear stick and actually get to operating it... Or must I show you how that works, too?" Moe eventually had the last laugh when Diane thrusted against him, his member filling her soothing expanses as the orchestration from heaven soon filled the room from her desperately picking up pace upon feeling a radiant tingle within her soul akin to the same sensation Wolf had experienced. "Nevermind... I forgot that you're the Crimson Paw and you happen to be someone who built a legacy around confronting the impossible~"

"HA-AAH!~ I-Is that so, big boy? Y-you seriously thought you'd be impossible to charm when you're- MPH~ the biggest charmer in the book?" Diane watched as her treat dispenser began to overwhelm Moe's mouth with treats, which prompted her to throw one of the treats towards the buttons controlling it. She managed to shut off the device yet inadvertently weakened the restraints containing Moe's inner urges as the treat split into an ensemble of splinters. "Fuck! Forget liberating you from prison or pardoning you- I would've never thought ill of The Bad Guys if I knew- OOH~ y-you'd feel like this!" It was thoroughly safe to say as Foxington felt herself being turned asunder from within as she melted atop Wolf like a popsicle that she was second-guessing her decision not to ask him out at the Goodness Gala the previous year... Who knows what would've occurred had she found a way to liberate him without him needing to serve such a harsh sentence?

All the while this eccentric couple took part in their act of magnificent mating, Diane's jade eyes fell over the brown orbs of Wolf all the while his mouth opened up and he began the process of unleashing soft pants all the while his tail softly wagged all the while Diane was on top of him demonstrating the dominance she had been keeping locked behind closed doors for so long.

Diane's sloppiness accompanied by her haste indicated how truly desperate she was until she eventually managed to find a rhythm that pleased her alongside Moe, although Foxington had leaked a significant amount of sticky goodness onto Wolf's rocketship and two boosters at this point; she couldn't care less for she was here to enjoy what she had been deprived of for so long as she drew Wolf's neck closer to her with her leash and collar whilst leaning into him.

"Mmm~ You like that, don't you, puppy? Oh, you've been such a good boy in prison, you have... AAH~ I just wish I could've been there for you more and perhaps given you a little treat whilst imprisoned; in front of your friends, too~" Diane let off a snarky smirk, growling as she rode Moe's member graciously. "You've also been a-a- AH~ g-good boy for your governor, y-you deserve a petting~" Foxington successfully weakened up her grip on her leash and soon threw the handle aside as it wrapped around the pillow directly adjacent to Wolf's head as she leant in to give him a soft scratch around the ears.

"O-OH~ AH~ Y-YEAH! I-IS THIS HOW IT FEELS TO BE A GOOD BOY?" Wolf exclaimed as he briefly lost sight of his formality during this exchanged act of goodness, then again, his thighs were currently being soaked with sticky serenity so he had that going for him as an excuse. "How does it feel to be pardoning both of us of our regrets right now? Because either way, whatever path we would've taken in life... I'm willing to bet it- OOH~ landed us right here!"

"AAH!~ I-is that so, my precious pup? Y-you think even as bitter rivals if I- I- OOH~ remained as the Crimson Paw- w-we would be in this very lair?" Diane gave it a little thought all the while she felt Wolf's loose paw reaching for her buttocks. "Y-you know what, prisoner... I see th-HAA~" Foxington was caught off guard by Moe abruptly spanking her on her backside, searing her in the process all the while she unleashed a gigantic moan which tilted yet another wall in the corridor... Only one weapon wall remained that familiar amber that Wolf had become accustomed to.

"I may be your prisoner... A-And you might be doing a fine job of entertaining your bandit. However, you can't help but feel like that felt good as opposed to it feeling threatening... That this spanking liberated you of something fierce, am I right?" Wolf gave Foxington his trademark eyebrow bounce before lifting another paw from the restraints behind him with ease, using that newfound freedom to fondle her supple breasts all whilst rubbing her nipples with her paws. "Seems like I've found your soft spot, haven't I, Foxington? Your great weakness... That happens to be your emotions for you wouldn't have let me go free so easily if you weren't so emotionally grounded~"

"A-AH- O-OH YEAH? H-HOW'S THIS FOR BEING EMOTIONALLY GROUNDED?" Foxington unleashed a fierce growl as she placed her paws around her mate's shoulders compassionately, fiercely squeezing his paw all whilst licking her lips. "YOU'RE MINE! Y-YOU HEAR THAT, PUPPY? M-MINE AND ALL MINE! I-I'VE BEEN WAITING A Y-YEAR FOR T-THIS- A-AH S-SHIT!~" She would later go on to suddenly quell her emotions as if she had stored them inside of her purse. "A-And mm~ i-it feels so good to finally let myself loose," Diane performed a few stretches with her arms all whilst pinning down her one and only good boy, tensing up her paws as she slowly but surely felt her game of chase with Wolf's member running out as she felt her time was coming as those sweet tingles of goodness mixed with deviousness slowly built up within her.

"Mmm... Does it feel good having this sweet puppy of yours robbing you of something that isn't material such as your virginity... Perhaps he needs to be reminding you that his loss of dignity didn't come until you personally ripped off his boxers as opposed to that claw gun or maybe it'll come in the form of your clothes being over there and your tightness being wrapped around me, huh?" With his final shackles loosening up due to Diane's engineering rebelling against her, Wolf was able to regain control of his lower half, thrusted into her and eventually rolled her over; pinning her down against her own contraption as he wrapped one paw around her hourglass figure and the other around her right breast. "Or perhaps it'll come in the form of a wolf finally leading his own pack, hm?" Suddenly, the tides had turned between Diane and Moe, creating an environment of bliss as the candle to Moe's right flickered rapidly upon him creating a storm within Foxington's fragile pussy.

"A-AH F-FUCK!~ T-THAT WAS UNEXPECTED!~ B-BUT I'M N-NOT COMPLAINING! O-OH YES!~ SH-SHOW ME HOW M-MUCH CONFIDENCE YO-YOU HAVE IN YOUR OWN FUR, WOLFY! AAAH!~" Diane's legs remained spread wide open for Moe to run a rampage through all the while he let off a chuckle, stroked her ears and slapped the underside of her breasts.

"Oh, trust me... If you thought stealing the Golden Dolphin was going to be the greatest heist conducted in the history of thievery then... Allow me to prove you wrong~" Wolf clung to Diane's chest all the while he massaged her waist with his paws, he sneered all the while he unleashed a growl that threatened her mere existence as he leant into her, licked her lips and began to contort her body in his mating ritual between his colossal cock and her creamy cavern. "Now, if you know anything about being a good girl then you'll pardon this bandit once more and allow him to plunder your Golden Dolphin~"

"Y-YES!~ P-PLEASE DO! S-SHIT!~ Y-YOU H-HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG I'VE CRAVED THIS!~" Diane released a squeak of ecstasy all the while Wolf wielded a smirk beaming with sadistic nature as he licked his lips, moistened up Foxington's nipples and massaged them as she took in gasps of air to compensate for the amount of orgasmic tingles spreading across her body. "A-AH!~ SH-SHIT! S-SINCE WHEN W-WERE YOU A C-CHARMER FOR VIXENS?" She inquired in a blissful trance.

"I've charmed you since the very beginning... I'm less of a vixen charmer and more of a Diane charmer~" With this single sentence, Moe had won over Diane as he sinched his teeth into her neck without drawing blood to prove his point as her newfound mate as he had her locked in missionary position, ploughing into her inviting entrance as she went from being merely aroused to softly creaming on him as her yelps, whimpers and moans filled the room with how mercilessly Wolf was treating her.

As Moe gazed around the room looking for something to charm Foxington once and for all other than using his inviting words to hang over her like bait, he looked towards the very same red leash alongside white collar with black spikes drawn onto it and rather slyly slipped it off his neck; instead choosing to taunt Diane by wrapping it around her own neck whilst winking at her as he entangled the leash around his paw and soon forced himself deep into Foxington's pleading pussy as he felt his own tail wagging.

Diane couldn't help herself regarding how powerless she had suddenly become. Those years as a criminal mastermind and as the Crimson Paw were truly meaningless when all it took was one wonderful wolf filled with potential as well as slyness to melt her down and truly make her see the world a different way. There was one lesson to take with Marmalade's words and that was the fact that goodness was certainly inviting of a tingle.

Foxington's weak pussy soon contracted against Moe's might for the very first time, indicating that she was soon to finish the business she had started. As she released a particularly high-pitched moan, the final part of the amber wall behind Moe folded into the familiar shades of flickering orange as the wall lights were replaced with crimson and the entire room filled with a strawberry filling.

"You know, for someone who's not a fan of sweet things... Strawberry mixed with nailing you against this red couch-bed hybrid is certainly one of the sweeter things that I'm able to enjoy in life... That and filling that pitiful pussy of yours~" Diane was being rattled by Wolf's dominance all the while she was panting submissively as now Moe was the one filled with composure. "Don't worry, my pretentious pet... This bandit will leave something in return for you once he's robbed you of your dignity, virginity as well as the first of many orgasms we're going to have together~" Wolf couldn't resist slapping the undersides of Diane's breasts one final time as she whimpered with every single breath. "What's wrong, my sweet vixen... Can't seem to control yourself?"


"Who said anything was slowing down?" Moe winked as Foxington physically started to drip onto his member all the while her blush was close to rivalling the light emitted by the candles illuminating her corridor all the while Moe used his final act of cunning charm to seduce Diane once and for all. "What's wrong, slut..? Is the big bad wolf and the villain of every story about to become your hero for a change?" With the ensemble and parade of moans emitting from the space between Diane's legs, the amount her thighs were twitching, the fact her body was physically shaking and she had developed a tail twitch of her own spoke for itself.

"F-FUCK!~ Y-YES!~ Y-YOU'RE M-MY BIG BAD WOLF AND- AAH!~ T-THE VILLAIN OF M-MY OWN STORY! S-SHIT! UAH!~ P-PLEASE!~ F-FILL ME W-WITH Y-YOUR P-PASSION, M-MY BAD GUY!" Foxington rapidly panted as she felt her breaths beginning to seize for her time was right all the while Moe worked up a pant of his own, preparing to release inside of her as the candle to her side rapidly flickered. "O-OH Y-YES! D-DADDY! M-MOE! W-WOLF! OAH! AHAH- F-FILL M-ME WITH YOUR FREEDOM!" As Moe reached down for Diane's clit, hoping to rub it and capitalise on the extra amount of euphoria she was about to experience, he happened to feel himself getting extra close to releasing within Foxington as he felt his member tingle alongside his tail wagging and his breaths lacked the organisation they possessed beforehand.

"MMM~ O-OH? Y-YOU WANT A PIECE OF MY FREEDOM, HM? A-A PIECE OF ME THAT CAN P-PROVE THAT I CAN TRULY CHANGE? H-HOW ABOUT I-I FILL YOU WITH MY STICKY VILLAINY A-AS A REPARATION FOR B-BEING SO KIND IN THE STREETS YET NAUGHTY UNDER THE SHEETS~" Wolf was practically begging to explode inside of Foxington at this moment as his member was soaked in a rich, creamy and passion-filled elixir all the while Foxington was already beginning to tingle, shake and quake for him.





"AAAAH! AAAAAH!~ AAUUH!~ OAH!~ AH-AH-AH-AAH-AAAAH!~ AHAAH!~" Diane parted ways with her sanity at that moment as her eyes rolled into her skull, her pussy clenched compulsively around Moe's jolting member as she felt herself be filled with six shots of ferocity in the form of Wolf's sticky elixir filling up her enchanting entrance and reducing her to a feudal state of being nothing more than a bitch for him all the while she rapidly unleashed a torrent of stickiness onto his throbbing cock all the while both of them would exclaim in ecstasy due to their emotions running wild.

Moe found his thighs clenching for the first time as they suddenly felt like jelly all the while Diane's clit throbbed so hard to the point where she was convinced she would explode from the amount of tingles flooding her body. Her entire slit convulsed, spasmed and rapidly pulsated in response to Moe's presence inside of her all the while her contractions sent Moe into a frenzy of bliss to accompany the tightness and the effects of that on his criminal mind.

As their bliss coursed through their veins and both of them felt their minds slip into a trance featuring a flashback of the build up to this very moment, they both ended up finding their true wags as their tails lost control all the while Diane's warm stickiness, cream and juices mixed with Moe's to create a glue that sealed their fur together all the while they did their best to recover their composure.

Moe, being the one to receive dominance and then dish it out, found his muzzle crashing between Diane's breasts all the while her orgasm plateaued and she soon found herself gaining track of her senses again. Her vision may have been blurred yet she noticed the candle to her side had been completely extinguished and that Moe was rapidly panting between her breasts, obviously relieved of his freedom as well as celebrating his first day as a free man.

Both parties recovered their breaths after two minutes of panting, sighing, twitching and celebrating everything that had just transpired between both of them. Diane and Moe had finally united with one another underneath the noses of everyone else. Whilst everyone else would go home that night starting a new chapter of their independent lives, Foxington and Wolf had certainly found a way to kindle a fierce flame between them that seemingly sparked since the very beginning.

"Aah~ Ooh~ ph-phew~ - N-Not too shabby for a criminal who just got out of prison, huh? E-especially a first timer~" Moe mockingly cooed whilst poking his tongue between Diane's breasts, blowing a raspberry as she sighed in bliss.

"Ooh~ Mph~ - Y-you've definitely shown me n-not to cave in to my ignorance, Wolfy... I-I bet when we met as Diane and Oliver, you weren't expecting this to transpire between us now, huh? B-Because I'd be lying if I t-told you that I was expecting it to feel this good to finally have our feelings confessed and out there~"

"I-I'm pretty sure most of my feelings landed inside of you- heh... Talk about a heist for the ages~" Moe lifted his head up from his lover's breasts all the while he felt her humid breaths against his muzzle and her warmth against his body as he tilted his head. "I feel like both of us found our... You know- true wags and more importantly... What on earth do we label ourselves in public- like, boyfriend and girlfriend, master and muse..? Mate and date?"

"Simple... We just call ourselves Diane and Moe... Foxington and Wolf - Two inseparable animals that found each other whilst journeying through this crazy world and two individuals that love each other with all of their hearts~" Moe couldn't help but blush ferociously as his heart filled with glee and his cheeks seared thanks to a newfound dosage of happiness that had infected his heart from having blissful sex with his one and only as well as being blown away by her and her wisdom.

"Still, to this day... I will never understand how on earth I was the one deserving of the Crimson Paw's attention... Is it because I've walked in your shoes before, followed your tracks, am fiercely attractive and awaken your inner urges whilst being a criminal mastermind or is it simply love that sprouted independently when you learned how truly villainous I could be?~"

"I'd say we tick the box that says all of the above and we move on with our day... Speaking of which- I can't move my legs, Moe~" Diane looked down to see nothing more than her two hind paws twitching and her clit uncontrollably quivering as Moe was stuck to her by the pelvis.

"Well, I'm always a man with a plan, after all~" Moe sweetly positioned his paws around Diane's waist and with one deep breath, lifted himself up which simultaneously drove himself into Diane's soaked pussy before he withdrew, instead resting his mildly erect form against her slit as she sat up on the side of the couch with him. "You know, as for dinner..?"

"You know, this was supposed to be your meal but..." Diane suggestively gazed into Moe's glistening orbs, saw her reflection in her clear, sticky yet mildly creamy mess before smirking at him. "There's always dessert because good boys like you deserve takeout- AP!~" Diane attempted to lift herself up and walk with her beaten legs yet collapsed to the floor below.

"You know what, I think you're in need of a paw to hold, someone to carry you around after such an experience and perhaps I should handle the takeout ordering for a change..?" Moe let off a little giggle as Diane attempted to crawl up his legs but to no avail. "Round two's are off 'til we eat something, Foxington... I'm starvin'" And with this sentence, our protagonists alongside villains of the bedroom would soon find themselves creeping out of their lair into the suburban bungalow that both would be calling home; not necessarily in search for a job but instead a search for food to replenish the resources lost thanks to their synchronised villainy.

As Moe helped Diane into the elevator whilst sharing a joke with her that was muffled thanks to the elevator door shutting, all that was left behind them was the mess prompted by their responsibility as well as a reward that could be licked up later by Diane's good boy. For someone being stuck in prison for a year and getting out thanks to good behaviour, this was certainly quite the devious way for Moe Wolf to celebrate his liberation day.


[The End!]


[Author's Notes!]


Well, that is it, folks! I appreciate it if you read to the end and I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it! I apologise for the slightly obscene length, it's just how I do these things but hopefully the quality aspect balances out the quantity aspect!

Feel free to leave feedback in the form of comments, every single one helps me gauge how much everyone enjoyed this as well as gives me an idea of things people might wish to see. I am a hobbyist writer but I tend to take requests from time and would like to know what you people would like to see next!

I'm also most likely going to be working on a Bad Guys themed story sometime in the near future but as for now, I'm going to ride out the wave and take it slowly. There's no rush, after all! I'm just surprised it hasn't been a week since the movie came out and I got this out LOL

Okay, okay! I've held onto you enough, dear reader! Thank you for your time, I wish you the best and perhaps we'll meet again for another adventure regardless of its nature! Take care, everyone! ~ Naidvar

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