Night Out at Rage's Place

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Date: February 24 20XX
Location: Timber Estate, Toronto
Time: 1:34 AM (EST)
POV: Cookie

     Soooo, right now I'm at Rage's place, but it's not just us two. His annoying (and hot) friends are goofing around while me and Rage just sit on the leather couch in the basement, watching helplessly. I have a slight feeling that although Rage is the leader of their friendship group, he doesn't participate much in their pointless activities because, well, it's pointless. I don't think Rage is one to do pointless and unnecessary things.
     He approached me with a deadened look on his face at my locker before the third period. I have to say, I was a bit surprised at his face. Never had I ever seen this dude look so dead inside. I guess an apt comparison would be Giyu Tomioka from my favourite anime, Demon Slayer. 
"Hey," was all he managed to say before he collapsed dramatically against my locker.
"What the fuck, man?" I shrieked, trying to pull his arm so he could stand up, but he didn't budge. People were starting to stare at me, and I was starting to get freaked out.
     So after I dragged him to an empty classroom (to avoid staring) and made sure he wouldn't flop anymore, I started questioning him.
"What the hell's wrong with you?! You freaked me out! What's going on?"
Rage looked sick and very, very pale. "Um, my friends are coming over."
That was not what I expected him to say. I was actually expecting him to say that one of his 30 Lambos crashed into a wall or something. I dunno. But not this. I burst out laughing, and he stared at me like I was underreacting to something. Well, how WAS I supposed to act? Scream and beg for my life???
"I'm serious, Cat," he muttered, not meeting my eyes, "They're good friends, but the worst guests. I swear to god, the mess they leave...I'm gonna die if I have to clean it up again. Maids aren't enough, and we don't even have them anymore. It was too expensive."
Bruh, so the Timber family can afford 200 cars but not maids. I don't get these people's logic. But anyways, I still laughed. Rage glared at me from the corner of his eye. 
"I was gonna invite you for moral support, but if you think it's that dumb, then I won't."
I immediately stopped laughing. "Yeah, I wanna come."
I was so not passing up the chance to see his house again. It's to DIE for. What I'd give to live there instead of in a cheap, small, dingy, flat in the middle of the city. 
But by then, Rage was pouting. "I didn't invite you."
"But you said you were gonna, so I say yes."
He looked up at me. "Fine, I'll invite you on the condition that you don't get into an argument with them because they trash the house even more if they're mad, don't trash the house yourself, don't tell them embarrassing things about me, don't embarrass me in any way, don't eat all the food like they do, you have to help me clean up after, you can't..."
He would have rattled away if I didn't shut him up.
"Fine, I'll do whatever you say, just invite me, I love your house."
     And here's how I came to be here. Rage looks bored at his friend's behaviour with a slight bit of regret, but I'm positively shocked. His friends are literally modern-day apes. A few minutes ago, they were arguing about the best Nintendo game, and now I think they're trying to settle the score between Nintendo Switch Sports and  Among Us with a pillow fight. Well, I think it's turned out to be more than a fight, it's a gladiator battle now. I've never seen such a brutal thing among friends. Or maybe I don't have the correct friends...
     The doorbell rings. "That's probably the pizza I ordered," Reg calls out but is immediately smashed by a pillow from Lee. As I said, modern-day apes. 
"I'll go get it," I say, eager to get away from this mess we're in. Rage looks up at me from the corner of his eye. 
"Don't get lost."
I almost start laughing when Mark hollers, "I KNEW IT! YOU GUYS ARE TOTALLY DATING!"
I duck out of the room as Rage chucks a pillow at him at, like, 60 kmph. 
      As expected, I obviously get lost, but at some point, I reach the door. I open it, panting and trying to catch my breath (I had to run to get the door quick).
I look up to see Will's face. Well fuck, I never knew Will was a pizza delivery guy.
"Um, do you live here?" he asks, looking very confused. Okay, I guess it's time that I tell him. 

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