Chapter 2: Studying

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Author Note: RE-AMP

The two were currently working on the art project together, as Y/n crept in glances at the handsome teacher. She/He kept blushing from the glances she/he took to see the teacher's face who was focused more towards helping her/him with her/his project. Y/n stood up having to take a break for the bathroom. Which she/he was dismissed and made her/his way to the said destination. 

While Mr.Julien sat there he observed her/his personals such as textbooks, pencil case, and many other various school supplies she/he owned. But one textbook rather caught his eye, it was a spiral-ringed book that had countless different shades and hues of purples, blues, and pinks. It had the title at the top which read "DREAM" in white, bold letters. The man picked up the book observing it more thinking it was some book she/he had that included what she/he wanted to be when she/he grew up. Considering it had the big white letters that said dream on it. When he opened the eye-catching book, the pages were a soft hue of light purple so that it was visible when written on. Also having a small planet stamped onto the corner of the pages. Mr.Julien was rather fascinated with the book itself on its appearances and decided to skim through its pages, reading only a few of its contents. He casually stumbled upon some pages where it had his name in it and he read those rather carefully. She/He was a rather smart student in his class and he treasured that ever so carefully. Being respectful and kind towards her/his teachers. Unlike other students, Y/n was rather good friends with the teachers in hopes to be on better tides with them if she/he ever got confused. Mr.Julien chuckled as he read more, flipping the pages, he saw a confession page written as its title. Curious, he read only a few confessions she/he made, but they were, of course, light-hearted, but he read one about Y/n's liking towards himself making him blush quite a bit. He quickly closed the book not daring to read anymore for that he heard steps coming down the hall thinking it would Y/n herself/himself. Which he was gladly not caught in his actions and he felt yet ashamed for going through something personal of hers/his, but at least he wanted to know if the adult was depressed or not doing okay for the most part so that he could comfort them. As well being that he was curious as to what Y/n would be in the future after she/he finished college.

Y/n came back, refreshed and ready to start on the art project once more. She/He sat down in her/his chair grabbing her/his pencil to work on the said piece. Mr.Julien watched the pupil intently as they went to work on their sketch. "So far so good Ms. L/n" He mumbled as he glanced at the piece then looking back towards her writing assignment to review what it was. Checking for any errors in the slight essay. Only a few were visible such as sentence fragments, some left out commas, and other tiny details were visible to the nindroids' eyes. He scribbled down the mistakes on her/his paper so that they could over it together when they were close to done.

After checking over together, it was time for Y/n to go home and they sent their farewells to each other as she/he walked home which gladly wasn't far away. Which Mr.Julien was still worried about her/him so he had to have her/him text him when and if she/he got home safely. He didn't want the young adult getting hurt or kidnapped when she/he was very close to her/his house. 

The day ended and Mr.Julien was gladly reminded that the said student got home safely. But one thought was still left on his mind.....Y/n likes him?

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