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In class A

Kris: So students, today is your surprise science test!

All accept Shu, Free, Lui, Gwyn: WHAT? TEST?

Valt: I know nothing

Cuza: Same here

Kris: And No Cheating! *gives sheets to everyone*

Gwyn: It's like a class nursery test for me

Shu: It's so easy

Valt: *crying*

Rantaro: Let's see.. Huh? Woww, it's very simple....

Test is over. Kris collected all the sheets.

Kris: I'll return it tomorrow.

Wakiya: Better throw it.

Next day

Kris: I'm returning the sheets. When I call your name, come here and take it.

Hikaru: How was your test Rantaro?

Rantaro: I'll get full 100 marks *proud*

Hyuga: Wow, you are so cool!

Gwyn- 100
Shu- 100
Lui- 100
Free- 100
Lane- 100
Valt- 20
Wakiya- 36
Daigo- 34
Ken- 29
Aiger- 9
Ranjiro- 3
Fubuki- 95
Suoh- 87
Amane- 59
Dante- 6
Fumiya- 75
Ichika- 80
Sasha- 90
Silas- 23
Cuza- 12
Hikaru- 68
Hyuga- 8
Reina- 21
Chuck- 17
Guy- 11
Ilya- 96
Ranzo- 4
Basara- 89
And Rantaro- 0

Rantaro: What? 0? How?

Kris: Just see your answers..

Rantaro's sheet

Q. What is photosynthesis?

Ans. It is a process in which plants go to picnic and click photos. So PHOTO. Then they send it to whatsapp in which everyone see it. So PHOTO SEEN. All of them says- This is the photo.. So THIS IS. All PHOTO SEEN THIS IS together forms PHOTOSYNTHESIS.

Q. Why apple falls downwards?

Ans. So that we can eat it.

Q. What is water made up of ?

Ans. Small droplets of water itself.

Everyone except Rantaro and Kris: *laughing hard*

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