scardy cat - Minho fluff

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As I'm sat by the fire listening to the chanting and laughing of the gladers. my mind cant help but wonder what the grievers are doing out there,in the maze. As I hear the ear piercing scream of the grievers I jump a lil. Why I'm I so scared
"you scared sweetheart" Minho asks without even looking at him I know he has that stupid cute smirk on his face.As I feel Minho wrap his arm around me I feel safe.
"No it just startled me" I say as I lean into him
"Sure whatever you say babe" I hear him whisper under his breath

After watching gally fight for a bit alby shouts saying it's time for bed.
He's such a fun sponge but someone has to be responsible here.
As Minho stands up he looks at me and offers me a hand. I grab his hands and we start walking to the homestead. As I let go of my boyfriend and climb into my hammock. I feel the fear sink in. I try to ignore it and go to bed but after trying to sleep for about half an hour I realize I'm really dehydrated. But I'm to scared to go to the kitchen and get water. As I hear a cough in the distance I let out a small squeak. Looking around hopefully I didn't wake anyone.

I finally get the courage to jump out of my bed and start my walk to the kitchen. As the cold air hits my face the darkness of the glade really sinks in. I can't help but let my mind race. What if someone is stung and comes out of no where and attacks me. What if a greiver got over the wall and is waiting for the perfect moment to strike. What if... someone grabs my shoulder and I let out a scream. They cover my mouth. as I turn around I see the face of MINHO smiling. without realizing my eyes start watering
"Y/n I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you cry. Come here babe it's just me" he pulls me into his chest as I stop crying he asks what I was doing out of bed "I'm thirsty" I say between light sobs.
"I'm sorry babe I saw you get up. And wondered why your awake" Minho said as he wiped the tears off my face
"I'm awake because I'm scared is that what you want to hear" I say as I start to cry again
"Babe if your scared you can always come to me I'll protect you" Minho says as he flexes his muscles. I can't help but laugh at his inflated ego
"How about we get water and you can sleep with me tonight." Minho asks as he nudges my shoulder
"Ok" I say as I grab onto him. After getting water we walk back to the homestead. Minho goes to his hammock and gets in. He lifts the blankets inviting me in. I shuffle over and climb in. He wraps his arm around me as I snuggle into his chest. Finally feeling safe. once again in his arms. As I drift off the sleep I can hear him whisper "I love you my little scaredy cat".


Authors note
I hope y'all enjoy this imagine. Sorry if there's spelling mistakes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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