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As usual he was working at the convience store some One put coke bottle at the counter.

He looked up there he was Taehyung form his college he was handsome boy in entire college but jungkook was sure he doesn't even know him.

He just scanned the bottle and took his card.

"You're jungkook right "taehyung said..

Jungkook looked up he was so shocked that taehyung know him.

He just looked .

"Helloo "taehyung said.

"Y-Yeah s-orry you know me "jungkook asked surprisingly .

"Yeah we are at same college how I couldn't and your so cute to avoid "taehyung said smiling cheekily

"Oh "jungkook said and handed him the card with red face.

Taehyung just seeing how shy other was .

"See you"taehyung said and left the place.

"How can I be cute "jungkook asked himself neither way shaked his head and continued his work.

He went to college but taehyung bumped into him.

"Hello cutie "taehyung said .

Jungkook looked at him he doesn't want any uncessary attention he around some people were watching him he just run away without looking at taehyung.

Taehyung saw how running away from him .he chuckled looking at adorable male .

It happened same he just talk to taehyung when they accidentally meet him outside but not in clg Taehyung thought may be jungkook doesn't want any uncessary attention.

It will prom night in 2 weeks and taehyung wants to go with jungkook.

As usual jungkook was walking home.

Taehyung stopped him in between.


"Hi ".

"Actually jungkook you there will be prom night in 2 weeks will be my prom partner "taehyung asked.

Jungkook was froze on sopt when taehyung asked him it was beautiful when he was with taehyung he was not feeling lonely anymore and elder always come to his work places and talk to him they became good friends . jungkook didn't say anything about him till now niether taehyung forced him he gave time for jungkook.jungkook didn't expect any much but when taehyung asked for prom night he hopes went high.

"You want to go prom night with me "jungkook asked showing his innocent doe eyes.

It made something to taehyung heart.

"Yes "taehyung said .

"Yes I will "jungkook said showing big bright bunny smile to him.out of happines he hugged taehyung.

"I always want to go prom night tae thanks you for asking ". jungkook said.

"It okay bun "taehyung hugged him.

"Good night bun "taehyung said.

"Good night tae "jungkook said.

He went inside house did little dance he went to his closest to find best dress but unfortunately he only found baggy clothes.he doesn't have that much.he need to find an alternative.

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