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(Warning: This story will contain swearing.)

3rd person's POV
Sasha took a sip of her water while cleaning her guitar a bit, before glancing up at her bandmates.

"You guys know we're going out in like... an hour and a half, right?"

The two girls glanced at her and then at each other before snickering.

"Sash, you're the only one who takes ages to clean their instrument, we'll be fine."

She rolled her eyes at them before flipping them off with one hand, while scrubbing her guitar with the other one.

"You're a major germaphobe and it shows."

She shook her head and said. "Whatever, just— you two better be ready by an hour at least."

Marcy put on a serious face before saluting and saying. "Yes ma'am."

She glanced at the unamused blonde and then at Anne who was laughing, which made her grin.

"How did you idiots get into this girlband?"

The brunette put on an exaggerated thinking face, before making a noise which was supposed to signify a lightbulb, and she put a finger up. "Ah! It's because we can sing!"

"And song write." Marcy said before grabbing a piece of gum from her pocket.

She glared at the two girls and said. "Well, yeah I suppose, but guess who can actually play an instrument greatly? Me."

Anne only playfully rolled her eyes, "We barely even play our own instruments because it's usually digital, all we have to do is sing, which is much more important, and song write."

Sasha shook her head with an eye roll. "Gee, now I know why the fans ship you so much, you're both idiots who back each other up."

The brunette cringed with a groan as Marcy only awkwardly laughed.

"I have no clue why they ship us, we're clearly just friends." She said with crossed arms.

Sasha raised an eyebrow just to piss the girls off, and said. "Pfft yeah right, I want a 'friend' like that then."

The brunette shoved her off the chair she was sitting on which made her yelp and fall with a thud.

"Check your guitar strings by the way, and you better make sure it's tuned correctly." She said with a chuckle.

"I hate you," The girl on the ground muttered, she had broken the guitars fall so it wouldn't break or get dirty.

Anne towered over her before kneeling down as the third girl watched while chewing gum. "It's okay, I 'hate' you too, I know you were a love-starved child."

The blonde only burned bright red in embarrassment, and pushed her away before getting up and dusting herself off.

"Shut up, Boonchuy, so was Marcy, but you don't say anything to her."

Marcy nodded in agreement which only made Anne sigh, and say. "You weren't supposed to agree with her."

"I mean— it's kinda true..."

Sasha only laughed as Anne sighed, and said. "I hate you idiots."

"Well—" The blonde started but got cut off.

"Don't use my own joke against me!"

She put her hands up in defense and said. "Okay, whatever you say."

She pretended to lift her fist which only made the blonde snicker. "You don't even lift—"

"I've been starting okay!"

Marcy bit her lip before going to the corner of the room and opening a notebook to tap a pencil on it, which made them look at her.

"There's no way you're writing lyrics right now,"

She looked up at them and only smiled. "What? Creativity and inspiration is hard to come by sometimes, now can you two quiet down a bit please? Yeah thanks."

She looked back at the paper as the two other girls glanced at each other but decided they'd give her the silence she needed for a bit.

But that was soon broken when Sasha spoke. "Say, how do you get inspiration? Is there a certain person? Or like just from random scenarios you think of—"

"Sasha! Shut up, she's trying to write!"

The blonde sighed but nodded as Marcy glanced between the two, but decided not to answer the question.

To be continued...

(A/N) This'll use real songs and some of my own original songs!!

In Love With A Bandmate (Marcanne Band AU)Where stories live. Discover now