Hexin (Spyro OC)

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Age: Somewhere in her 20s

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Age: Somewhere in her 20s

Gender: Female

Height: 5"1

Personality Traits:

Courageous, agile, extremely good at hand to hand combat, can be very clumsy, likes to collect random objects, hardcore parkouring on anything she can if really bored, wears mix and match socks, secretly an introvert (Not so secretive but she tries).

More info/backstory: 

(Part 2 of the info on top basically)

She meets Ripto but was still trying to wrap her head around what the hell had just happened, so she was in an overwhelmed state but surprisingly was not frightened or shocked to see Ripto, him being a dinosaur and all. This is because her parents had shown her different realms ever since she was a little girl, and had seen all sorts of creatures in her time. eventually after some time the two had helped each other out, Hexin helping Ripto find his two primitive minions, Crush and Gulp, as they happened to also be alive too! (This is all based on the epilogue of the Spyro series btw) during the time as it passed for the two, they had gotten to know each other more and more a developed a super epic friendship, that would only get more serious as they bonded more and more.

The reason as of why Hexin has not used the Diamond Beacon, is because it didn't have enough "vocal energy" which is created by singing to the beacon; to take her to Blue Cabins or the Retched Wrathwing realm, where the species that Umph Kain resides, The Dark Angels.
But this aint about them so back to Hexin! Currently the gal has defeated the evil umph Kain and unfortunately figured out her mother had been killed, and her father lended her the last of his power before dying as well.. but another antagonistic individual was after her now, Umph's daughter, Arg Kain, Arg wanting Hexin dead for essentially beheading her father during their fight when he teleported Hexin and himself to "Blades Of The Canyon", luckily Hex had enough vocal energy in the diamond Beacon to go back to Avalar. Luckily now her fights dont have to be fought alone, and her encouragment towards Ripto has made him less cowardice and less dependent on his minions, the two being the ultimate duo in battles. (Dont worry they dont fight people all the time, only when people get in their way)


Ripto (Best Friend/love interest [Currently dating] ), Crush and Gulp (Friends!), Moneybags (Neutral Mutuals, makes fun of him a lot), Elora (Neutral, Elora tries to tell her to not side with him), 


⩺She speaks kind of like Ash Williams in poker night 2. Mostly when she's in deep thought.

⩺ She carries a brownish beige bag to hold the Diamond Beacon, and other little gadgets she can fit in it too!

⩺ Hexin finds Ripto to be very cute when he's angry.

⩺ Hexin likes to sneak around and suprise Ripto for fun sometimes, but she always accidentally bumps something over!

⩺ Whenever she can borrow Riptos scepter for whatever reason, she'll swing it around and playfully impersonate Ripto while she waits for him.

⩺ Her favorite realm is Hurricos

⩺ She has only one black sleeve that reaches to her hand, this is to regulate the amount of energy from her palm so she doesn't burn herself (or whatever side effects fit the attack she is trying to eject)

(I had fun writing about this lady! If you have any questions about her leave them down below!)

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