Marilyn set the last plate on the table, fluttering over to Mike who was watching her. She leaned up to give him a quick peck.
"Are you going to help?" she teased.
He hummed, wrapping his arm around her waist and dragging her close. "I'm pretty sure you have it covered, baby."
"Come help me carry some of this food out," Sheila called from the kitchen.
Mike released Marilyn, kissing her forehead before she got too far.
"It smells amazing," Marilyn told Sheila, grabbing two of the dishes to carry over to the table.
Mike went over to Danny who was carving the turkey. He could feel his mouth watering.
"You all did way too much," Mike said.
"Nonsense," Danny smiled. "The past few holidays, it's only been me and Sheila. Let us enjoy this." He patted Mike on the shoulder, herding him over to the table.
"I've never celebrated," Mike admitted as he sat down next to Marilyn. He picked up her hand. "So I'm thankful for all of you, and everything you've done for me."
"We got you guys something," Marilyn added. "But we'll save it for after we eat."
Sheila smiled brightly, starting to serve and pass the dishes around. It was warm and comforting, being with them. It was family.
"Alright, Mike," Danny started, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "I have something that I want to talk to you about."
"What's that?" Mike asked.
"I was hoping you'd be interested in running the store for me, the day to day and the books. I'm about tapped out, and I want to be home with Sheila."
Mike's heart thudded happily in his chest. He glanced over at Marilyn who smiled.
"Are you sure? You haven't known me long, and-"
"I'll still be around," Danny said. "You couldn't keep me away if you tried. You're the man for the job. You're full of fresh ideas, and business is booming more than I've ever seen it before. I trust you."
Mike felt a rush of emotions that he tried to swallow down. He couldn't believe how much his life had changed in such a short time, but he was so grateful for the people surrounding him.
Mike startled, blinking against the harsh light of the tv. He felt Marilyn near his arm and she yelped again, beginning to thrash.
He blinked a few times to adjust his eyes, realizing that they must have fallen asleep watching a movie. His hazy mind focused and he pushed himself up. Marilyn was having a nightmare.
He didn't know what to do. He didn't want to wake her. He knew she'd be confused and scared, and if she saw him - would she think she was back in that place?
His own heart pounded in his chest. He gently ran his hand from her hair down her back soothingly.
"It's okay," he said. "You're okay."
She settled a bit, and he continued to speak gently. She stirred, blinking sleepily.
"Mike?" she mumbled, forcing herself closer to him. He wrapped his arms around her tight.
"Hey," he whispered. "Are you okay? Had a bad dream?"
She nodded, a lone tear falling onto her cheek and he dried it with his thumb.
"I was back there," she admitted, grabbing his shirt and scrunching the material in her fists. "I can't escape it. Every night I'm there. It's like I've never left."
Mike sucked in a shaky breath, trying not to disrupt her rant, but still feeling like she was blaming him. Of course he knew that wasn't true. He trusted her. He loved her. But none of that deterred the negative emotions that rushed over him like a wave.
He tried to swallow it down. This needed to be about her, not him.
"You could've told me about your nightmares," Mike said, slowly trying to pull his arms away.
Marilyn sniffed a bit, rubbing her face. "What are you doing? Why are you moving away?" She blinked rapidly and he knew she was trying not to cry.
"I just don't want to hurt you," he admitted. "Everytime you look at me, I'm going to remind you of that place. I'm the cause of all of this."
"Don't be ridiculous," she huffed, placing his arms back around her. She moved closer, wrapping her legs around him, and keeping him from moving any further. "Mike, I had nightmares even when I was away from you. Actually, since we've lived together, I've had them less and less."
"I'm sorry," he whispered, placing his face in her neck. "I wasn't trying to make it about me, I just don't want to be the cause of you not being able to move on."
Marilyn yawned, kissing his cheek. "It's about both of us. You don't have be sorry. I love you. I love our life together, and I'm so happy."
He squeezed her tight, moving his head so their lips met.
"I love you, Marilyn," he said back. "I wish I could fight off everyone who ever scared you, even in your dreams."
She laughed gently and he tried to frown.
"Don't laugh at me," he said, nipping playfully at her neck.
"I can't help it," she said, squirming away from him. "You're just sweet."
"I love you," he said again, and he meant it with his whole heart.

Because of Her (BOT Spin-Off)
WerewolfMike Ledger, son of Thomas Ledger, is given the opportunity to start over. But there's only one person he wants to start over with, and that's his mate, Marilyn. Short story. Spin off of Because of Them. Probably need to read BOT to know context...