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We were on our way to the building where they were keeping Vander I had a bad feeling about this but I knew there was no talking any of them out of it we saw the climb of the building and I saw the window "hey guys isn't it kind of suspicious why do you keep the window open" everyone jumped in "Who cares let's go" this didn't feel right to me but I followed anyways we had to be quiet Vi stopped in front of the door and ran inside we followed after "Vi what are you" Vi gave him a hug "we're here to break you out Mylo" he went to side of the chair inside to pick the lock "how did you guys get in" Vi was to Focus do not pay attention to us around things but I heard a slight sense of breathing " it was easy we found an open window and....." it's finally click
" I told you it could be in a trap" Vander looks scared "oh god you need to get out of here now" I then heard footsteps "welcome" I turned around to see a man skinny he had a huge scar on his face "you have my congratulations" I look toes Vi and saw her eyes wide open "but I'm afraid this be a very short reunion" as he said that a bunch of people walked out the dock and it's I recognize one of them right away Sevika "have you heard the rumor that's been going around .... Vander Floodtown with his children and they were never seen again" I looked back add everyone and see Claggor I had freed Vander from one of the restaurants by force "Claggor see if you can find another way out" Vi Was putting on Vander's gauntlets
"you're ready to do this" I looked at all of my eyes widen I then shook my head I knew I had a fight I grabbed the knife from my belt "yeah" me and Vi walked out of the room and onto the bridge Vi raised her fist up breathing heavily I was too caught up in my own thoughts to listen to anyone else I saw her approach the big guy and hit him knocking him back some more guys came towards us one came right to me I dodged his attack I was able to kick him in the stomach knocking him down I did have to stab a few people but I guess that had to be done but I didn't kill anyone I focused on my own fight not really paying attention to what Vi was doing until I saw someone drink some sort of liquid it immediately took affect his veins were purple he was stronger he looks like a monster to be honest Vi ran straight up to him but he called her by her throat
"you idiot" I jumped on the railing running over I've got behind him still on the railing jumped from it spinning there and sliced his back making him dropper I then ran to help her up "get inside the room now I am not taking complaints" she went to the room as it was just me and the big guy "you ready to dance" I backed up some to give me some room just in case I need to move around which I'm probably am going to need he thought to walk towards me and I said the back father he races all mouth to me and I stopped it he grabbed his hand in pain blood trickling down the knife I was right against the door I knew Vi shut it just in case which I wasn't mad about I suddenly heard A familiar sound I looked to my right to see the little monkey that warned us if enforces came I looked closer to it and so it had a blue crystal on it it's stop though I looked back to the
big guy and he was just staring at it it was confusing to say the least until I heard it click and it smash the crystal I saw blue sign to reading out from it and I remember the building blowing up 'shit' I covered my face as it blew up I would knock back severely into the wall coughing of a bunch of blood but I did see a bunch of crystals flying I accidentally swallowed a bunch of them that flew my way I got knocked down to the ground I could tell it was bleeding badly I thought to lose consciousness and I passed out

Sevika POV
After the fight

The fight just ended everyone side to exit the building but something caught my eye on the other side I walked over and saw the little girl (y/n) bleeding out I knew she wasn't going to survive this she's probably already gone I remember the first time I met her


I was in the back of an alley training when I heard footsteps well more like jumping I looked up and saw a little girl jumping from wall-to-wall she looked down and saw me and came down "hello there" I was confused "hello little one what are you doing out here" she gave me a smile "i'm just training I'm trying to my reflexes to either get better at battle or if I need to make an escape" I looked down at her she was young even I wasn't doing what she did when I was around her age "really why do you need to learn that" she walked into the side for a moment I could see that she was a little bit upset "it's because I'm going on jobs" that took me back "at your age" she gave me a slight nod "yep I'm the second youngest but I have to step up" I don't remember where I first saw "so your Vander's kid he picked up in the alleyway a couple days ago" she gave me a slight nod" I was about to walk away before she stop me "I have a question" I turn my head her and she was looking straight at "could you teach me how to fight I'm not that good at right now but I need to learn how so can you" she stood tall she wasn't gonna back off "why not" I motion for her to follow me and she did

And a flashback

I looked down upon her remembering all the times we had together she was really a great kid I picked her up with my arm and started to walk out the building I saw Silco with a child in his arms I recognize her to be powder he looked down and saw me holding the little girl "what are you doing with her" it's all the little girl look at my arms in her eyes wide and tears falling down her face "I want to give a proper burial she was a sweet kid I known her for years it's only right" he gave me a slight not inside to walk away I looked ahead I didn't want to look at her because I know if I did I would break down

Sometime later
Your POV

I had a huge headache I thought my body moving well up and down like someone was caring me I started to opening my eyes I had to blink a few times to get used to the light I groaned as I put my hand on my face I heard someone gasp I look up to see if I Sevika "what happened" my voice was only a whisper "how are you alive" I felt more eyes on me I looked around and saw more people staring I still felt weak but I noticed Powder was there she had tears in her eyes "powder" The guy that attacked us was holding her in his arms he put her down and I felt Sevika was putting me down as well I smiled as Powder wrapped her arms around my neck hug me "I thought you were dead" I felt her tears dripping on me "but I'm not I don't know how I'm alive but I am I'm not leaving you" I look to my own and noticed something I pulled away for a moment she looked at me confused as I touched my arm "what's happening" everyone looked towards my arm and saw it was healing itself there was a blue light after a few moments it was fully healed no scars or scratch no nothing

What just happened

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