An Unexpected Visit

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The last few months had been anything but fun and exciting, which is why Stark was curious and slightly thrilled when he got a call from none other than Nick Fury.

"Hello?" Tony answered the phone while bringing it up to his ear

"Stark, I know this is on such short notice but we need you to come in." Fury sighed.

"What's the catch?" Tony asked weary.

"We've been keeping notice of some odd events happening some where in London but we finally were able to access cameras, and boy do we have a problem here. We'll brief you up on everything if you're in."

Stark was hesitant for a few seconds but shortly agreed. Besides, he needed something to spice things up a bit for him. "..Sure, I'll be there in about an hour."

"Make it 45." Fury said while hanging up the phone. To say Tony was excited was an understatement. For some odd reason he had this gut feeling, that he just had to be there.

Tony armored up and took the quinjet to the location Fury had texted him shortly after he hung up earlier. It was some place in a not so populated area. Once Tony landed the quinjet nearby, he was welcomed by Fury who lead him inside and in a busy room.

There were many agents there, looking at computers, walking around, chatting with each other, and some other activities Tony couldn't be bothered to pay attention to. There was table near the middle where Fury and Stark could chat. They sat down in the chairs surrounding the table as Fury brought out a file and small phone.

"During sometime in London recently, there were a few crimes that we took notice in. There were reports of dead or injured bodies in some areas with no explanation to them." Fury started.

"Two weeks ago we found another report on dead bodies and what-not in Egypt. There's no doubt that they're connected which means this is a good opportunity to catch them when they least expect it." Stark noted all this as Fury explained to him. "Alright, do we have any other visuals on them? Anything we should be looking out for?"

"As I said earlier, we've got camera footage of them in action. They will definitely be a challenge, which is why I'm pairing you with Captain Rogers." Fury stated while taking out the phone more closer to Tony.

Nick tapped the phone on and a video started playing of a man in an odd suit fighting about 4 men at once. He was awfully good considering he was fighting in literal rags, or at least that's what Tony considered his suit to be. He used a crescent shaped blade to slice the men quite easily before grabbing something and fleeing the scene. It looked as though he was in a rush.

"Hmm, he does seem like a problem.. alright, when do we start?" Tony questioned as Fury got up and handed him a file. "I'll give you a call tomorrow to come back here early in the morning." Fury said while leading Tony back out.

As Tony was heading back to his tower, he examined the video a little more closely. While enhancing the video and zooming in, he could see the stolen object the man took more clearly. It appeared to be some sort of charm. It was an odd thing to retrieve but Stark couldn't assume anything while knowing nothing about the enemy.

Once Tony got back to the tower, he decided to work on his iron suit and upgrade it a bit. He hasn't used it in a while so most of its power was drained. He decided to start fixing it up a bit so he can finish the next morning and went to bed shortly after. Although he was exhausted, he had a hard time sleeping thinking about the mysterious man he was supposed to bring in.

Stark was interested in his skill set seeing as he was able to take down multiple men at once with no problem. He was wondering if he and Cap would be enough to bring him in but that was a problem for another day as Tony dozed off to sleep.

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