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In Urdaneta, Victor, Vincent, Rodrigo, Leonard and Merly were able to check in at at Eastern Pangasinan Hotel. Victor and Vincent shared a room, and that also went to Leonard and Rodrigo. Only Merly had a solo room. She was wondering why she was involved in this damned situation. Had she known that Drigo was a crook, she would have cut off her relationship with him. Now, she was on the run, and even Victor and Vincent were now on the run. Merly was convinced that the brothers were good fellows, but now even they were involved in this mess. "God, when will this end?" she thought.

Once settled in their room, Victor and Vincent began planning for their next move. They had been thwarted twice, and they'll be damned if they were foiled again.

"Mary Rose informed me that the mayor and the vice mayor of Urdaneta, and the governor and the vice govoernor will be attending the rally as their show of support for Buencamino. So, I'm sure there will be some newsmen during the rally," Vincent commented, "I can now use my PTV-12 ID, and execute our plan."

Victor brought a coupon bond where he sketched the whole layout of the sports complex's interior. He pointed to the stage where Buencamino and the political bigwigs of Pangasinan will occupy. He explained carefully his plan, "Okay, here is Buencamino, and he will be flanked by the mayor, vice mayor, governor and vice governor. In all probability, he will stand between the mayor and the governor. As the mayor and governor raise Buencamino's hands and pose for the newsmen, take your shot. Once you hit Buencamino, walk casually to the eastern exit gate. Naturally, there will be pandemonium inside the complex. The pandemonium would certainly divert the attentions of the security people from anyone casually walking away. The activity inside the complex would give you the opportunity to just leave the complex nice and easy.I say, walk away then proceed directly to this hotel. So, what do you think?"

Vincent said, "Why can't I use the car as my getaway?"

"That would attract attention, my dear brother. It would be better if you just walk away casually. In that way, you don't invite any attention," Victor reasoned out.

Vincent was silent for a while. His brother was right. He should act naturally, as if nothing happened. Then everything will be alright. He smiled at the thought of fulfilling their mission. On May 3, it would be over, and the morning news would be screaming the headline: " CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE GLENN BUENACMINO SHOT DEAD."

"Perfect! It's fucking perfect!" Vincent grinned and did a thumbs up sign.

Chairman Nick Narciso asked Homer and the two Dagupan City cops if they wanted to drop by in his resthouse to have a few minutes of rest before heading back to his house. As expected, Homer, Christopher Viray and Samson Aquino graciously accepted the offer. They sat on a bamboo bench under the gazebo that was also made of bamboo. Homer noted that every structure in the place was made of bamboo. The roof of the gazebo itself was of bundled cogon grass, which lent the place a cool atmosphere. It was indeed a very rustic environment, and Homer was truly delighted. He felt that he was very close to Mother Nature. It was indeed a blissful moment.

Chairman Nikki sat on another bamboo bench opposite the bench where Homer, Viray and Aquino seated, "So what's your assessment with your interview with Anthony?"

"I think that he lied in some of his answers," Homer began to tell his observation. "First he lied that he never had any visitor. The presence of the fresh car tracks indicate that he was lying. Second, he lied that Mary Rose never told him of Buencamino's upcoming campaign rally. Mary Rose plainly told us that she informed him of the scheduled rally. I'm convinced that she was telling the truth. You know, in my long years as a detective, I know when people are telling the truth or not. When a person starts to sweat, stammer or avoids looking you in the eye when you subject him to questioning, for sure that person is hiding something. Third, he lied when he said that he forgot the way to Mr. Combis's house. I find that impossible to believe. If you have gone to a certain place a couple of times, you can always be sure that you don't lose your way when you go there again, unless everything in that place has completely changed. Fourth, he said that Mr. Combis never visited his resthouse for the past few months. I think he was just making it up. Mr. Vicente Combis doesn't really exist. Look, when I told him that I have a chief inspector friend in Bued who could help us locate this Mr. Combis, he looked frightened."

"So you think he's hiding something?" Chairman Nikki asked.

"He had been lying ever since the beginning," Homer stressed, " and I want that man taken into custody by the Urdaneta Police and subject him to tactical interrogation."

"Can you not make the arrest? You have SPO1 Viray and Aquino here," Chairman Nikki explained.

"Urdaneta is not within our jurisdiction, Chairman," it was Viray who responded, "if we arrest Anthony, then we would be making an illegal arrest. We need to coordinate with the Urdaneta PNP."

"Okay, I think I can help you with that," Chairman Nikki stood and walked closer to the three law enforcers, "The PNP Chief here is my compadre. I can accompany you to him."

"Well, that would be great!" Homer was happy to hear the information, "Then, what are we waiting for? Let's go before it's too late!"

"Wait a second, Homer," Chairman Nikki hesitated, "why don't you call Attorney Buencamino and warn him? It is possible that the Camba brothers have known of the sports complex campaign. And I am pretty sure that they are now planning their move in assassinating him."

"I think you're right," Homer dug into his pocket for his cellphone. Seconds later, Buencamino's voice came through.

"Hello, Homer, what's up?" it was Glenn's voice.

"Attorney, I think you have the cancel your campaign in Urdaneta Sports Complex," Homer said in a sense of urgency.

"Again? Well, I can't do that. The governor and vice governor are coming. I thought you got those bastard brothers."

"I'm sorry, Sir, but the managed to slip away. I think someone tipped them off," Homer explained.

"Look, detective, everything is arranged now for my miting de avanse in Urdaneta. I can't put it off this time."

"But, Sir, your life is in grave danger," Homer sounded pleading.

"Don't worry, Homer, I have tripled my security. Mayor Edward Cordero of Urdaneta will provide additional security. The whole complex will be tightly secured." Glenn assured him. "Thanks for the warning, Homer. But I've gotta go now. I have a hectic schedule. Bye."

Homer looked at his three companions and said, "I think, we'd better get going, gentlemen. Buencamino refused to cancel his campaign."

The four men hurried to Homer's car, and in a couple of seconds they drove to the city and arrived at the PNP headquarters in record time. From this time on, it would be race against the clock for Homer.

Unknown to Homer, Chairman Nikki, Viray and Aquino, just after they had left, Anthony phoned Victor and told him what had transpired. Victor was greatly alarmed by the latest developments.

"Damn it! This is not good. Okay, Anthony, I want you to stay away from the resthouse during the day, then come back when it gets dark," was Victor's instruction. He feared that Homer and the other cops might come snooping around during the day.

"But where would I go Boss?"

"There's a hut about two hundred meters west of the house. Get some provisions and stay there during the rest of the day. Got that?"

"Okay Boss. I got it. I might sleep there tonight, and stay there the test of the day tomorrow."

"Alright, I've got to go," and Victor hanged up.

The Open Coffin: Prelude to MurderWhere stories live. Discover now