Chapter 23

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Gulf was sitting in the waiting area with the sleeping Alex on his lap.

It's Gulf's gynaecologist.

"Doc! *Wai*"

Doc: what're you doing here??

"My husband met with an accident. He's in OT"

Doc: Mew?? How's he?

"No information till now. But how do you know him??"


"What's it doc?"


"Please tell me doc what is it? Please"

Doc: he met me when you were pregnant.


Doc: it was like this....

Doc was going through some patient's file at his off time when the nurse informed him that someone is here to meet him. Then two men came inside.

Men: Sawadee krub doc*wai*

Doc: sawadee. Take a seat. *They sat*
What can I do for you?

Old man: doc he's Mew. He's Gulf, your patient's, husband.

Doc: ooh.. yeah. So what can I do for you?

Old man: we need your help.
He then briefed what happened between them.

So could you please allow him to stay in your at the time of Gulf's check up without his knowledge??

Doc: actually it's not right. But given the situation I'll allow as it is not harmful to anyone.

Flashback end

Doc: he's there at your every appointments. He will cry whenever he hear the baby's heartbeat. He'll peek a glance whenever you're looking away. It'll be cute if he was not in that situation. He was also there at the time of your delivery. He hid himself well in the operation suit that no one recognised him. You're half conscious at that time that you couldn't understand it's him. He held your hand tightly. I still remember how he held Alex when he born. He's crying his heart out saying how he love you two and how he wanted baby Alex to take care of you. But after that I never saw him. Don't worry. He'll be fine.
He gently pat Gulf's shoulder and left from there. Gulf couldn't utter any word he just sit there silently.
Gulf was looking into nothingness thinking all what the doctor said when he heard a commotion outside.

......: What are you saying?

🤷: Where's our son?

......: What's his name?

🤷: Mew Suppasit.

......: But you're no....

🤷: Please tell us where our son is. Please... I beg you.

......: Sir, we....

"What's going on here, Peter?"

Peter: sir they're saying they're sir Mew's parents.

🤷: Gulf son, let us meet Mew, please🙏

"You know me?"

🤷: Yes son. Please let us meet him.

"Are you P'Mew's papa?"

🤷: Yes yes I'm. I'm his papa.

"Okay come with me, but he's still inside the OT"

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