🧋6. texts and unexpected guests🧋

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Johnny's hands shook as he typed "hi" to the number Ten had given him. Maybe Ten was tricking him and wasn't in to him...? He'd heard borderline horror stories about guys who'd wanted someone's number and got so excited, only to call someone completely different.

But Ten wouldn't do that, right? He seemed so genuine.

is this ten? from hoba boba?

Johnny held his breath as the messages sent. He didn't know why he felt so nervous, but he did. The messages sent and the little reply bubble popped up with three dots signaling that whoever was on the line was replying.

His breath hitched in his throat.

tenlee: WAIT OMG

Johnny smiled endearingly, the breath he didn't know he was holding was let go. His fingers raced across his keyboard.

oh hey ten
I was scared lmao 
I thought I had the wrong number

tenlee: Why would you think that??? Lol.

so... wyd?

tenlee: ur so awkward lmao it's hilarious.
tenlee: you wanna call?

uhh I think I have time to call


Johnny answered his phone and it was quiet on the other line. He sucked in a breath and Ten's voice was on the other line.

"Woah! Hey Johnny! You had given me your number yesterday  so I was gonna call you later on today!"

"Yo, really?"

"Yeah, I guess we had the same idea! Imagine that!"

He learned quite a lot about him; His name was Ten Lee and he was born in Thailand. He'd been majoring in graphic design before dropping out and moving to Korea. He said his name was very special to him, but didn't say why. Johnny didn't want to pry, so he'd ignored it. He also said he had a little cousin named Yangyang who went to school around here and was a pain in his ass.

"I, uh... kinda forgot your name." Ten admitted suddenly sheepishly. Johnny could practically hear the blush from through the phone.

"Oh yeah, It's no problem. Johnny, Johnny Suh. People forget it fairly often since it's not a Korean name. I mean, I have one, I just don't use it." Johnny rambled.

Ten let out a high pitched giggly sound and Johnny's heart fluttered.

"I'm sorry."

Johnny furrowed his brow. "Your laugh is nice, don't be sorry!"

The line was quiet for a while, before Ten spoke up again. "You know Johnny, it's re-"

Johnny heard a sudden string of what he assumed were curses suddenly in a language he didn't know - maybe French or German - and Ten yelling back, then something falling.

"Oh hell, I gotta go. My roommate is home." Ten grumbled into the phone, before more yells made their way through the receiver. "Yes! I'm taking it off, I promise! It's only been four hours! I didn't work toda-"

BUBBLE TEA [JOHNNY • TEN]Where stories live. Discover now