I wake up feeling elated.
But I soon find myself deflated.I have to wake up and get on to school.
Filled with people worrying if they're cool.I see the door to my very first class.
Each day I cannot help but ask.How much longer is this school day?
When can I leave and leave my worries at bay?I have so many questions and ideas on life.
But not everyone agrees and not everyone thinks I'm right.I keep my thoughts of life and freedom to myself.
When I get home I store them on a high up shelf.Every once in a while I'll share what I feel.
But I cannot dissuade or tell others to heel.My opinions are my own and they always will be.
I will simply live my life on how I see things.And I'm happy and I am of course until,
People mistake their opinions for my will.
Stories and Rhymes
PoetryThese are things I thought would be cool. If you don't think they're cool then that's cool too. Okay? Cool.