Bad sans poly

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Forrrr rsmart20486


There were many advantages of getting rid of Error's haphephobia, sure, but what he wasn't ready for were the cons that came with it. The main one? Overwhelming touch-starvation. He really should have foreseen that, but his life-long phobia wasn't in the favor of that. He was currently sitting on a couch shifting uncomfortably, Cross next to him mindlessly scrolling on his phone, but a visible distance away from Error. He tried to focus on the image being displayed on the TV, but his fingers simply itched too much, like they needed to touch something, or rather someone. His eyes moved and focused on Cross, who was unaware of his dilemma.

Slowly Error stirred closer and closer to him, trying to keep as quiet as possible. Finally his body was close enough to touch the other's one. He took a breath and leaned on Cross, quickly not to change his mind.

At first Cross didn't visibly react, all in all it wasn't new for his datemates to lean on him, he was used to it. That is until he realized that the one touching him was Error, whose voluntary affection was still new to him and the rest of the gang.

"What's up?" He started, tilting his head.

"...I'm hungry."

"Hungry? Then maybe you should grab a-."

"No." Error interjected quickly and then paused in hesitation. "I mean, like touch hangry."

Ohh, ohh, so that's what it was about. Having his confirmation Cross willingly put his phone away and used his arms to lift the other a bit and then fell down on his back, bringing Error down with him. He got comfortable again and a moment later he was once again on his phone, but this time with a monster snuggled up on him, looking like he felt blessed.

The two stayed like that for a while, peaceful and quiet. Error briefly wondered where the rest of the gang was, whether they were still inside or went out somewhere. His question was answered soon when he felt his legs being lifted for a second. He glanced at the newcomer, who turned out to be Dust, who simply sat himself on the couch with Error and Cross' legs on his lap.

"Could be better..." Dust murmured to himself. Cross was about to ask him about it, but he dismissed him with a move of his hand and pulled out his phone, typing a few quick words.

A minute later Nightmare appeared in their sight and eyed the three, his eyes stopping on Dust.

"Really, that is the 'emergency'?"

"Yup." The skeleton in question answered casually. His expressionless face cracked a smile, patting a place next to him. Seeing that the other two joined the encouraging gestures, and finally, with a not-meant-to-be-serious roll of his eyes, Nightmare placed himself next to the hooded one. A single tentacle wrapped around Dust, with another one curling around Error and Cross, making all three wiggle in their hold.

Another silent moment followed, with an unspoken question hanging in the air, until eventually Error decided to address it.

"Should we... call Horror and Killer?"

"Already on it." Cross replied, entering the texts.

Soon enough the two appeared next to them and seeing the forming cuddle pile Killer laughed earning himself a playful shove from Horror, who was beyond happy with the circumstances. Eventually they settled on Nightmare's right side, claiming themselves two remaining tentacles from the guardian, who at this point came to terms with the situation and was pretty content with it.

They all were.

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