Part 1

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I suddenly woke up in a shock ,wanting to go back to sleep when mum shouted "GET OUT OF BED LAZY"I rushed out of my bed and then I got a random text of a unknown person on my I slowly picked my phone up and I read the text and it said "I see you.."

I got changed out of my pjs and rushed downstairs and I told mum about it and she said to me "don't be silly it's a prank off one of your friends" I accidentally screamed mum saying "NO ITS NOT BELIVE ME FOR ONCE!" After that it went silent. Mum said to me "go on, eat up" as I slowly ate someone texted me again.

I nervously told mum "someone texted me again mum it's not funny anymore " mum walked away before I could even say it. Mum was watching tv while I snuck outside to see my bestie and mum constantly started calling me but I didn't answer and put my phone on silent.

After I was walking back home I suddenly felt that someone kept watching me and breathing on my neck but I said in my mind "stop being paranoid it's no one." I quickly ran as fast as I could and opened the front door and slammed it after me mum was sleeping peacefully.

I got changed into my pjs once again and tried to sleep I couldn't sleep for a while I just kept feeling like someone is watching I slowly drifted off and soon as I fell asleep I felt someone touch my leg . I screamed and rushed downstairs and ran to mum kept on telling me to calm down but I didnt.
I started heavy breathing and slowly calmed down and went back upstairs and went to sleep finally and didn't feel anything.

In the morning I woke up before anyone in the house and quickly got changed as I slowly went downstairs I turned on the cooker and made myself some eggs,bacon and bagels when I was done I ate it. Quick as possible and my best friend was waiting outside as I walked out there I said "jess I have been getting wierd texts of a random person on my phone " as we walked to our school and the teacher was acting all nice for once .

Me and jess were wondering why they were so nice today we were walking to class and even the bully's acted nice for once one of the bully's said "be carful there coming for you "me and jess were shaking and looking at eachother as we both ran to class when we got in everyone stared at me and jess.

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