°'Day One'°

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It's mine first time here as you smiled to the entry but someone stops you from entering "Key Card" said the stranger. You past them your key card. "Nice to meet you Y/N have a good day." They passed the key card back to you. You walked into the cave and not alot of people here. "So you must be new here?" Said a stranger. "I'm and who are you?" Said you. "I'm Hazzy the one to help out new people but some old people think humans should do it..." Said hazzy "why so?" Said you "they mine think I will effe- never mind" said hazzy. "And follow me this way and here's a map just in case you ever get lost or a blackout or powerage happens" hazzy said as he mumbled the last part.

~After the look and ahh things~

"That's all and you can ask me questions" said hazzy as they smile
"What are these thing that look like furrys" Said you. "Those are gooblixes and I'm one of them and they do attack and make you one of them so yep" as said hazzy "are you going to infect me...?" Said you "No no I'm not going infect you I work here and it's pretty boring because I can't go into the Barrier only when something bad happens" said hazzy. All of suonden a poweratge happens "what the hell happenep" said you. But hazzy didn't answer and they grabbed your hand. "We are not safe here and plus you will get infect if this happens..." Said hazzy and he pulls you to the cafe. "This is a poweratge and it's dangerous make sure you have a weapon" said hazzy and they make you sit down and hands you small knife. You felt tired very quickly. "I'm tried..." As you slowly fall asleep "stay awake please... I don't want to lose someone new here" said hazzy as soon they grabs you by your shirt. You slowly drift of to sleep... You awake up by a big bing and you fell that something heavy is on your chest and you look down and see hazzy asleep on your chest but hazzy had alot of cuts and bruises and you try to get them off but they were to heavy. "Wake up hazzy please" said you. "Huh?.. what time it is?..." Said hazzy as they wake up. "It's 12:08Pm." Said you. Hazzy gets up off of you. "Sorry I fell asleep on you..." Said hazzy. "it's fine" said you hazzy grabs your hand and pulles you up. "You were actually fluffy" said you as you give him a pat. "Thanks and you should probably get out of the cafe it will start getting packed." Said hazzy. You grabbed hazzy hand and pulles them out of the cafe. "What is it?" said hazzy but all of the suonden you get grabbed behind you. "Let the go please" said hazzy as soon you break free and see a carneline... "Oh shit get the fuck away from them carneline" said hazzy "No..." Said carneline as soon hazzy pushes you away from them "get some humans so they can kill carneline" said hazzy. You run to one of the humans close to the barrier and ask them for help and they say "okey I will help but you got to pay" said stranger "okey dokey I will pay" said you and you and the stranger runs to the place where you see hazzy badly hurt and laying on the ground. And see that carneline was sitting on hazzy. "So your back I just need to kill you both" said carneline "shit you got to deal with this and I'm not going to help you out" said the stranger running away (🏃💨) and you look back and see carneline close to you and they place their hand on your chin "you look very pretty but I can't fuck you because your a human but if I turn into one of me you will be mine little pet" said carneline as they try to change you and you see hazzy right next to them and hazzy punches them into their face "go to the barrier and stay there now!!!" Said hazzy...

Cliffhanger 😶

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2022 ⏰

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