7. The Dreadful Cold Case of the Black Quill

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Harry was off work for a few days once again, this time it was to sit on the Wizengamot as Dolores Umbridge appealed against her life sentence. Harry's part was as a member of the Wizengamot and he sat there in his ridiculous red robes and stupid hat feeling somewhat like an imposter. He wondered how he was to remain unbiased. He couldn't even look at the woman as she sat before the court in her grey prison smock with her greying hair lank around her face. He supposed pink suits and hairdressers weren't on demand at Azkaban. He sat through the opening proceedings and daydreamed about Dementors giving the inmates a shampoo and set. It was with a certain amount of surprise that he was pulled from his reveries by the Defence Council kicking things off by calling Draco Malfoy to the stand as a character witness for the defendant.

His heart sank. Why... why, after all their conversations, was Draco defending the bitch?

He couldn't help catching eyes with Minerva McGonagall who was sitting next him. They both exchanged worried glances as Draco was sworn in and promised to uphold the truth in front of the Wizengamot.

'You are Mr Draco Lucius Malfoy?' checked the Defence Lawyer (as if he didn't know).


Harry thought Draco looked very comfortable before his audience, almost as if he were enjoying himself. He exuded a confidence that reminded Harry of the schoolboy Draco (pre-sixth year). Umbridge watched him greedily. Harry recognised the hope that was being placed in Draco as a character witness.

'And you hold the position of Auror under Head Auror Robards.'

'Obviously,' said Draco, indicating to his Auror uniform.

'Yes or no, Mr Malfoy.'


'For how long?'

'I joined the corps seven years ago.'

Harry was sure his grey eyes were sparkling with a dangerous sort of mischief that he recognised from their teenage years.

'And you work closely with the Assistant Head Auror Harry Potter?'

'Irrelevant,' claimed the prosecution.

'Just establishing Mr Malfoy's character as someone trustworthy and reliable and in a position of responsibility whom is worthy to work beside Auror Potter.'

Harry rolled his eyes.

'You may answer the question, Mr Malfoy,' said Minister Shacklebolt who was running proceedings.


'You were, Mr Malfoy, at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry during Professor Dolores Umbridge's time there?'

'Yes,' answered Draco. 'It was during my fifth year.'

'And how did you find she treated you, personally?'

'Very well but then –'

'Thank you. You were part of a select group of students who she honoured with certain tasks and positions of responsibility around the school.'

'Yes, we were named the Inquis –'

'Thank you –'

'Objection, Your Honour,' said the Prosecution Council. 'The esteemed colleague Mr Shallott is not letting the witness finish his sentences and is therefore tainting the evidence in his favour.'

'Mr Shallott, you have been warned once, please don't interrupt the witness again,' boomed Kingsley. 'You may continue, Mr Malfoy.'

Umbridge winced.

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