I know Sam has a YouTube channel with his best friend Colby, I've never met Colby or talked to him but I've seen pictures of him and damn he's fucking cute....
"Y/N!!!" I hear Sam yell "WHAT DO YOU WANT BITCH" I yell back at him. "COME DOWNSTAIRS,THERES SOMEONE I WANT YOU TO MEET!" I can hear the fucking smirk in his voice. "OK ONE SECOND" I yell, I hear a faint "ok don't take to long"
I get into a better outfit than my pj's it looks like this:
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I ran down the stairs really fast trying to break my record of 3 seconds of running down the stairs. Spoiler I didn't break it, anyways.. I went to the couch figuring that's where Sam was. I was right but he was with another boy, the cutest boy I'd ever seen in my whole life. My.YouTube. crush. COLBY FUCKING BROCK!!!! Tbh I almost fell over at the sight of him. My doc martens helped me by having grips on the bottom of them.
Sam turned his head to face me "Took you long enough, loser" he said in a snarky voice. What a jerk. He knows I have the hugest crush on his best friend. I can't hate Sam though he's my bestie. "Welp I do look better than you, beauty takes time, hun" I say while smirking at him. Colby immediately turns his head to the sound of my voice, I locked eyes with him. His piercing blue eyes staring deeply in my y/e/c eyes. His hair was jet black, he had a ripped sweater on with ripped black jeans and many rings on. He smiled at me, COLBY BROCK SMILED AT ME AHHHHHHH HELPPPPP WHAT DO I DO AHH HELP PLS!!! All I did was smile back at him and walked closer to the couch and held my hand out, "Hi I'm, y/n nice to meet you." He smiled again and shook my hand " Colby Brock nice to meet ya" Sam looked at me and grinned "Oh she knows who you are Colby" he was on the verge of laughing. I looked at Sam and gave him a dirty look telling him to shut the fuck up. "Oh?" Colby's says with a smile still on his face.
I turned bright red. I think sam noticed bc he laughed lightly. "So why'd you ask me to come down?" I said trying to change the subject. " well y/n..." Sam said "Colby has two questions for you." Colby smacked Sam in the back of the head. I laughed, but covered up my smile, I was extremely insecure about my teeth and my smile. "So y/n" Colby said, hearing my name coming out of his mouth made me blush. "I was wondering if I could be yours and sams roommate..?" Colby said like he was asking for permission. Of course he didn't have to but.. he didn't know that yet... "of course you can any friend of sams is a friend of mine." I smiled but did it with my mouth closed, so it was more of a friendly smirk. He smiled hugely back at me, he generally seemed really happy, he's so cute. "So what was the second question you wanted to ask?" I said, "well Sam has told me a lot about you like a little too much. He doesn't shut up about you tbh, but he mentioned that you liked ghost hunting and you watch our channel," my face turned red again, I was embarrassed tbh like always. "So me and Colby were thinking-" Sam finished Colby's sentence then Colby interrupted him. "I was getting to that point Sam shush. So we were thinking if you wanted to join us on our journeys an-" " AND HELP WITH OUR PARANORMAL INVESTIGATIONS!!! SO YOU WOULD BE JOINING US!" My heart stopped completely. I was starstruck. Surprised. Excited. Happy. I got to live with my crush and my best friend, and got to join doing my favorite hobby with my favorite YouTubers.