[1] - Falling asleep

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Maybe things will get better.

They didn't know why they clung onto that phrase so much. Did one of their parental figures tell them those five words a lot when they were younger? Or did they tell themselves that phrase when they were in their room after a bad situation had happened? [Y/N] couldn't remember, but that particular sentence was so special to them and they kept holding onto it, even if they knew that deep down, things weren't going to get better.


It was getting unbearable, [Y/N] was writing in their dream diary, well trying to. There wasn't anything new to write about. Their dreams have been the same lately, and [Y/N] was starting to get tired of it. They closed the dream diary and stood up from their chair, instantly putting their attention on the door that lead to the 'outside'. They haven't opened it for weeks if not months, how they were still alive was a mystery to them.

They examined their room as if something changed. They stopped when the Famicon console reached their view, walking toward it, [Y/N] started seeing dust on the console. How long has it been since they played with it?
Well, one game couldn't...No...It would be a waste of their time.

Walking to their bed, [Y/N] hoped that their dream wouldn't be the same. They got in their bed and covered themselves with the blanket, closing their eyes and slowly drifting to sleep.


They were shaking, why was it so cold all of a sudden? [Y/N] opened their eyes and saw their balcony. That's when they realized that it was the same dream.

Walking into their room, their hope of something being even slightly different faded away. It was the same room, the Famicon console was all that was missing, but it wasn't there in the other dreams too so it wasn't anything new.

Instead of staying there, they decided to explore the worlds that were beyond their door. They opened the door, and they were met with a big room with 12 doors forming a circle, each one had its own unique design.

Examining the room more closely, [Y/N] wondered what places lie behind the doors. They could be something absolutely beautiful or something so twisted beyond their comprehension.

They didn't want to make a wrong move and see something they wish they have never seen, so they had to pick carefully. They came up with an idea, they'll pick the door that looks the most promising. It wasn't the best idea, but they went with it.

Now all they had to do was examine the design of each door

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