The past hurts

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The sound of sobbing and faint sniffles was all that could be heard in the otherwise silent home, the sound stirred Genya from his sleep.

He awoke with a jolt, immediately sitting up and looking around, impatiently waiting for his eyes to adjust to the dark.

His eyes adjusted quickly enough, but what he saw next suprised but also saddened the man, it was his lover who was crying while sitting up in bed next to him. His head leaning on the headboard with his knees hugged to his chest.

Tears rolled down his pale face, eyes droopy and tired, he looked so miserable Genya had to do something! He couldn't bare to see his lover in such made him hurt too.

"Mui..? Sweetheart what's wrong?" Genya asked, sitting up and pulling the crying boy into his arms, not making any move to back away when Mui buried his tear stained face into Genyas shoulder still shaking and letting out quiet sobs

"C-can we talk a-about it *Sniff* tomorrow, please" his voice breaking at the end as he began sobbing again, burying his face deeper into his partner's shoulder and tightening his grip on Genyas sleep wear

"Of course, whatever you want" Genya responded in a soft and sweet tone, lightly rubbing small circles on the shaking boys back in an attempt to calm him down at least a little.

"I-i want cuddles..." Mui whispered softly, barely audible but Genya heard him anyway and moved them into a comfortable sleeping position, keeping both his arms around his lover, softly running his fingers through the black with teal tiped locks until he heard light snores

"Good nigh Mui" he whispered before drifting back off himself

314 words
I was crying my eyes out over personal things today so I wrote something sad to match the day


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