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Thunder rumbled and Suga flinched. He hated it. Storms used to calm him, but now he couldn't stand them. Now whenever a storm comes, it just makes his body hurt, and from a hospital room the thunder was anything but comforting.

He whimpered as lightning cracked across the sky. Damn it. Of all the times for him to be alone...

With a heavy sigh, Suga got out of the bed on unsteady feet. He could still walk, but it was hard.

He made his way over to the windows and shut them with shaking hands. Suga watched the rain pounding against the window for a moment before shutting the blinds too.

Suga went back to his bed and sat down. It couldn't get any worse.


It got worse. So, so much worse.

The storm got so bad that the power went out. The backup generator kept the machines on, but the lights stayed out. And when Suga tried getting up to light a candle, he almost fell.

Suga pulled out his phone, which, of course, only had 20% left on the battery.

Text to Kiyoko (8:17pm)
[Hey Kiyoko, when do you think you'll be here?]

Kiyoko (8:18pm)
[I'm almost there. Are you okay?]

Suga (8:18pm)
[Not really.]

Kiyoko (8:19pm)
[I'll be there soon. I promise.]

Suga put down his phone and curled up. He hated feeling so helpless.


Kiyoko rushed through the hall. She'd hoped to be back before the storm hit.



She walked over to the bed and sat dow next to a curled up Suga.

"How are you feeling?"

Slowly, Suga turned to face her, and Kiyoko thought her heart might've shattered when she saw his red eyes and shaky hands.

"I'm sorry I left you," Kiyoko whispered. She grabbed his face in her hands and kissed his head. "I'm here now. It's okay."

As it turns out, her heart had not completely shattered. That is, not until Suga started crying, causing his weak body to shake.

"I hate this," he cried. He buried his head into Kiyoko's shoulder and let out a week sob.

"I promised myself I would be strong and here I am crying over a storm as if I was a little kid. And I used to love storms, and now all I can think about is how my body hurts when they come, and how the thunder reminds me of y- of bad things."

"I know, baby, I know." She didn't know what to say. She stroked his hair and held him tight when a big lightning bolt flashed across the sky. And when the thunder came, held him even tighter.

"I'm right here Suga. And I promise I'm not going anywhere."

"I know. Thank you."

"I spoke to some nurses and they said the power should be back on soon."

Suga's only response was a sigh of relief.

"Do you need anything to eat? I know you don't like to eat when you're nervous, but it might help."

Suga wiped at his face. "I just want to sleep."

Kiyoko kissed him. "Then sleep. And I'll be right here when you wake up."

Thankfully, it only took Suga about twenty minutes to fall asleep. He always seemed to sleep best when Kiyoko was with him.

Moving his head from her shoulder, Kiyoko gently repositioned him to put his head on a pillow. She layed down next to him and held his hands in front of her face. They were so cold.

Before Kiyoko drifted off to sleep, she could have sworn she saw a small smile on his face.

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