Bucky's Case || Part 5

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(TW: Mentions of Death/Murder)

(Your P.O.V)

          I yawned and then checked my watch. It was almost 1 am. "Hey, Buck, I'm going to go find Steve, check on the party, and grab some things from my room. Probably change." He just nodded, yawning himself.

          I ran into the stairwell and headed up, too stiff to just stand in the elevator. I got to the floor where the party was happening. Still raging on, it was Tony's party after all. I open the door to peek. Tony is on the stage singing with Pepper pinching the bridge of her nose in disappointment.

          I giggle. I spot Steve, and almost call him over before I see Nat walk to him and place a kiss on his lips. Aww good for him. I decide to just let him be, it's been a while. He smiled at her and they both laughed at Tony's godawful singing. I spotted Thor in the corner cheering him on. I shook my head and shut the door, continuing up to my floor.

          The first thing I do is lock my door and take off my clothes, they were super uncomfy. I change into a pair of shorts and a tank top, it got super hot. I grab Bucky's case and stuff some extra paper and grab any other files I'd need. I also grabbed my normal clothing planning sketchbook, I nearly finished the base of the overthrow vest, but could get some design ideas from past projects.

          I look around, anything else? No, I think I'm good. Wait, lemme grab my blanket, I might get cold. I grabbed my soft and thin blanket off the edge of my bed. I enter the elevator and head to Bucky's level.

          I enter. "Hey Buck it's-" I see his eyes closed and him sleeping. "Oh shit." I back up and flick the light off and enter being sure to close the door quietly. I set the files down and sat down wrapping myself in the blanket I had brought. I smile at him. He looked so peaceful, I hope he stayed peaceful...

{Time Skip}

          I smiled, that would look amazing! I could make the lace if I had to, but with the budget I had? I could find premade snowflake lace in the same color, it'd probably take a while, so now'd be the time to start work on the pants.

          I hear sheets move and a gasp. I turn to Bucky, who's sat up, knees pulled to his chest, hands clutching either side of his head. He was grunting and groaning. "Bucky?" I offered quietly. His eyes flared open in fear and anger.

          "Hey... Hey... Hey... Bucky... It's (y/n), you're okay." I tried to keep my voice quiet and soothing. He's shaking his head and gasping for air. "No... Not... Okay... Help..." He sounded so hurt and scared. I reach out my hand, moving,  I sit on my knees on his bed. He looks at my hand and offers his.

          I place it on my chest and take a deep breath. "Breathe with me, try to breathe with me, and I'll remind you. Just try..." He nods and is shaking. I hated seeing him like this, it reminded me of being like this, it made my heart drop.

          Between deep breaths, I recited what I normally did. "You are James Buchanan Barnes, you go by Bucky, You, Steve Rogers, and I have all served in the war, you are at the Avengers tower where you are safe, I'm (y/n), we're friends, I am here to help you, not to hurt you, keep breathing with me... okay?" He nods.

          After a few minutes, his breathing is calm, his hand keeps its place on my chest for a little while. "Do you feel better?" He nods. "Yes... Thank you." I let go of his hand and he rakes it through his hair.

          "Do you want me to sit here with you?" He nods. "Yes... Please..." I move to sit against the wall so that I'm not sitting next to him, but so that I'm facing the glass. He moves to sit next to me. I smiled at him. He smiles back.

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