Episode 7: Ignitus' Last Stand

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    The Ice Serpents return to the Arctic Isle, and Cold-Blood slither to find the Ice Emperor. When he looks, he sees he's not there in his throne. He goes to look for him until found him lying on the snow.

King Cold-Blood: "My Emperor!!"

He slither to see his Emperor's condition is getting worse. The Ice Serpents see this and help to get the Ice Emperor back to his throne. Few minutes pass, he wakes up and sees himself in his throne and all the Ice Serpents using their ice power to heal him.

Silther: "What has happen?" He asked, touching his head.

King Cold-Blood: "You went slithering outside of your Ice Palace, and found laying on the snow. The anger is taking your ice powers away. You must rest to ensure you survive..."

Silther: "I don't need to rest! I want the staff back! I want to be entertal forever!" As he says furiously.

And then he coughs very hard causing him to cough even more, and that's when the Ice Serpents started to cough too. They all started coughing and they're ice powers began to fade leaving them weak and sick.

Mindusa: "Something's wrong with them. They're being sick like him."

Anna: "*Cough, Cough* I think I'm starting to feel sick too."

Count Viperla: "And my ice power, they're fading away."

King Cold-Blood: "This must be the cause of the Emperor's anger." As he then looked at Silther. "My Emperor, the anger you use is causing us to become weaker and weaker, if you use too much anger then all of us will lose everything. Including our eternity."

He raises his hand showing his cold hand started to become warmer. The Ice Serpents were afraid and worried they did not want to perish back being dust and bones again.

Anna: "No, no, no, no, no! I do not want to die! I want to live with my pet!" As she slithers away to find her pet.

All the Ice Serpents are scared and want to live eternity, and the Cyber-Dragons begin feeling the same cause they're using their ice powers too. Formeleon does not want to fail his creator's plan and will not let him die.

Formeleon: "My Creator, we must retrieve that staff before it's too late. Sooner and later, you and all the Ice Serpents will perish. We will not let the Skylanders destroy you."

Silther: "Indeed..." As he rested. "They are taking our lives away, and beginning the extinction of the Ice Serpents. We must have it back."

King Cold-Blood: "Yes, but I have my Slithers in the Fire Birds' home. I can use it to bring the staff to us."

Silther: "No, Cold-Blood. I have other plans to get them to give up the staff to save our serpents. They will soon have a choice to decide our fate for the world."

    Meanwhile, at the Dragon City in the Dragon Temple, the heroes celebrate the victory of retrieving the staff back. The staff is in the Fire Birds' Tomb hidden somewhere where no one knows but only Captain Burnt and the Fire Master. Ignitus and Master Eon see them enjoying but more focus on the loss of their other friend.

Master Eon: "King Pen was the greatest friend of mine in our world. But now Silther did something to him with a curse of ice."

Ignitus: "We may have lost our friend from him, but we have the chance to save him once the Fire Master has the ceremony ready for his daughter to become the Seventh Phoenix and use it to heal the world when Silther becomes weak and we'll use both powers to heal the world. And our friend will return."

Master Eon agreed to his words, as they continued watching the Skylanders enjoying the victory. Not everyone is enjoying it because Stealth is now with them but in the Fire Birds' Tomb where she is telling the Fire Master about what she saw.

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