Chapter 13

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That very day, while Paul was still celebrating his huge win, Ray's emotions were still on top of him. It was understandable, though, because anybody would have felt that way.

"You'll get over it", said Paul, trying to make him feel better.

"You vote for me to die", said Ray, "and you then take my one chance of life away from me, and now you tell me I'll get over it!"

"I'm sorry", said Paul, "but I did it for my family!"

"You didn't win!" screamed Ray, "I beat you in the race!"

"But you did not drink all the beer!"

"That doesn't matter!"

"It obviously does. I'm sorry, but it was your own fault!"

At this point, Ray was beginning to get more and more vexed. Without a moment of hesitation, Ray jumped up and grabbed Paul on his face, and smacked his head off the wall, causing it to bleed. Paul screamed and begged Ray to stop, but Ray did not pay any attention at all. Instead, he kept on punching him in the stomach, and strangled him. Ashton tried to push him off, as well as the others, but there was no stopping him - Ray was determined to kill Paul, and nobody was going to get in his way (except The Leader). The Leader saved Paul's life, as they began to speak.

"Ray, if you do not stop harming Paul right now, I will release the toxic gas on the house".

That scared Ray off. He had unleashed his at least a little, and therefore, he had time to think about what he was doing - he could now think straight, so he stopped hurting Paul, and walked into the bedroom.

"I can't get out of this house quick enough", said Paul, holding his stomach.

"At least you're getting out of here alive", said Ashton.

"I understand what it's like, Ashton, but I am living for my family, not for myself", Paul said, gasping for breath.

"I know, but there is now only one place left!"

"You might get out of here alive. You never know".

"I don't think so".

Ashton then walked into the back garden, out of the way of Paul. Paul started to get worried that the others were ganging up on him, but it was still worth it, considering that he was guaranteed life. He also understood their actions if they did have a grudge against him, since six out of the seven of them were going to die.

Elsewhere, in the garden, except for Ashton, who was sat in the corner, playing with the grass, Lucy and Jack were alone.

"Are you OK?" Jack asked Lucy.

"I'm fine, now that the violence is over", replied Lucy.

"See, that's what I like about you", said Jack.

Lucy look puzzled. "What?" she asked.

"The fact that you care about people", replied Jack, gazing into her eyes.

"I'm sure most people care about others", said Lucy, trying not to laugh at Jack's pathetic attempts to charm her.

"I know, but in this position, nobody else in here cares, especially now that there's one place left".

Lucy looked away, thought for a few seconds, and then turned back to Jack. "Do you care about people in this house?" she asked him.

"Well, some days I do, and some days I don't", replied Jack, who did not want to admit that he was in love with her.

"Do you care about me?" asked Lucy.

"Of course I do", Jack replied without any hesitation.

"Well, at least one of us is going to die within the next few months, so I'm not bonding with anybody. I'm sure you feel the same way".

"I think it's important to form a bond between someone while you're in here - it's the only thing that keeps you sane".

"I wasn't finished. I want to let you know, I don't fancy you, and I don't want to get even more emotional than I am now - you got that?"

"I'm sorry", said Jack.

"No", said Lucy, "I'm sorry. I'm just going through a lot of stress right now".

"So am I", said Jack, "and we all have our little coping methods".

After Jack finished talking, there was silence in the air, except for the birds in the distance.

"Do you hear that?" asked Lucy.

"What?" replied Jack.

"Are those seagulls?"

"I think so. Why?"

"That means we're near the sea, doesn't it?"

"Not necessarily. Seagulls come to my home town all the time, and I live nowhere near the sea".

"I hate this place so much!"

"We all do, but there's no point in trying to work out where we are, because you won't manage it!"

"I know", said Lucy.

There was another silence. Then Lucy spoke again. "Are you frightened?" she asked.

"Of course I am!" cried Jack.

"Are you frightened of dying?"

"Yes. I don't want to go yet".

"It's not just that. I have parents who are out there, looking for me".

Jack decided to heat up the conversation.

"I really like you", said Jack, "I really do".

Lucy sighed a loud sigh.

"I've just gone over this with you!" she cried.

"I'm sorry", Jack said quickly, "I...I..."

"I think you'd better go", said Lucy, "and leave me alone!"

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