Amazing Brunch

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The Art Studio brunch was soon. Gwen readied her work. She placed her latest painting of Iceland in the portfolio box. She hoped it was good enough to please some of the guests at the brunch. Everyone was bringing something they produced, she hoped her work would stack up to the competition. It was exciting beyond belief. It was a chance. A real chance to be appreciated for her special skills, her talent. But what if she failed? What if her work was not well received? She was terrified the other artists might not like it. She really wanted this to go right with all of her heart.

Max watched her getting ready to go. He was holding an envelope in his hand. He glanced at it and back at her. "See you after the brunch." He said. His expression, well...strangely cool. All four girls filed into the room.

She said, "Yeah. I hope it goes well. Here Max, I'm giving you two hundred bucks from the sale of my first painting." She felt like he couldn't argue that she was just being selfish, now. She sacrificed $200 because she should share something of her profit with the family. It was only right. Still, she couldn't give more than that or she would not be able to afford the trip to Europe.

Max took the money and put it in his pocket, nonchalantly. No "thank you." Not a word. Gwen paused waiting for some kind of response. Nothing.

Jo piped up. "Mom, can I go with you?"

"You really want to?" Gwen looked hesitant, but softened. She might like it for someone from her family to come. Alex, Amy, and Kelsie quickly added, "Can we come too?" Gwen paused. Her chest burned. But this time Gwen's tears were happy tears. Even Kelsie wanted to come to her art show. Max just stood there...expressionless, silent. Gwen hugged the girls. They all crowded around her for a group hug.

"Well, are all of you ready to go? I need to leave now." Gwen gestured toward the door. "It's time."

All of the girls followed her out to the car and climbed in. They seemed happy and cooperative. Gwen felt more at ease than she had in a long time.

Gwen started the car and drove to the Art Studio.

When they arrived, everyone piled out. Gwen grabbed her portfolio and looked in the vanity mirror one last time. A hint of makeup framed her attractive blue eyes. She was wearing a silvery blue skirted suit and low heeled dress pumps. She looked nice and a bit trendy. She felt comfortable and ready for whatever fate had in store. Still a hint of worry hung at the edges of her awareness. All four kids were here. She never knew how that would turn out.

The first thing Gwen noticed was the sign welcoming the artists. She was now included in that group. She smiled just thinking about what that meant. Next, she saw the round tables set with fine linen. Pink and white Lilies adorned each table. It was beautiful. There was a head table where the club executives would sit. There were a few artists gathering near the buffet table talking.

Gwen chose a table near the front so all of the girls could easily see and hear the speakers. Everyone chose a place to sit at the table. Gwen placed her portfolio near the chair. Along the right side of the room, beginning near the head table, several easels had been set up so that everyone in the room could view the art displayed. Each easel had a name on it. Gwen took her painting out of the portfolio. She wasn't certain if she should put it on the easel with her name yet, or what, so she decided to ask one of the other artists.

Art in hand, she approached the group of artists that were talking.

One of the artists, a woman with a shoulder-length blonde bob, noticed her coming forward and smiled toward Gwen and walked a bit toward her. She was wearing a bright red and orange scarf draped around her neck and a cream-colored skirted suit and red heels. She seemed open and friendly. "Hi, I'm Kathy." She extended her hand in greeting. "Nice to meet you, Kathy, I'm Gwen. I'm just wondering if I go ahead and put my painting on the easel with my name?" Gwen gestured toward the row of easels.

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