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"Hye-ssi! hurry, the sun is chasing us!" the 9-year-old boy jogged to his friend's small frame striving to come after her friend, interlocking her hands in his, her doe-shaped orbs glancing at him in doubt, lids fluttering in innocence as if she doesn't know what was going on "we're near our destination" followed by a grin, was all he said to assure the toddler, returning into jogging afterward, leaving the girl with no option but to tag along

Subsequently, they have reached their destination, laying their bodies on the grass, giggling into each other "are you exhausted?" asked the young Hye-jin "ani, why would I be? I was the one who asked you out here anyways" sighing, he looked at the girl and chuckled for the second time

"How was America trip?" putting a question on her friend, the kid waited for his response, keeping an eye on the half-orange painted sky, observing it go low on the horizon with its signature warm glow or known as the golden hour, the silence engulfed them, while the voice of the wind prevailed. A few minutes passed the silence remained.

"The last time I talked to you, you weren't deaf. I asked how was yo-" the boy sat up

"Will you marry me?" and loathingly, the girl answered "that was irrelevant, I asked how are you n-" pulling out a paper ring he cut the girl off for the third time. "I want to be with you" the little girl was laughing in disgust, despite the fact that she was clueless about what was she laughing about, she could not help it. The young boy stood up gripping her hands, he knelt down "can you wear this for me Hye-ssi?"

Crack. A rock was thrown at the window glass.

The awakened Hyejin stood up from her bed, setting out to go near the window to see what was happening, but to bad luck, she slipped. "Ouch, what's wrong with you man, I didn't do anything to you" she talked to the poor carton that got distorted because she stepped on it

Though upon remembering why she got awakened, the adult hurriedly peeked out the window. There she saw a little boy smiling awkwardly at her. She huffed while rolling her eyes, trying to calm down. Fortunately, the window was not broken.

"Please be aware of your surroundings next time kid" the little boy mouthed 'sorry, noona' and followed it with a bow.

Hye-Jin was not quite fond of kids because of their ability to always be energetic and just seem to not get tired of acting restless. Just her imagining herself babysitting makes her tired but what much more if she becomes a mom. That is why she always swore that she will never have a child. Though in spite of those thoughts, sometimes she wonders how is it to be a mom, the feeling of having held your baby, rocking your child in your arms gently one day, and the next few years watching the human that was the fruit of you and your partner's intimacy. The overpowering love that you give your child and the promises of giving them more than what the world has given you but she knew how much bond and readiness it takes to create a new life.

She turned her attention to the distorted carton once again. The more she makes herself wait, the more she gets curious about what might be placed inside it so she straight away opened it. As she shut the carton open now floats an envelope that looked like an antique.

"oh, it was just painted that's why it looked antique" she voiced out in disappointment.


My dear lovely girlfriend,

By the time you're reading this, I have left. Away from you. I might seem selfish in your eyes but believe me when I say "I am doing this for the better". Even so, I want you to keep moving forward, I need you to realize that your life doesn't just revolve around me. Thereby I left you some agendas. First, I want you to cook your breakfast as I do not like to see my love, going around with her hands around her big stomach. Secondly,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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