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the brunette, hoseok smiled as he swung around his plastic bag the brunette hummed a cutesy song, leaping towards him and jungkook's apartment

the duo are both happily dating eachother and won't let go of eachother, well that's how hoseok think their relationship is

taking out his phone the brunette smiled at the tiny black screen rereading him and his boyfriend's conversation

' take care? ' hoseok giggled as he kissed the screen and smiled ' waa he's so cute ' putting his phone back hoseok arrived at the building as he bowed for the security guard and the receptionist who only gave him a worried smile

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' take care? ' hoseok giggled as he kissed the screen and smiled ' waa he's so cute ' putting his phone back hoseok arrived at the building as he bowed for the security guard and the receptionist who only gave him a worried smile

' did something happen? ' the brunette asked himself again as he pouts, entering the elevator hoseok clicked the button that has a label 8 in it as the elevator dinged the elevator's door closed

taking out his card from his pocket the brunette smiled to himself again as he bought jungkook's favorite fruit

the elevator dinged as the doors opened revealing the building's hallway, walking towards their room's door hoseok heard unusual sounds

' huh? ' he swiped the card and entered the room's password, the day of him and jungkook met hoseok requested him to be like that of course

as he walked inside their room, the male took off his shoes and putted ontop of the shoe rack, smelling a strong scent of wine ' did he drink again? '

shrugging off his thoughts, hoseok heads towards their bedroom, hearing more unusual sounds, opening the door
hoseok smiled, closing his eyes as he cheered " kookie i bought you your strawberr- " when he opened his eyes

his heart was broken into a million pieces

jungkook was in their bed with another woman, looking around hoseok spotted the female's lingerie and his lover's used condom scattered on the floor

" googie..? " jungkook suddenly stopped as the female panicked as she reached towards the blanket and covered her body as jungkook just buttoned his pants back up

" hey uhm hobi.. you just got home? " scratching the back of his head jungkook chuckled awkwardly as hoseok stood there in shock

the plastic bag was dropped to floor as strawberries was scattered everywhere, a single tear came out from hoseok as he looked at jungkook with his wide doe eyes

" hobi look i can expla- " before jungkook could finish his sentence hoseok cutted him off " no, it's okay uhm.. you guys can continue " voice quivering, hoseok tears keeps falling from his eyes as his shaky lips smiled sadly, the brunette rushed to the other room as he locked himself up

jungkook tried to follow him as he banged on the door " hobi? please look i can explain " no answers, only the silent cries and sniffles coming from the brunette can be heard


jungkook slept on the couch, hoping that he can meet the male and explain the situation to him but waiting every hour made the ravennette sleepy making him fell asleep waiting for hoseok

hearing hoseok's alarm clock ring jungkook groaned and woke up from the sounds, he shot up and went over to hoseok's room and knocked on it

he received no response of course but he kept knocking hoping the male opens it for him and talk to me " hobi? please open up " jungkook spoke in his deep morning voice, still knocking on the male's door

' huh? it's surprisingly opened? ' twisting the cold door knob, there was no hoseok to be found it's just an empty room with no hoseok, no hobi, no one

jungkook panicked, as tears starts to fall from the bunny like male eyes " fuck you jungkook, why did you even do this " groaning, jungkook cried and cried hoping some day hoseok comes back and forgives him

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