can't control

483 12 1

???: Y/niee long time no see

huh who is that

I went there & sawTae & Y/n hugging ugh this alienThen Tae looked at me with a little surprised expression

Tae: Oh you are here

Jimin: Yeah

Tae: Then why did you ask me to come because you were bored?  you have your husband young lady

he asked while looking at her with his hands on his hips & a raised eyebrow

Jimin*in mind*: what she was bored? while I was here this girl is up to something

Jimin: yeah he is-

A phone call  interruptedhe picked it up

Jimin: tell me

he said coldly while looking at the floor

Jimin: WHAT?

His eyes shoot up

Jimin: I've told you piece of shit to look after him. I'm coming if you don't find him within 15 minutes face the consequence!

Tae: what happened?

Jimin: I've to go

He then ran upstairs & changed into his Blood business attire.

*After he left*

Y/N: See, he has goneI have no oneshe said with a pout

Tae: Aish you have me, idiot

he flicked on your forehead He pulled her hand & sat on the couch

Tae: umm so tell me how's your life with Jimin?

suddenly her smile dropped

Tae: Are you ok?

Tears started forming in her eyesyesterday's scene flashed in her mindHe kept his hand on her shoulder a shook a little& That's it the storm started

Y/N: HE cheated on me!

she cried loudly that maids & guards came to look inTae was surprised too & stood up then he signaled everyone to leaveAll went

Tae: liste-

Y/N: I saw h-him with a g-girl & she was-she started to choke on tears & started sobbing loudly then she cried on his shoulders loudly & bite him on his shoulders


he pushed her while she was still crying

Tae: ahh it hurts

He rubbed the area where she bite him

(a/n: ahem ahem no dirty mind🌚)

but seeing her bad condition Tae sat near her& put his hands on her shoulder she looked at him with tearful eyes feeling pity for her,Tae sighed & hugged her

Tae: now you can bite me your alien is strong for you

she shooked her head as no & hugged him

Y/N: I couldn't control my tears sowwyy~

Y/N: T-tae

Tae: Yes Y/N

Y/N: am I u-ugly

you said while wiping your tears but still it was flowing like a flood & broked the hug

Tae: that's why you are crying?

you shook her head as no.

Y/N: tell me am I u-ugly?

Tae: no, why did you ask?

Y/N: Don't I have a g-good body?

Tae: why are you asking me this? go & check yourself on the mirror

Y/n: J-just tell me *sniff*

Tae: yes you have

Y/N: Then why is he hanging out with a bitch WHEN I'M HERE. *Sobs*

Tae: Y/N tell me clearly what happened? I'm fucking clueless

you explained everything to him while sobbing & sniffing.

Tae: I don't think Jimin will do it? why should he?

Y/n: How do I know, you stupid? *sniff*

Tae: Ok drink water we can think about it.

You drank water which was kept thereafter chugging down a good amount of water you took a deep breath in & out

Tae: did you feel relieved?

Y/N: Yes, a lot

Tae: after biting my shoulder

he asked while raising his one eyebrow

Y/n: oww did it hurt?

Tae: no it was pleasuringhe again flicked her head

Y/n: Oww

you rubbed your forehead

Tae: ok listen

Y/n: hmm

Tae: Jimin won't cheat you

she sighed

Y/n: ok

she nodded while looking down while smiling slightly

Tae: Yaah don't be an emotional monkey, I'll find that who is that bitch is

her face lit up like a firecracker mostly like ✨dynamite✨


Tae: ah my ears

Y/N: sorry, sorry
will you help me?

Tae: yes-

she hugged him tightly

Y/n: thank you, thank you so much

Tae: yaah keep your thank you yourself

Y/n: Then what do you want? tell me I'll give you

Tae: will you?

Y/n: yes anything

Tae: anythinghe asked while smirking

Y/n: yaah!

she punched him playfully.

Tae: Ugh! I mean buy my new Gucci shirt & shoes
& a box of strawberries

Y/n: ok deal accepted

Tae: Yeah ok!

Y/N: But only after finding out about her

Tae: yeah ok

they joined a Hi-FI


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