Chapter 4

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Here I am sitting before a ghost. Assuming someone would have told this to me two or three days prior, I would have laughed my ass off. Agreeing to sit with this ghost here is by all accounts a crazy thing, however, I had no other choice, the last thing I need is to face the wrath of a ghost.

I'm shitting my pants right now, he can do anything to me, he can kill me or he can possess my body. Omg this thought alone gives me chiils. 

Seeing my trepidation, he said, "Don't stress human, I won't hurt you."

Huh, as if that can calm me down. But much to my surprise, it did calm me a tad. Now that I'm somewhat calm, I need answers as to why there is a ghost in my house 

"Ask" he said.

"You can read minds?" I inquired. He's offering the responses to my viewpoints, perhaps he can read minds as well, other than making himself impenetrable and teleport.

"No, I can feel your aura." He said.

"Oh" was all I could say.

"Why are you in my house?" I asked.

"As I said before, this is not your house. This house is mine. I have been living here for over a century now."

My eyes widened in shock, over a century. He died over a century ago and he is still on the earth. 

He hasn't even aged a bit, he looks like he's around his twenties. He has dark black hair, black lifeless orbs, but his lips are pink and plump, and his jaw is so sharp that if I run my hand through it, it might cut me. He has a very handsome face. He is like 6 feet tall. And from the clothes he's wearing I can tell he has rock-hard muscles, had broad shoulders, has a lean body and has abs. I'd be lying if I said that he is not hot. He is insanely hot.

Look at me, drooling over a ghost. 

I realized I have been staring at him for long. I quickly collected myself and cleared my throat.

"What is your name?" I recalled now that I haven't asked his name yet.

"Adam. Adam Rhodes" he said. 


"So you have been here for over a century and nobody came to live here?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah, some did but I scared them off." He said.

"Oh, so shouldn't something be said about me? For what reason didn't you frighten me away?" I inquired.

He just gazed at me with a hard demeanour all over his face.

"What's your name?" He asked, obviously overlooking my inquiry.

"Shouldn't you know, all things considered, you are a ghost?" I said, rolling my eyes at him, obviously irritated.

His face hardened more at my words, obviously showing I just irritated him.

And in a heartbeat, he was in front of me, his face mere inches away from mine. I flinched at our proximity.

"How about we make a few things clear, my love? You won't snap at me, you won't raise your voice at me, you won't roll your eyes at me, you won't disrespect me in any fucking way." He said angrily.

Fudge, what was I even thinking, aggravating a ghost? 

"Do I get my point across?" He asked sinisterly. I nodded my head yes.

"Words, princess. I need to hear words."


"Didn't I ask you something?" He asked.

I gulped the lump in my throat and answered him "A-amber".

He grinned in satisfaction and disappeared in thin air.

I flinched when he suddenly disappeared.

I breathed out in relief. I slowly got up and went to the door, I tried opening it but it was still locked.

"Can you open the door?" I talked to basically no one but I know he heard me. Hoping that he would open it, I stood there waiting for it to be opened but much to my dismay, it didn't.

Huffing I went back to my bed and laid down. How can I sleep when I know he is here somewhere? 

Should I move out of this house? But where would I go, I have no place to go. I can't go back to my parents, I don't have any friends nor do I know any of my other family members. Do I have to live here with this ghost? That sounds deranged, but I don't have any other option. After thinking a lot I slowly drifted to sleep.

In the morning, my alarm went off. I turned my alarm off and got up.

When I remembered last night's scenarios, my eyes widened and I started looking around my room for a certain being.

I sighed in relief when I didn't see him. I got out of bed, went to the door and saw that it was unlocked. 

"Thank god" I mumbled.

I got out of my room and made a beeline for the kitchen.

When I entered the kitchen, I saw an empty packet of Cheetos on the counter.

Motherfucker, eating my food. Do ghost eat food now? 

Huffing, I tossed the garbage in the bin.

I looked around my house for that ghost, and thankfully he was nowhere to be found. But I know he's somewhere here in his invisible form.

I went back to my room, chose my outfit for today and went to take a bath.

When I stepped into the shower, I got anxious. What if he's here watching me? 

I quickly took a shower, brushed my teeth, blow-dried my hair and went back to my room.

After putting on my clothes, I went to the mirror and started fixing my hair.

I have to look presentable today as I have to go to school today and then to my work.

I haven't gone to school or my job for over a week due to all of this house stuff.

I quickly put on light make-up and headed towards the kitchen to have my morning meal.

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