Vol 3. Prologue - Tricked

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It was currently 5:30 am at the U.A. grounds. The sun hasn't even risen yet but Deku can already be seen doing his morning jog. He was running in laps, trying to meet his desired quota for today.

Deku was sweating and panting as he jogged. Wearing his spare U.A. tracksuit that the school provided as his choice of clothing. He ran for miles, never taking any breaks until Deku he felt the exhaustion dawning on him.

Deku slouched down with his hands on his knees and he panted. "Haaa... Haaa..."

He looked around for a water fountain since Deku was parched after his workout. There wasn't any near him where he rested, so he went to the closest fountain he can remember when he was running back and forth.

Soon enough he found it. He drank a handful amount, only to satisfy his thirst. Deku heard footsteps coming near him, he turned around to see the man from yesterday.

"Hello there, young one. It looks like you're up early for school don't you think? Hohohoho" He putted his hands on his tool belt and laughed

"I could say the same to you sir. Were there still electricity problems on going?" Deku asked.

"Actually, there are some that I haven't fixed yesterday. It really did a number on my back due to the many fuse boxes I have to fix."

The electrician stretched his back, trying to pop it back in place but it was unsuccessful. He groaned for a while and after that, he went towards the water fountain and had a drink.

"Aaah, that's refreshing." He said wiping, off the dripping water on his mouth.

"Sir, if you need help, I think I can help you for this morning. It looks like your back needs a rest." Deku offered out of kindness.

"Oh my, thank you child. I think I have just one quick thing that needs helping. Come follow me, I'll show you."

The two of them went off together, with the Deku following from behind. The man was walking lively, since he was happily whistling throughout the entire walk.

"Uh... Sir if I may ask, where are we going?" Deku was getting anxious, even if he did offer to help. This man was still just a stranger, so he had to know.

"Oh, don't worry, we're just going to the warehouse behind those trees over there." He pointed towards the far end of the dormitory buildings.

"That's where the main source of electricity comes from in this school." The electrician explained.

They have now past all of the dormitory buildings and was now headed to the forest like garden. He remembers this place since he always passes through here when jogging, but he never knew there was a warehouse behind the trees.

"I guess we learn something new every day." Deku thought in his mind.

It looked like they weren't that much further. Deku stumbled on a rock but he didn't fell, this made the electrician turn around his head to check up on him.

"Are you alright?" The man questioned him, stopping him in his tracks.

"Don't worry sir, I just tripped over a pebble." Deku explained.

Now that the mini event was now over, they set off once again towards the warehouse.

"By the way, I never really got to say this but thank you for going out of your way to help me." The man said.

"It was just the right thing to do, sir." He replied.

"Hahahaha, of course you would." The man chuckled.

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