Ptolemaea || Bakugou x Reader (Wanda inspired)

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Song: Ptolemaea by Ethel Cain

So... I just watched the new doctor strange movie and let's just say I'm a little obsessed with Wanda again, so this fic is heavily inspired by her powers! Enjoy!

Did you really let your anger for a man make you a villain?


Some say all your anger just couldn't be contained and drove you mad.

Others would say it was a wrath you always had.

You on the other hand... couldn't give a shit about anything anymore.

Katsuki knew your power was dangerous. Chaos is what they called it. Maybe that's why he fell for you, knowing you were as strong as him.

What he didn't know is that you were in fact born quirkless. When you reached the age of 5 and still no sign of any quirk arrived, your parents disowned you to protect themselves of the embarrassment of having a quirkless daughter.

Your mother took you to a park and told you, "she'd be right back."

Three days you wandered that park.

It was only when a woman dressed in a burgundy cloak extended her hand to you, promising to teach you the ability to be strong and powerful so you'd never be hurt again.


Honestly Katsuki should've known. He walked into your room on several occasions during your rituals to converse with the deities. Only to disrupt them by blowing out the candles, claiming, "they smell like shit." Or how he once destroyed your alter while you were out, claiming to help you clean your room. And let's not forget the time he caught you meditating by the river with your crystals and thought you just picked them up off the ground. He looked at the stone in his hand before skipping it across the waters surface and bragging about how far it went.

But when you married Katsuki, you attempted to help him understand that you needed to do this to be able to control your powers. And he did. Marriage life was blissful with passionate nights of sex, followed by breakfast made for you in bed, and cuddles on the couch.

But what you didn't expect is to come home from work to heals at your front door. Red bottoms that were obviously not yours. A black dress and red bra thrown carelessly across the floor. Your dining room floor. But it was the sound of skin slapping and lust filled moans that made you see red.  You used your powers to look through the wooden door of your bedroom as you stood trembling. The sight making you immediately cover your eyes and bite your knuckle to prevent a scream. Your lovely, doting husband fucking the brains out of some bimbo.

You didn't even bother to grab your things, you just left. Turning to the only place you felt safe; your old covent.

You found the woman who took you in grew old and weak and they were being lead under new administration, as she called it. You knew it was the league of villains the second you entered the old ritual room.

You became the Scarlett witch the day you made a deal with them. Dedicating your whole life to becoming stronger, disastrous, chaotic.

They left you be most of the time because they knew you would never harm children or innocent women. But often you were called out for larger, more dangerous missions because they knew you could plague the entire city if you chose to do so.

That's how you ran into him again.

Kirigiri warped you to the front lines of the battle. Familiar faces of your old friends stood before you trembling at the sheer force of your power.

It was only when you removed your hood, did they realize it was you.

Deku whispers, "Oh my god..." before gently pushing Ururaka and Mina behind him.

"Shit," Kirishima said biting his lip to prevent the tears of seeing you again.


There it was. His voice. His voice that used to shower you with praises and affection.

"Y/n baby, is that really you?," he asks taking a few steps forward.

You send a force towards him to halt him in his place.

"I've been so worried about you! I thought you were dead!," he cries.

"That's rich coming from you," you say turning around from him.

"How could you just leave like tha- did you know?"

The mere mention of it causing cracks to appear below your feet in the concrete.


"Y/n it was a one time thing!"


"She meant nothing!"


"I never meant to hurt you!"


"She wasn't you!"


"You were my everything!"


Black thorned vines shoot out from the ground beneath your feet, wrapping so deliciously tightly around Katsuki skin. Each thorn pricking him.

Before you knew it, the sounds of screams were heard as heroes began sinking into sand that was once concrete, snakes slithering up peoples legs to wrap around their throats, air being sucked out of lungs, the sounds of your own screams of heartbreak busting ear drums.

Katsuki watches in horror at the person you've become. The person he's turned you into. He watches as you effortless float over to him. Skin paled with black veins coming from your eyes.

He shakes as you lean forward to whisper in his ear, "You will never hurt me again. No one will."

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