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A/N: I have started a new book. I got a lot of inspiration from other authors.
And without further ado, let's get on with ATLDB!
This is also going to be a short chapter.

Eight years ago
-young Izuku's pov- (5 years old)

My mommy had left me and papa. She had said she was coming back for me. Only papa said she wasn't coming back and that she was lying.

Papa said she left us, so we're moving away. He said we're moving to Ashtufi. Papa said that's a nearby town. He said we also had to leave the house. I don't know why. I liked our house. I wanted to stay.

I told Papa I wanted to stay, but he yelled at me. "No. We are leaving. Now get. In. The. Car." I shivered and gulped as I did what he said.

We got in the car with most of our stuff and papa went to our gas station. He told me to get out of the car and go into the other car that was coming. I took a deep breath and did what he told me.

He slashed all the tires on our car and made duplicates of our selves. He then shoved me into the back seat of the car. He got into the front seat and started the car.

I saw the car leaving the gas station and, as it was turning the corner, it erupted into flames and blew up. I gasped and started crying. I hiccuped trying to make the tears go away.

I eventually did and I sat down on the seat and put the seat belt on.

A/N: I hope you all liked this. My friend has helped me figure out what some of the crystals powers would be. One day soon I'll make a chapter going over all the different types of gems/rocks/crystals he has and what powers they have.

Bye my neices/nephews/Niblings!

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