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Someone called my name I turned back and saw I was surrounded by a group of girls whom I thought talking shit about me in the morning.

Their Leader was the principal daughter that's why she was Fearless and bullied everyone I asked them if they needed anything but.........

Lia: you guys want anything

Yeji : we don't talk to bitches !

(She then poured the water from her bottle all over her)

Lia: the fuck

Yeji: lets go girls!!


Then lia was shivering and embarrassed she ran to the girls changing room and cried her heart out


On my first day at university i thought i would make new friends but getting bullied was the only thing I experienced.

As I came out of the changing room i bumped into someone but landed directly on the ground .

Lia : ouchhhhhh!!

??? : cant you see and walk , dumbass

(He just left and lia tried to stand upbut was not able to because she sprained her ankle )

(He just left and lia tried to stand upbut was not able to because she sprained her ankle )

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Lisa : let me help you .

(I heard asweet voice and saw a beutiful girl with sharp features trying to help me stand up. She then took me to the university hospital.)

Lia: thank you soo much for your help

Lisa : its my duty . Btw i am lisa ,its my first day here ,can we friends .

Lia : thats great . Itsalso my first day here and ofc we can be friends .

* bell rings *

(Lets go its time for the first class)

Everyone settled at their seats before the teacher came
(it was maths period)

Mr Stephen : so lets start with the class

(after 10 minutes)

Two boys rushed into the class I recognised one of them the one i bumped into earlier Lisa knew he was the one who i bumped into.

The class murmuring started to rise they were probably talking about the two boys both of them were atturly adorable.
girls were drooling over him .
They frankly sat on this seats teacher took a deep sigh and continued his teaching.

In the next period it was our homeroom period means I have to introduce myself.

My God !!!!!
I am NERVOUS !!!!..........

(A/N : hi my lovely readers i hope u guys like my book . Its my first time ever writing . Love u guys . Plz comment and vote ❤❤❤❤)

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