The Day My Life Fell Apart----Part 1

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Ok so this is my first story, so take it easy on me please. 

Now I have to give credit where credit is do, cuz I dont think I would have any of this "story" with out my best friend Rachael. She wrote like the first paragraph cuz I was having trouble, but I promise the rest of it is mine. 

I dont know if I will be adding anymore to this cuz I hit a wall, but If i write anymore I will make sure to post it. But dont hold your breath.

And like everyone else on this site please comment on anything and everthing about my story, pick it apart and tear it up if you feel like it. 

And if you have any adivce on how to get over this bloody wall please comment and tell me cuz I would love to keep writing for this character.

And last one, if anyone has any art work they think will go well with  this story feel free to message me and if I like it I will put it up.

So thank you for reading and Enjoy 

 P.S. This story is not PG, but the thing with the ratings will not let me rate it as G which it is.

The day my life fell apart has always been the most clear memory I have of my past life. I woke up that morning feeling better than I had in a long time despite having had a weird dream during the night. I laid in bed trying to come to full consciousness, listening to the birds outside my window, and thinking about the dream.

In it I had been walking bare foot in a field, not one of those cliched fields full of flowers and a bright sun-shiny sky, just an immense field that stretched on forever. I remember feeling a little uneasy like something was missing. Not exactly scared or anxious feeling, just very aware of my surroundings. As I walked, I listened to the sounds around me. Birds chirping, something rustling in the tall grass, and the wind moving all around. Eventually, I found myself in a jungle, thick with under-growth, and a canopy so full of vines and leaves it blocked out the sun. The deep, deep greens and warm, musty earth smell made me feel safe. I expected to see the jungle teeming with life; monkeys swinging from vines, parrots squawking, and beasties roaring. But for the most part the jungle was quiet and wet. I waded through ankle deep mud, grabbing fistfuls of leaves and branches to hold onto to keep from falling, pushing my way deeper into the heart of the jungle. I felt as though something was calling me. All around me I could feel the jungle guided me on, urging me through. I don't know what it was I was supposed to be finding and probably never will because I woke up shortly after that. Maybe the peace from the jungle had stayed with me into the real world and that's why I felt so good this morning. 

The alarm on my phone blaring in my ear snapped me out of my musings and made me jump to my feet. I didn't want the noise to wake up mom and dad, they had been out to a political event last night and hadn't gotten home till early this morning. And by early, I mean probably less than 3 hours ago. I snatched up the sleek silver phone from my nightstand and clicked off the alarm. There was a reminder blinking on the screen telling me I had a date planned with Dylan for breakfast this morning. I smiled to myself.    

Dylan and I had been dating since our first semester together at the Institute. He had put together a study group for the very first test and had invited me. He was an excellent study partner, very bright, and able to catch on to the most confusing of subjects. He was a great favorite with our Instructors and among our mostly female classmates. After a few study group meetings, I was surprised when he asked to take me to coffee. That first date had turned into many more and now we were a happy couple studying to be Massage Therapists together.

I rolled out of bed, pushing aside my feather comforter, and stumbling sleepily to my bathroom. I wasn't usually the type to concern myself about my appearance. My usual regimen consisted of brushing my hair and teeth, swiping on a sheer eyeshadow, and maybe adding a coat or two of mascara. Dylan always told me how great I looked, even if I was fresh off the soccer field and covered in sweat and dust. It was one of the things I loved about him. I never felt like I needed to go through all the hassles of making myself look like those models in magazines just to impress him. I spent a few minutes going through my morning routine, choosing a pair of cargo pants, sandals, and a baby-doll tank to wear. I always dress for comfort; never anything to tight or restricting, so that I'm free to move around. I also don't own a single pair of closed toe shoes, I hate to have my feet confined, it was one of my many quirks. The sandals I chose for today were cute and fashionable but could easily be kicked off if they started to bother me. The reminder on my phone had said that breakfast was scheduled for 9 am, and at exactly 8:55 there was a soft rapping at the back door. We almost never use the front door in our house because the back door lets out right near the driveway and the garage. The knocking was sure to be Dylan, early, as per usual.  ________________________________________________________________________________ Ok thanks to all of you who deicded to read my story I will be posting the other half that I have written soon I hope Please comment

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