Chapter 6 - Who's There

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Around 10 a.m., Tyler was in his car, but on his way home, he saw Maya walking all by herself on the sidewalk. He pulled over to ask if she wanted a ride home. Because it was pretty late out, and Bruce Willer is back, so it's really not safe.

"Hey,Maya, do you want a ride home? You also seem upset?" Tyler said. He could see there's something wrong, and she was afraid of something, and he just hoped that she let him help.
"Hi,Tyler. No, it's fine, and I can walk home it's okay. Oh, it is nothing, really." Maya said. She just hopes he's not asking more questions, but she knows him well, so there is no chance he will let it go and let her walk home alone by herself.
"First, you don't seem fine, and second, it's safer if I drive you home safely." Tyler said. Just let me get you a ride home, Maya, and stop being so freaking stubborn. He quickly stops the thoughts in his head before it goes out of hand in there.
Maya tells herself, "You have seen someone follow after you," and ''Okay,I am safer with him than by myself.'
"Okay, you are right,Tyler." Maya said instead of what she just thought about.
Tyler nodded and took her hand and led her to his car, and he opened the door so she could jump in.
When he was supposed to open his side of the car. He saw something that looked like a shadow. He jumped in and closed the car, and drove away. He needs to ask Maya what he just saw in the shadows.
"Maya, is it possible that you have been followed by someone?" Tyler asked. Hope he gets an answer.
"How did you know?" Maya said. Of course, he figured it out.
"I thought I saw someone behind the shadows." Tyler said. Will she tell me more about or will she change the subject?
"Oh no,he is after me!" Maya said. Okay, I need to stay calm, but I can't. Okay Maya focus you are safe for now with Tyler. Her panic goes away. She breathes slowly.
"Do you mean Bruce Willer?" Tyler asked. Please say no, I can't deal with that guy again. He will just escape all over again, and maybe we will get justice for what he has done.
"It can be him, but no, I was thinking of his cousin Gregg Rivers." Maya said. She suddenly feels like fire being thrown at her, and all her emotions break into thousands of pieces at once.
"Should I call Logan for you?" Tyler said. He really hated that guy. If it wasn't for that, he was a police officer, and he would punch him in the face.
"No,we broke up a while ago." Maya said. Because I love you more than him and will always love you more than anything else.
"Okay,I thought you walked home from him." Tyler said. Someday, I will have the courage to ask you out and tell you how I feel about you.
"No,but from Rachel. I hung out with her and Jade today. I know that you two have broken up months ago." Maya said. Can't believe that I am in love with my best friends ex even though me and him have been best friends when we were 6.
"I don't care about that, but how are you holding up? You are welcome to come home with me if you want,Maya? If you are afraid of him stalking because you are home now." Tyler said. I am really trying not to lose my mind over the psychos they just keep bringing chaos in this town.
"I am feeling terrified right now, Tyler. He is only stalking me when I'm alone. My parents are not coming home about 3 weeks from now. I feel safer in my house than anywhere else, sorry. I have learned to handle it kind of." Maya confessed. Now, he will never leave my side at all, and he will be acting like my bodyguard cause that is a feeling I have.
"Okay,creepy as hell because he is over there, and you are not going to be alone right now. I am coming in with you so you don't have to feel that way and I encist." Tyler said. I know what she's thinking, and no, I will not be no ones bodyguard and no will not be by her side all the time she needs space to. I will be by her side when she wants me to. But right now she needs me and I can see it in her face that she wants to.
" Maya said. She could feel that her panic attacks were really close. She can't stand one more night with him outside her house and just watching her.
"Maya, calm down and don't look okay." Tyler said. I might have to kiss her. I reed somewhere that could help the person to hold their breath if you kissed them, but it only worked if they trusted you.
They walk together up to Maya's front door.
"Tyler, where is he!" Maya said. Can't do this for another week. Try to focus on Tyler and listen to him, but it's not that easy, I guess.
"Maya, please look at me and breathe slowly." Tyler said. I think the only option is to kiss her, but is that such a great idea. not, but I don't think I have a choice. I want to have contact with her, but this also gives me a chance to confess my feelings for her.
"Okay, I see you, and I will try, but it's not easy when you have a panic attack,Tyler. " Maya said. Should I ask him to stay or go home, and I would be just fine, but the problem is that he wouldn't believe and stay anyway.
Tyler took one step closer to Maya and kissed her, and she calmed down.
"Sorry for that, but that seems to be the only option left to do. I also took a picture of him, but he's gone now." Tyler said. I am not sorry for kissing her, especially when she kisses me back.
"Thanks, Tyler, and where he usually stays and watches me. Let's go inside the house." Maya said. I can't stand one more minute outside. OMG, he kissed me, and I kissed back .Yeah, maybe I have to tell them.
Tyler nodded, and Maya unlocked the door, and they walked inside and closed to the door and locked it.
"How did you know that he would leave if you kissed me?" Maya asked.
"Just a hunch. But it did work and you said he's only watching you if you were alone so I thought if kiss you maybe he gets a whole other thing out of this but we can only hoped it worked for a while. " Tyler said. Not the reason I did kiss you, but I am not gonna tell her that anyway.
"It did, and I am glad it did cause your company is better than being here alone." Maya said. I would be with him anytime cause he made me feel safe than anyone ever could, and evan though I dated a police but, he didn't make me feel this way at all.
"I would never leave you alone ever, Maya. It's pretty late, and we have school tomorrow, too, so we should rest a little before it is time to get up again." Tyler said. I would do anything to protect her from any harm in its way.I will put her first like I always do but evan mote than before I can tell I need to step up my game a little more than before.
"That is why you are the best. Yeah, you're probably right, and I am so tired after everything after tonight." Maya said. I need a real good night's sleep, and hopefully, my nightmare stays out of my sweet dreams.
Tyler nodded, and they walked upstairs. They got ready for bed. Say good night and went to sleep.

A few hours later, Shelly's phone rang, and she didn't answer cause it was way too early in the morning for her to evan care she just wanted to sleep. When it didn't stop ringing after 40 minutes, she gave up and answered her phone without even knowing who called her so early.

Phone Call

Shelly - WHAT IS IT!! That could not wait until another couple of hours. Shelly said into the phone and could not care for the moment who it was.

Naomi - Well,I did figure out that you ignored to answer but I always know that you pick it up eventually.I did call Elena she said I would call you till you pick your phone up and answered. Laughing a little.

Shelly - Oh,it's just you. Of course, she was the one with the idea. Well, I did pick it up without looking who it was, so that's why I didn't welcome you on the phone nicely. "Can she tell me what she wants so I can go back to sleep?" she thought.

Naomi - Well, I did notice that. Thank you very much. I also know that you wonder why I called you this early. "She will flip out if I tell why I called, but she deserves to know why," she thinks.

Shelly - Nae,are you still there? cause I keep thinking if you fell asleep. It's been 12 minutes and I want to know why you called! "Or she's dragging it out for some reason, and I can hang up. Go back to sleep, and we could talk in person," she thought.

Naomi - Yes,Shel, I am and come outside so we can talk. She hung up.

Phone Call ends.

Shelly thinks, 'What the hell just happened?Come outside?Should I really?Or should I just go back to sleep?' She got out of bed and changed clothes, and went out of her window and closed it. Climb down to the ground, and there she sees Naomi's car. Walking right up to it and opening the door and getting inside.

"So I up and here with you. Can you please tell me what's going on." Shelly said a bit worried about her friend and took her left hand and put it on top of Naomi's hand.
"Well, I think Bruce cousin Gregg is following me wherever I go. I think I saw him right outside my bedroom window. I don't want to be the next victim." Naomi said truthfully and serious with a tone of totally freaked out. She turned in her seat to look at Shelly more properly.
"How about we go to our secret place and talk about it." Shelly said firmly, and Naomi nodded. There, they drive away from the Montgomery house to the other location. But they never got there cause something else got their attention. They saw the Cousin Gregg and some other people. They stopped and parked the car in the opposite direction of the road. Climb out of the car and sneaking right up time but hide in the dark corner. Here they're witnesses every illegal thing you can do in once. But there's one problem they forgot their phones.

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