4. Jean - I don't dance

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"Come on, we deserve some happiness! I'm done with this continuously depressing mood." My friend put on a bright smile and pushed me through the door opening. Tables and chairs were moved to the side of the grand dining room and colourful decorations were spun around them. More decorations hung from the ceiling and displayed dancing shadows in the flickering light of countless candles. One table remained upright in the corner of the dining room and was filled with delicious sweets and even small bites containing some ever so precious meat. I looked around the chamber with wide eyes shining with amazement. "You've truly outdone yourself," I said smiling, "everyone will love this."

My friend looked really satisfied with my answer and smirked at me. "It's not just for the others, you know. A little party will serve us two well as well." I pulled my eyes away from the gleefully glistering candles and looked at my friend with fright. "What do you mean, 'us two'? What are you up to?"

I received a mischievous grin. "Well, for starters I refuse to be eaten before finding a loved one, and being a great dancer is a requirement. As for you... I am well aware of your little crush and will be here to make it happen now you're not brave enough to talk to him."

Having my fear confirmed, I grasped my laughing friend's wrist firmly. "Don't do anything, please don't." But apart from laughter and evil smirks, I got no response. I looked around the room worryingly. Only now I noticed how romantic it was decorated. I blushed and hoped fiercely that he wouldn't come. He said he wouldn't. When the party was announced during dinner last week, he had scoffed and mocked it, saying he'd never dance anyway. At this moment, I hoped he meant every word of it.

The room was becoming increasingly crowded with comrades enjoying the food and the loud cheerful music filling the air. Even Captain Levi had come to briefly enjoy the event and watch his subordinates dance, before leaving again and thus also returning the carefree mood to the frightened soldiers. Even timid Armin was thoroughly enjoying himself. Piercing through the thunderous tones came a joyous exclamation of Hange who was energetically dancing with Connie.

The protests of Sasha who was kept away from the meat by my friend, had strangely stopped. My eyes shot to the refreshments table and saw Sasha cutely eating to her heart's delight. I looked around the crowd, heart pounding in my chest as I was searching for my friend in vain. Where were they? What were they up to?

I was violently ripped out of my thoughts by someone falling into me from behind. I could just regain my balance and stabilize the person falling into me. I turned my head angrily, ready to shout. But instead, a name escaped my lips softly. "Jean!" With all the anger flushed away, I could merely blush and did my best not to stutter. "What are you doing here?" My voice sounded stable and not nervous at all. Sweet.

"Nothing, really... I didn't come to dance if that's what you think." He added quickly.

"Yeah, because I thought you said you hated parties and we were all foolish to concern ourselves with them," I reminded him and put my shaking hand on my hip to strengthen my words.

Jean awkwardly scratched his neck. "I did say that, didn't I..." He briefly shot his eyes around the room and then rested them on me before staring at his shoes. "Well, I'll better get going then."

Something in me triumphed in relief, but partially I was also quite disappointed. I muttered an inaudible "I guess" and watched the tall man turn on his heels, heading towards the door. But then the nightmare continued.

"Jean Kirstein! Jean-boy! You came anyway! I figured you simply couldn't resist my party, and here you are!" My friend's happy voice pierced through the sudden silence. Jean's face turned a light pink but his complexion raged with anger. "I didn't come here because I wanted to." He growled.

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