"I won't leave you" (☁️) Wrench

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——————Wrench x GN!Reader——————Reader comforts Wrench after he was greatly judged by how he looks

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Wrench x GN!Reader
Reader comforts Wrench after he was greatly judged by how he looks

-Judgmental Comments

-You and John are very close friends :)))
-Wrench face description (spoiler?)
-Not Proofread


"FUCK" Wrench burst through the doors to the garage of DedSec, surprising Sitara and John who were mid conversation, while you we're were scared awake from your nap on the sofa.

"Hey! Hey! It's alright man! We got away quick enough I'm sure they didn't-" Marcus who was following close behind Wrench tried to reassure the raging Wrench but was cut off immediately by Wrench yelling back.

"SHUT UP, IT WAS FUCKING OBVIOUS. DIDN'T YOU SEE THE REACTIONS OF THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS?" Wrench yelled as he kicked down a few boxes which crashed to the ground spilling little electronic parts all over the floor.

John suddenly put his hands to his ears trying to block out the loud noise from Wrench's yelling letting out distressed whispers. "Wrench shut the hell up!" Sitara lightly raised her voice as she noticed John's condition.

"FUCK THIS, FUCK THIS WORLD, FUCK SOCIETY AND ITS GODDAMN STANDARDS" Wrench yells and slams the door as he leaves to his room. Leaving you and Marcus stunned while Sitara was slightly fuming from her friend's outbreak. You were shocked since you've never seen him act like how he just did.

You looked over to check on John then realised he still had his hands over his ears and kept his eyes tightly shut. You immediately went over to him and crouched down beside him. You slightly tapped his hand three times.

The two of you decided that the amount of times you tap on him means different things. Three meaning that you were there to help him and that everything was okay now.

You saw as he slowly opened his eyes and gave a very small smile. You mouthed to him 'are you okay?' To which he nodded in response. You looked in the direction of the door Wrench just slammed shut.

"You should give him some time (Name)" Sitara suggested as she began to work on something on her tablet. You nodded and decide to walk over to Marcus and talk to him instead.

About ten minutes pass and during those ten minutes the continuous cursing could be heard from Wrench's room. A few more curses could be heard until everything fell silent.

You slowly got up and decided to go check up on Wrench. You knocked on his door lightly. "Wrench? Can I come in?" You called.

You heard a small 'okay' and you quietly opened the door and closed it behind you. As you looked up, you saw his room a complete mess. You looked around for Wrench and saw him sitting on his bed with the covers over his head.

You slowly walked up to him. "Hey man, you wanna talk about it?" You asked as you sat down beside him. He turned to look at you and lightly nodded. He took in a deep breath before starting.

"When Marcus and I were hanging out, the clips on my mask came loose and it fell off..." he trailed off. You put your hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, take your time" You smiled. Wrench nodded before continuing.

"And it was just my luck that there was a group of teenagers, and god were they absolute bastards..." Wrench looked down at his hands and you could hear him sniffling under his mask.

You were surprised since you've never heard or seen Wrench cry. You began to pat his back. Suddenly you felt both his arms wrap around you. Surprised you hugged him back.

"They called me disgusting, ugly, horrendous- god I couldn't take it. I just ran. I picked up my mask and ran. I could hear them hollering with laughter while I ran away. Why is this world so cruel?" He sobbed.

You stroked his head and back. "You aren't ugly, Wrench." "Easy for you to say- you're stunning. Hell you haven't even seen what I look like." he sighed. The two of you stayed silent for a moment.

"Then what if you showed me?" You asked. He looked at you through his lenses. He was quiet while in deep thought.

"You don't have to of course." You quickly said. Wrench shook his head. "I've known you for so long. You deserve to know." He said as he lifted his hands behind his hood to the back of his mask.

You heard a small click as you saw the mask fall into his hands. "Please, be nice..." he whispered. He slowly looked at you. Immediately locking eye contact with his beautiful glossy blue eyes.

They were enchanting. "So..." Wrench started. You broke out of your trance. "I am ugly. Aren't I?" He frowned looking down at his feet. The two of you were quiet.

"Wrench." You started as he looked over towards you. "You can't let what others say define you. Their opinions don't matter. They only put down other people who are happy because they aren't. I bet most of those teenagers hate each other. Especially if they're in big groups."

"They don't have real friends. They aren't happy. Thats why assholes like that bring people down by making snarky comments. You can't let their words control you." You stated, making sure to keep eye contact with him the entire time.

Wrench was silent. "Plus I think you have gorgeous eyes..." you whispered while looking away blushing. You saw from the corner of your eye, Wrench's eyes widening in surprise.

"I've never gotten a compliment like that before..." He gave a small smile. "Thank you (Name)." You turned to look at him. You smiled a blush tinting your face. The two of you kept your gaze on each other taking in one's features.

"(Name) there's something I need to tell you." He whispered. He held your hands in his. You gazing into his piercing blue eyes. "I...I've liked you for a while and I was scared to tell you since I was worried you would hate me for how I look." He said extremely quick.

You froze in shock. You smiled back. "I feel the same. I don't care what you look like. I fell for your charm, your personality. You're amazing Wrench." He smiled. His sadness finally slipping away.

You looked into his eyes. They were hopeful. You grinned and brought your face towards his and kissed him gently yet full of passion and love. Wrench was in a state of shock before kissing you back with an equal amount of love.

As you two parted from the kiss a bright red blush covered over both of your faces.

Wrench began to stutter. "Uh, first of all, (Name), thank you for not lying to me by saying something like 'I am the most handsome man you've ever seen, because I knew that would be a lie, I've heard it too many times."

"Secondly, thank you for being my first kiss." he smiled.

Hope you enjoyed reading! I probably won't be updating a lot for the next two to three weeks due to Summer Exams! I hope you liked it! It's my first Watch Dogs 2 story so I hope I did well!

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