Chapter Three

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As JJ and Rossi were lead into the Silver Guardian's commanders' office, she couldn't help but find the facilities impressive. She was sure Garcia would love the technology stemming from the connection to BioLab as well as the funding from NASADA.

In the office stood a man in his late 30's or early 40's wearing a navy blue suit with a red tie. "Hello," the man greeted with an award winning smile as he shook their hands. "I'm Wesley Collins. It's a pleasure to meet you, though I wish it were under better circumstances."

"I'm Agent Rossi," the older man stated. "And this is-"


The three turned to look at the door to find a dark haired man with a short beard, who looked to be Wes's age, in a navy blue uniform with a red beret.

"Eric," the blonde smiled as her sister's fiancé pulled her in for a hug. "Eric, this is Agent David Rossi. Rossi, this is Eric Myers, my sister's fiancée."

"So, you're Taylor's sister!" Wes exclaimed. "I can see the resemblance."

"Sorry I'm late," Eric interjected before Wes could say anything else. "I had to pick Gia up from school."

"How's she taking it?" JJ asked, concerned about her niece.

"She's trying to act strong, but it's tearing her up. She used to open up to Emma, at least, but now she's hardly saying a word. She's too much like her mother for her own good."

JJ nodded. "Taylor acted the same way when Roslyn died. I just hope that Gia doesn't have to go through that. She's already lost her dad. She'd be devastated if she lost her mom, too."

"It would destroy her," Eric agreed.

"Then we don't have time to waste," Rossi looked at them. "Let's go."


"You must be the FBI," a man with dark hair in a red t-shirt and black leather jacket crossed his arms as the two agents entered the NASADA board room.

"I'm Agent Alex Blake and this is Dr. Spencer Reid."

"I'm Dr. Tommy Oliver," another man with spiky dark hair shook their hands. "This is Jason Scott," he slapped the man who'd spoken before on the shoulder, "Andros Hammond," the man with shoulder length blond and black hair simply stared at them, "TJ Johnson," the bald dark skinned man nodded with a strained smile, "Zhane Nimmo," a bleach blond shook their hands, "and Leo Corbett," the final man hardly looked up. It didn't take a genius to be able to tell that the brunet had been crying.

"Let's get started," Reid said as he and Alex sat down at the round table. "Do you or your wives have any enemies?"

The men looked between each other before Tommy finally spoke again. "In some of our lines of work, we have a lot of enemies and people who would go through our wives to get to us."

"And what exactly is that line of work?" Alex asked.

"NASADA," Andros seemed to almost be glaring at them.

"Foreign threats?"

"You could say that," TJ butted in and elbowed Andros as they seemed to have a telepathic conversation.

"Seeing as you all seem to know each other," Spencer changed the subject. "Am I correct in saying that your wives do, too?"

"Karone is my sister," Andros glowered.

"And Cassie and Ashley have been best friends since high school," TJ elbowed the other man again.

"Same with Jase and me," Tommy nodded. "Kat and Trini met through us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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