Chapter 21: After Island Exam

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Miura Yumiko POV:

It was currently the last day of the exam and I hadn't made my way out of the forest yet, but it seemed like Ryuen had as I could hear Sudo's loud shouting at Ryuen's taunts for Horikita.

Once I heard the teacher of Class A call out to everyone, I decided to make myself known, dragging all the attention to me.

"Okay, looks like all the classes are here. So, as of now, I declare the special exam over."

"Ah ah ah~ Aren't you forgetting about someone!~"

Immediately everyone turned to me and a few people from the other classes had a surprised face, while the most shocked was my class.


"Hai! Miura desu~"

"What's Miura-san doing here? I thought you retired" Kushida was the first to question, causing others to ask questions as well;

"No way, I thought she retired?"

"Why though?"

"You mean she stayed on the island?"

3 specific people stood up, Katsuragi, Ryuen and Hirata. I also so Ayanokouji in the background and gave him a discreet wink.

"So psycho-bitch, you finally showed up huh?" Ryuen said with his usual crazy grin

"Excellent work, the both of you. We of Class A will earn over 500 S-points." Katsuragi said, thanking us.

But poor Katsuragi, your class was doomed from the first day.

"Hey now. You're about to see something interesting." Ryuen said.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Poor poor Katsuragi~ I truly pity you. Now you'll lose most of your influence in your class as well as your followers."

At my words, Katsuragi was even more confused and narrowed his eyes in suspicion as he looked at the both of us.

"Wait Miura-san! If you weren't retired, then what were you doing?"

My gaze was then drawn to Hirata as he questioned me and everyone in our class looked at me in anticipation as to what my answer is. There were even others from different classes curious as well.

"Well, I was just keeping my promise Hirata. I found out Class B's leader!" I had answered cheerfully as all of Class B had snapped their heads toward our direction.

"C-could you please say that again, Miura-san?" A wild Ichinose has appeared and questioned me.

"Hmm? Your leader? Chihiro Shiranami, right?"

At my words, Ichinose and Kanzaki, who was right behind her, stilled at my words and eyes wide with surprise, shock and a little fear.

"W-what d-do you mea--" I cut her off as she tried to deny it.

"Please Ichinose, the exams over. There's no point in denying it." I stated the obvious.

As we were speaking, a lot of my classmates were happy about the extra 50 points and so was Hirata, but he kept looking between me and the 2 leaders of Class B nervously, not sure how to feel.

"Hey, wasn't both our classes in a cooperative agreement?" Kanzaki butted in, asking with his eyes narrowed.

"Huh? Was there?~ If you have any proof then..." I put out my hand but all he could do was glare and clench his fist, while Ichinose gave a wryly smile and a nervous laugh as if saying 'You got us.'

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