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The paparazzi had always been something Jesse hated. Out of all the 4☆Town members, the father was one who hid his face and stayed silent when camera men and reporters approached him.

Even Aaron Z., who was notoriously shy, would still wave to them and sometimes give basic responses. The sporty member didn't mind people knowing things about him. But Jesse did mind... he minded quite a bit.

The eldest member valued his privacy. No one needed to know about his personal life. No one needed to know how his kids were doing, no one needed to know what his home was like and no one needed to know anything about his love life.

He was perfectly comfortable telling people about his passions and interests but some things were meant to be private.

And one of those things that were supposed to stay VERY private.. was his sexuality.


"Jesse! Jesse! Your ex girlfriend has alleged that you're actually a homosexual! Would you like to comment on that?!" one of the paparazzi members yelled out.

The man stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes widened a bit and he felt his cheeks redden a bit from embarrassment.

That good for nothing.... she ABANDONED the kids and then tries to out me!? Who does she think she is? Can't believe I ever thought I loved her..

Jesse didn't see who said it, but all the paparazzi members had definitely caught his reaction to the question. They practically swarmed him, the light of all the camera flashes and dozens of journalists yelling at him for answers was nauseating.

After another minute of this torture, security showed up and helped him escape this nightmare.

Can't wait to see this all over the news...

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