He Might Be The One

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Hotdog happily climbed up the steps of Veronica and Archie's house, wagging his tail and panting excitedly. "I'll be back in... a week, maybe? I'm not sure, but Betty should be with me when I get back."

"She better be, I'm tired of being stuck with boys all by myself again," Veronica pouted, and Jughead and Archie both rolled their eyes.

Archie put his hands in his pockets, asking, "Do you need me to do anything with either of your houses?"

"Uh, no. They're both locked up, and I have plastic and shit over the holes and broken windows in the other one. Thanks, though." Archie nodded his head, rocking on his feet. "Okay. I have a long day and night ahead of me, so goodbye. I shall return."

He climbed into his truck and waved to the two of them as he drove away.


Betty hadn't talked to Jughead since the night she opened her dad's letters. He had gotten busy and she had been too worried to call again. But he had texted when he arrived in New Jersey. Now she was wide awake at four in the morning, pacing.

She kept wringing her hands together, terrified and excited to see him again. She couldn't believe she was going to touch him, smell him, see him. It made her heart pound and her head rush. She felt lightheaded from the idea and had to sit down so he wouldn't find her passed out on the floor.

When there were small taps to her window she sprung up, running to see Jughead at the bottom. She pointed to his left and he took a few steps back, furrowing his brows at the fence. But when he looked back up she was gone and he sighed.

He heard a door close softly and he walked down the driveway, smirking when he saw Betty leaning over the railing. "This feels a lot like Romeo and Juliet."

"I'd prefer if this didn't end like that," she said with a scrunch of her nose, leaning farther forward to kiss him quickly. "Come on."

"Do I have to climb this?" he asked and she nodded, stepping back. "I can't just walk through that gate?"

"You could, but it wouldn't really fit the fairytale aspect of this, now would it?"

"You're a sick woman," he whispered, eyeing the railing. "This will hold me?"

"It holds my dad so I don't see why not."

"I'm almost thirty," he grunted as he pulled himself up, swinging his leg over. "I am way too old for this. My back and knees hurt, I can't really bend like that."

"Mm, I can testify against that," she said matter-of-factly, cupping his cheeks when he was fully over and kissing him deeply. He placed a hand on the small of her back and pulled her flush against him, kissing her until they were both out of breath. "I missed you so much."

"Don't make me compete against you on that statement."

She giggled and kissed him again quickly, taking his hand and pulling him into the house. "We have to go back upstairs. Are you tired?"

"Very. But I stopped halfway to sleep for a while."

"In your truck?"

"It has locks," he shrugged, and she gave him a stern look. "I'm alive."

"Well, we're going back to bed because I haven't slept at all tonight."

"I don't even get to have sex with you first?"

"No, because we would fall asleep and that would be embarrassing," she chuckled, pushing open her bedroom door. They both walked inside and she closed the door behind herself, meeting him at the bed. "I'm really happy you're here even if I'm sneaking you in like a teenager."

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